Using a OBJ Morph

I managed to find the Luke Skywalker for M4 morph I was looking for, but I cannot get it to work under Daz Studio 4.
The readme says
"unzip folder to morhps folder or anywhere.load m4 click on head goto objects click on load morph target find luke-head-morph done.the dial needs tobe turned to 1000 to show morph.the eyes may need tobe adjusted,get the m4 unhide dials script to get eyes right."
I've loaded M4 and all his morphs via the PowerLoader. I've select M4's head, gone to
edit ->figure->Morphloader Pro
and chosen the unzipped .obj file, clicked ok and Daz3D says
"Created luke-head-morph successfully"
However no new morph seems to appear, and the figure remains unchanged. I've even tried Morphloader Advanced and the edit->object->Morphloader Pro as well to no avail
Umm... help?
I have a suspicion that you are trying to use a morph that was spawned in poser, and as such will probably only be usable in Poser.
Do you know the name of the person who made the morph, by any chance, so I can confirm this is the case.
I believe it was someone called WERTS
Then yes it is a Poser only morph, spawned from Poser and only usable in Poser, I am afraid.
Werts morphs are actually no longer available.
Edited by me.
Thank you Chohole, yes those are the inj poses I was remembering as being available.
Yes and those ones by Marieah are the only ones that are now legally available, because the others were all withdrawn from distribution.
I am having the same problem with morphloader in daz 4,except that I am trying to load a head morph i created with faceshop 6ez. It tells me it is successfully loaded but it makes no difference to the model intended's head.