3DXTRACT 10th anniversary coming up!

CarlDesmondCarlDesmond Posts: 0
edited September 2013 in Carrara Discussion


Hey all,
I was just talking on the phone with Andrew Turner and he reminded me that back in 2002 (was it then? so long ago... can't remember... any way...) my wife "allowed" me to purchase Carrara for X-mas! I enjoyed it so much and couldn't wait to learn more and more. After reading the manual I couldn't find any tutorials or additional content online, so I decided I had to provide it. I launched 3DXTRACT and I offered $50 (USD) payment for each tutorial submitted and took the time to read, edit, and as it interested me, step through the tutorials. I wrote articles, interviews etc. and I learned a lot from the experience. I enjoyed every issue and interaction to say the least. For those that contributed, thank you so much! It was an awesome time! For those that read and purchased it, thank you even more! For those that never had the chance to be a part of all the typos and improper English... well, you can now re-live the early 2000's all over again by downloading the link above. All the issues are provided and searchable using the PDX file contained within. 500MB in all. Surprisingly, a lot of the tutorials still apply to Carrara 8.5! Some things never change ;)

P.S> I still love my wife, I have had 2 more children since then... and I did upgrade to Carrara 8.5... Still learning as always.


Post edited by Chohole on


  • ChoholeChohole Posts: 33,604
    edited December 1969

    Polls are not allowed, please see bullet point #19 in the DAZ 3D Forum TOS

  • JamyJamy Posts: 192
    edited December 1969

    Thank you for all that, it's a treasure :)

  • TurnerTurner Posts: 116
    edited December 1969


  • evilproducerevilproducer Posts: 9,050
    edited December 1969

    chohole said:
    Polls are not allowed, please see bullet point #19 in the DAZ 3D Forum TOS

    Why is that by the way? If polls aren't allowed, why even have them enabled? The old forums used to have polls and in the Carrara discussion forum at least, they didn't seem to be abused. No idea about the commons though. ;-)

  • ChoholeChohole Posts: 33,604
    edited September 2013

    On the old forum Polls were not enable by default, it was necessary to request that one was added.

    Also the format of polls in this forum software is pretty dire, as you can only have a maximum of 12 options, so not even useful to run a vote for a challenge or anything like that.

    Having the option there by default, which they cannot seem to disable, does mean that it is being abused I am afraid. Which is why a #bullet point was added to the TOS.

    Hopefully all will be well when we do eventually move onto better forum software, because it would be nice to be able to add a poll for voting, as it makes for a fairer vote as no one can see who is voting for which entrant, so people aren't so tempted to vote for a friend rather than the best entry.

    Post edited by Chohole on
  • CarlDesmondCarlDesmond Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    I felt like such a rebel posting that poll ;)

  • ChoholeChohole Posts: 33,604
    edited December 1969


  • nasultaninasultani Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    Thanks for posting the link for 3DXTRACT magazine maybe it is the time to bring the magazine back to life.
    Get all the pro on board and give the Carrara user the training source they need.

  • HeadwaxHeadwax Posts: 9,969
    edited December 1969

    Carl thanks so much for posting that! It is indeed a treasure. I've had many hours of pleasure going through the old tuts and articles, and it's wonderful news about your children. And that you still love your wife ;)

    Another Carrara magazine would be splendid.
    Now you do know about c3de? There hasn't been an issue for a while but maybe you could join forcese.

    Jetbird, or BooksbyDavid might be worth contacting.

    I take it that you know that sadly Brian passed away? From memory I think he did quite a few things with 3dxtract?(Perhaps I am mistaken.)

    Congratulations on acquiring 8.5 and welcome back, and thank you again for sharing all your hard work.

  • wetcircuitwetcircuit Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    Thanks for making these available again!!!

  • edited December 1969

    Carl! haha. Been awhile. I thought something bad happened too you. I'm pleased to see all is well. That was during a Golden Age of Carrara (another one could come of course). Back when I ran vizualds, and I really enjoyed writing those tutorials, editing, and helping out in the community. The community was more relaxed. I keep wanting to get back into it...

  • evilproducerevilproducer Posts: 9,050
    edited December 1969

    Carl! haha. Been awhile. I thought something bad happened too you. I'm pleased to see all is well. That was during a Golden Age of Carrara (another one could come of course). Back when I ran vizualds, and I really enjoyed writing those tutorials, editing, and helping out in the community. The community was more relaxed. I keep wanting to get back into it...

    It's been pretty relaxed lately. Jump on in, the water's fine!

  • DartanbeckDartanbeck Posts: 21,331
    edited December 1969

    Carl! haha. Been awhile. I thought something bad happened too you. I'm pleased to see all is well. That was during a Golden Age of Carrara (another one could come of course). Back when I ran vizualds, and I really enjoyed writing those tutorials, editing, and helping out in the community. The community was more relaxed. I keep wanting to get back into it...
    Yeah... like evilproducer said... aside from my rants of "Oh my... check out what I've figured out!" over nothing new at all (LOL) it's a relaxing cozy environment around here. Welcome home :)
  • DartanbeckDartanbeck Posts: 21,331
    edited December 1969

    Just got to this, Carl. Wow... thank you! Downloading now - and look forward to the read! Thank you!
    You rebel, you! And you even got Andrew Finney to post again! Thanks for that as well!

  • edited December 1969

    Carrara just feels convoluted compared to the alternative packages I use today. I always keep dropping in hoping that some big update will bring Carrara back onto the playing field of the apps I use. It has a deep place in my heart since I started 3D with Raydream, and Infini-D. And I've used Carrara since version 1. I was even a beta tester it's entire life until recentish, when I guess I wasn't active enough so I was removed. Can't be helped since I've never been a content consumer, so the updates just had nothing I could properly test.

    One of the big things I miss is the tight knit group of users (Ringo being one) that used to meet nightly, and have group chats.

  • evilproducerevilproducer Posts: 9,050
    edited December 1969

    Garstor keeps dallying with LW, and we haven't tarred and feathered him yet. Yet. ;-) Heck, Dart, Garstor and I were even able to arrange a meet up in Madison, WI last fall. It wasn't easy though, as the wife gave me some strange looks when I told her I was going to spend the weekend with some guys I met on-line. :lol:

  • DartanbeckDartanbeck Posts: 21,331
    edited December 1969

    Carrara just feels convoluted compared to the alternative packages I use today. I always keep dropping in hoping that some big update will bring Carrara back onto the playing field of the apps I use. It has a deep place in my heart since I started 3D with Raydream, and Infini-D. And I've used Carrara since version 1. I was even a beta tester it's entire life until recentish, when I guess I wasn't active enough so I was removed. Can't be helped since I've never been a content consumer, so the updates just had nothing I could properly test.

    One of the big things I miss is the tight knit group of users (Ringo being one) that used to meet nightly, and have group chats.

    What apps are you using now, and what do you like better, may I ask?
    I have a hard time finding the time to work on my animations - so I rely heavily on using DAZ 3D figures, their clothes and hair, and animals, etc., heck even scene sets, vehicles... you know... I use it like Poser, except with a lot more tools! LOL Lot More!
    So moving away from Carrara seems like I would never have any time to get my animation adventures finished.
  • GarstorGarstor Posts: 1,411
    edited December 1969

    Garstor keeps dallying with LW, and we haven't tarred and feathered him yet. Yet. ;-) Heck, Dart, Garstor and I were even able to arrange a meet up in Madison, WI last fall. It wasn't easy though, as the wife gave me some strange looks when I told her I was going to spend the weekend with some guys I met on-line. :lol:

    I think that poor waitress at Hooter's had a harder time with our claims... :lol:

    So far the tarring and feathering is limited to flaming emails. :)

  • DartanbeckDartanbeck Posts: 21,331
    edited December 1969

    Garstor said:
    Garstor keeps dallying with LW, and we haven't tarred and feathered him yet. Yet. ;-) Heck, Dart, Garstor and I were even able to arrange a meet up in Madison, WI last fall. It wasn't easy though, as the wife gave me some strange looks when I told her I was going to spend the weekend with some guys I met on-line. :lol:

    I think that poor waitress at Hooter's had a harder time with our claims... :lol:

    So far the tarring and feathering is limited to flaming emails. :)Whoa... missed that post, ep...
    'Twas a fun time indeed!
    As we ventured through the capitol building in Madison, hand crafted all of beautifully carved and polished stone, the Gars Man had visions of his Carrara and LightWave interfaces in his head as he thought of how he was going to pull off such an elaborate model!

    I had a really great time, and hope we can do more of this in the future!

    595 x 375 - 217K
    600 x 450 - 33K
    600 x 450 - 32K
    2000 x 1500 - 3M
  • DartanbeckDartanbeck Posts: 21,331
    edited December 1969

    During the visit, I stayed with ep, his wife, and his brother and his wife - during which time, I've discovered that evilproducer is a genius. And he is the producer of his family of actors, filmmakers, and creative minds. Gars Man was busy hanging with a bunch of people whom enjoy nothing more than to poke their noses into other peoples religious business... Like I told ep... poor chap came to Mad Town for all the wrong reasons... he could have (should have) had a much better time! LOL Kidding, Gars Man!

  • GarstorGarstor Posts: 1,411
    edited December 1969

    Gars Man was busy hanging with a bunch of people whom enjoy nothing more than to poke their noses into other peoples religious business... Like I told ep... poor chap came to Mad Town for all the wrong reasons... he could have (should have) had a much better time! LOL Kidding, Gars Man!

    I'll let you get away with it this time; but you know that is not an accurate statement...

    Good photos and even better memories. We'll have to do another meet-up -- I love the idea of getting more Carraraists involved. It should be a convention. Then my tarring and feathering would be inevitable...

  • evilproducerevilproducer Posts: 9,050
    edited March 2014

    Garstor said:
    Gars Man was busy hanging with a bunch of people whom enjoy nothing more than to poke their noses into other peoples religious business... Like I told ep... poor chap came to Mad Town for all the wrong reasons... he could have (should have) had a much better time! LOL Kidding, Gars Man!

    I'll let you get away with it this time; but you know that is not an accurate statement...

    Good photos and even better memories. We'll have to do another meet-up -- I love the idea of getting more Carraraists involved. It should be a convention. Then my tarring and feathering would be inevitable...

    I always forget what a massive and beautiful building that is, despite the jerks who may be working there sometimes.

    Speaking of jerks, I miss you both to. It was great fun to geek out and be able to 3D-speak and have people that actually know what I was talking about, instead of turning glassy eyed and drooling. Well, I did have to put up with the drooling still, but at least there was an excuse. We did go to Hooters after all. ;-)

    Post edited by evilproducer on
  • HeadwaxHeadwax Posts: 9,969
    edited December 1969

    what a bunch of handsome men! I',m surprised those hooter girls even let you off the premises...

    Dart still here, just have a painting show coming up so am in the studio most days
    and I am behind on a zillion other things in real life...
    plus have a few professional things I need to keep tabs on
    plus am learning painter x3
    gee I didn't even get to spend my 6 dollar coupon last month (?) ... ha ha

    lurking, so don't do anything I wouldn't do.....

  • GarstorGarstor Posts: 1,411
    edited December 1969

    Speaking of jerks, I miss you both to. It was great fun to geek out and be able to 3D-speak and have people that actually know what I was talking about, instead of turning glassy eyed and drooling. Well, I did have to put up with the drooling still, but at least there was an excuse. We did go to Hooters after all. ;-)

    Yeah, that one afternoon just wasn't enough time. I'll be back in Madison for sure next year...but I am seriously considering an earlier trip than that -- one just for 3D discussions (and Hooters).

  • GarstorGarstor Posts: 1,411
    edited December 1969

    head wax said:
    what a bunch of handsome men! I',m surprised those hooter girls even let you off the premises...

    Rumour has it that that particular Hooters restaurant has now named a cheeseburger after Dartanbeck.

    The 3 Carraraists: "We met online. We're 3D artists!"

    Buxom Waitress has no answer, but her eyes reply: "SUUUUUURE!!! Yeah, I believe you!"

  • DondecDondec Posts: 243

    Thank you CarlDesmond.  Guess I'm a bit late on the Carrara scene, but I'm enjoying it a great deal.  Indeed a treasure.

       - Don 

  • YamahaTXYamahaTX Posts: 4

    Morph Tutorial

    What Does Anybody Know About Setting Uo Morph Injections Like Phil Wilkes Tutorial.

    DIM Will Not Operate - So please Help-out.



  • StezzaStezza Posts: 8,006

    it's funny how  you develop a mental picture of what someone looks like online..

    I always imagined EP as being over 6' tall... reddish skin with horns and a tail... go figure... devil

  • wgdjohnwgdjohn Posts: 2,634

    EP is well over 6'... Garstor and Dartanbeck are standing on chairs. :)

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