Is there a way to natively export an Obj Sequence from Daz Studio?

I'd like to export an animation not as fbx, but as an obj sequence from Daz Studio. Is that possible, I haven't found an answer on the forums or google or by scratching my own head clockwise, or counterclockwise or from going on long walks on long piers.
I've had luck with Mixamo using a default model, had it auto bone it, and apply animations, but I want some expressions on the face that I can't get from Mixamo.
For now, I'm rendering in Cinema 4D and Octane or Arnold¹, and the fbx, isn't properly attaching the skin all the time*. I assume I unclicked or clicked a setting that I shouldn't have², and then again, I saw and then forgot how to "rebind" the skeleton to the mesh, in a tutorial I saw...I have to refind that³. It may be that simple...and then I can just export like I have and have the fbx retain the animation, materials and I'm happy.
Right now, I'm uncertain.
So if anyone knows how to:
- Export an obj sequence from Daz Studio natively, or;
- Knows of a third party script that does so, or;
- Knows how to fix the skinning not being bound to the skeleton upon export to Cinema 4D (I think by reseting the binding parameter, idk, forgetting things is new to me);
I need to get passed my current level of skill as demonstrated by this (I'm two months in, back from 2 years away):
Thank you guys for any help you share!
¹After I learned iRay is NOT being supported anymore by nVidia...I assume their machine learning division makes so much money, they just don't care anymore? I'm sad about this but am praying for access to one of their 2 Peta Flop GPUs).
³Not in my watch history, nuts!
*Attached photo

Probably too late to be of any use to you, but I just wrote a script to do this. Maybe somebody else who needs it will find this thread someday.
This script will export a sequence of OBJ files, one for each frame in the timeline (actually for each frame in the play range).
When you run it, it opens the exporter dialog and lets you configure the settings. Then it opens a file browser and asks for a save filename. The name you give won't actually be used; the actual filename used will have the frame number appended, so if you say "myfile.obj" it will write "myfile_0.obj", "myfile_1.obj", "myfile_2.obj" etc.
I didn't want to create a custom dialog, so it just uses the play range of the timeline to determine which frames to export.
I've only used it a little, so there may be bugs.
HI! All right. Thanks!
Hi everyone, I have been looking for a native obj exporter and this is the only useful post I came across.
Unfotunatelly the file proveded by sean2_7606d08833 does not work for me. After activating it in Daz Studio, it seems to start, but then nothing happens, no output of any files.
I am still desperately looking for a way to directly export obj sequences from Daz Studio.
The Daz support team couldn't help, as they can only forward a "feature request" to the developers without any guarantee that it will every be considered.
Anyone who has the skills to somehow program this, please get in touch with me. I am also willing to pay to find a working solution.
Thank you!
Sorry for resurrecting a dead thread @sean2_7606d08833, I love your script but the selected folder path does not seem to resolve (all files placed at the drive root). I'm not familiar with DAZ's script language, any idea on a fix for this?
I recently updated Sagan to do this.
Any update to this, I tried the script and it doesn't seem to work.
I managed to fix the script. Its not perfect but it does the job for me atleast.
Sagan does obj sequences too
oh bloody forum hiding new posts again
different thread
Sorry to bring up again this old thread, but I need something like this, a script to export an OBJ sequence.
The codes here seems to not work, someone knows a similar system or a fix for the codes here?