copy/paste the bloody serial

I KNOW there is a trick but Google search not finding it
tried holding control, alt, standing on my head etc!!
give up, entering one digit and letter at a time YET again
so many Betas
so many typos
so much screaming!
I feel y our pain Wendy :)
ctrl +c and ctrl+v
maybe they will work???
I just give up and type (after I find my glasses)
Have you tried drinking heavily?
The ctrl+c then ctrl+v should work. However, there appears to be blank spaces imbedded at the end of the code which will stop it from working properly. I have gotten into the habit of copy + paste into a simple text editor and then recopying the letters (making sure that there is nothing highlighted beyond the last character) with ctrl+c and then use ctrl+v to paste into the Carrara serial number box.
Always find it an amusing exercise when it comes to the various ways of putting in serial numbers. Some companies do some things for security concerns and others do it as an after thought.
One of the first thing one learns in programming is to parse out things like "spaces" from input by the users. Always wonder why this never made its way to inputing a serial number. I mean, it's not rocket science.
yes but you cannot even paste Carrara's serial in!
there IS a way, it has been mentioned on the old forum
holding ctrl, alt, shift or something and another key, maybe, yes I tried v btw, did not work, maybe s did not try that!
and I run as administrator though on Win7 that does not seem nessesary unlike Vista.
I'm thinking that the data is not getting copied to the clipboard.
Try this:
-highlight the serial number by click dragging (make sure there are no spaces)
-switch windows to carrara
-click serial number field
- press ctrl V
That should do it. I find that sometimes ctrl C doesn't seem to get it. Prolly some kind of oversight on my part.
Instead of ctrl-c/ctrl-v, what about right-clicking on the highlighted text and checking if the context menu has copy/paste? I've had success with that in cases where the keyboard shortcuts are a bit problematical.
I just had to do this - again. After collecting the requisite scar tissue on this issue in the past, this is what works for me:
1) Highlight the serial text in the sticky, then do a right click and select "copy". If you do this carefully, you can avoid capturing the infuriating additional space on the end. If you can't seem to capture the serial alone (you keep getting the space) do the copy anyway...
2) In the Carrara nuisance reminder panel, delete the entire old serial number, leaving your cursor in the serial field.
3) On Windows system, do a CTRL-V. (Or you can right click and select "paste"). (Mac users, maybe you can tell us the Mac equivalents.)
4) Click into the end of the field or select the END key. If the dastardly blank character is at the end of the serial number string, delete it.
5) I can't remember the name on the button, I think it might have been "update", click it - voila, your serial should have been accepted.
Hope this helps, it worked for me just now...
I've noted this for awhile.
When you highlight your serial number, do it with your keyboard so you can avoid the extra space. Keep the highlight active
after you select copy. Swtich to the serial number entry and then do a Ctrl-V.
I hope that works for you. It seems Carrara sometimes forgets the clipboard. I didn't notice it the last time I had to input the
serial number but that worked in the past.