Fashion Studio Rebuild - Free Update

Hi Everyone,

Fashion Studio has just been given another major update. The update is free to anyone who has already purchased it.

Fashion Studio

With an SKU of 32, Fashion Studio is possibly the oldest product in the DAZ store. It also has a certain nostalgia for me. It was the first product I submitted to DAZ in June 2001, and it was called 'Cyber Studio' - a collection of simple photographic studio props. After the release of DAZ Studio in 2005, I rebuilt it completely, adding new figures, props and lighting. The introduction of Iray to DAZ Studio has now given me the opportunity to improve it even more, and add a degree of realism that wasn't possible until now.

All geometry completely rebuilt
Added new figures & props
Dedicated Camera - A DAZ Studio camera parented to the Digital Camera prop allows you to view the subject, and frame/zoom in or out.
Includes 9 ready-to-render photographic lighting setups
Full Iray version added
3Delight & Poser versions updated
12-page .PDF Help File



1667 x 1000 - 309K
1667 x 1000 - 285K
1667 x 1000 - 277K
1667 x 1000 - 192K


  • James_HJames_H Posts: 1,046

    Wow, brilliant. Haven't used it in a while, but I will now have a play.

  • macleanmaclean Posts: 2,438

    You should definitely read the Help File (There's a thumbnail/link to it in the DS content folder). You'll find it quite a bit different to the old version, and Help explains all you need to know.

  • frankrblowfrankrblow Posts: 2,052

    Thanks for the update smiley Your products are versatile and always useful. yes

  • nicsttnicstt Posts: 11,715


    I'd buy it for the sku number alone, but the updates make it very useful.

  • Are we going to see more updates to some of your earlier sets? My favourite is Bar Italia.

  • MarcCCTxMarcCCTx Posts: 926

    Thank you.


  • Sfariah DSfariah D Posts: 26,565

    Way cool!  Apparently I already got it which is cooler.

  • vwranglervwrangler Posts: 4,903

    I think I might have picked this up right after the first update to Fashion Studio from Cyber Studio. Used it for a few different images. Delighted to see this update; it'll be interesting to use it again.

  • NathNath Posts: 2,856

    Wow, I bought this in 2007...

    Thank you for the update!

  • What an amazing update! I've used this product for dozens of renders since I bought it back in 2014. Thanks very much.

    If you ever get the urge to do another update, may I suggest your "Interiors The Classroom" would make a good subject? I've always preferred your classroom to other products because of the all the extra details you included. It really adds to the lived-in look of the environment and yet it's still comparatively quick to render.

    I've done some updating of the set for my own use with a few Iray materials and adding a dummy corridor outside the door, but of course it would be so much better if it was done by the master himself. wink

  • macleanmaclean Posts: 2,438

    Glad everyone's happy with the update.

    The Classroom may get an update at some point, but I have no idea when. My policy is to try and keep all my products usable with current technology, wherever possible, but I have to balance that with making new products and choosing which packs are most in need of an update.

  • ArtiniArtini Posts: 9,723

    Thanks a lot for the update. I also have not used it for a while, but will play with this new update.


  • macleanmaclean Posts: 2,438
    maclean said:

    Glad everyone's happy with the update.

    The Classroom may get an update at some point, but I have no idea when. My policy is to try and keep all my products usable with current technology, wherever possible, but I have to balance that with making new products and choosing which packs are most in need of an update.


    Just an FYI. The Classroom has been updated is now available. This is a free update to anyone who already owns it.

    (I was looking at the next pack to update and remembered you had mentioned it, so thanks for that!)

  • James_HJames_H Posts: 1,046

    Brilliant, thanks so much. Really appreciate you are doing this.

  • maclean said:
    maclean said:

    Glad everyone's happy with the update.

    The Classroom may get an update at some point, but I have no idea when. My policy is to try and keep all my products usable with current technology, wherever possible, but I have to balance that with making new products and choosing which packs are most in need of an update.


    Just an FYI. The Classroom has been updated is now available. This is a free update to anyone who already owns it.

    (I was looking at the next pack to update and remembered you had mentioned it, so thanks for that!)

    Bar Italia? smiley

  • macleanmaclean Posts: 2,438
    maclean said:
    maclean said:

    Glad everyone's happy with the update.

    The Classroom may get an update at some point, but I have no idea when. My policy is to try and keep all my products usable with current technology, wherever possible, but I have to balance that with making new products and choosing which packs are most in need of an update.


    Just an FYI. The Classroom has been updated is now available. This is a free update to anyone who already owns it.

    (I was looking at the next pack to update and remembered you had mentioned it, so thanks for that!)

    Bar Italia? smiley

    Ha! Now that's a question I definitely can't answer. One reason is that there are 3 packs in the series, and I'd have to do them all. On an average of a month per update (optimistic), we're talking 3 months. (Bear in mind there's rebuilding all the geometry, re-doing all the textures, making a new Iray version, and updating both the 3DL and Poser versions. Not to mention packaging and new promos).

    The other reason is that I have quite a few others I'd prefer to tackle first. I can justify taking a month out to do an update, when it's done alongside a new product that will bring in some money.

  • 3Diva3Diva Posts: 11,749
    maclean said:
    maclean said:
    maclean said:

    Glad everyone's happy with the update.

    The Classroom may get an update at some point, but I have no idea when. My policy is to try and keep all my products usable with current technology, wherever possible, but I have to balance that with making new products and choosing which packs are most in need of an update.


    Just an FYI. The Classroom has been updated is now available. This is a free update to anyone who already owns it.

    (I was looking at the next pack to update and remembered you had mentioned it, so thanks for that!)

    Bar Italia? smiley

    Ha! Now that's a question I definitely can't answer. One reason is that there are 3 packs in the series, and I'd have to do them all. On an average of a month per update (optimistic), we're talking 3 months. (Bear in mind there's rebuilding all the geometry, re-doing all the textures, making a new Iray version, and updating both the 3DL and Poser versions. Not to mention packaging and new promos).

    The other reason is that I have quite a few others I'd prefer to tackle first. I can justify taking a month out to do an update, when it's done alongside a new product that will bring in some money.

    Since it takes a month to do it, you should definitely charge for it, imo. If you just redo the textures you can release it as an "Iray Addon" - Jack Tomalin does that for a lot of his older products. If you redo the geometry AND textures you can release it as a new product and name it like "Bar Italia Iray" - LaurieS does that for some of her older products as well, such as her Mage Tower Iray.

    No one should expect you to work a month for free, you should definitely charge for the upgrades. :)

  • macleanmaclean Posts: 2,438

    I don't charge previous purchasers for the upgrade, but I do increase the product price to compensate for the extra work. So anyone who already bought it, doesn't pay, but new customers pay more for an updated pack with extra content.

  • PetercatPetercat Posts: 2,321

    Maclean, do you still have the older film camera props that came with the original Fashion Studio?
    Since I installed the updated version, I can't find them.
    I still use film in real life, 35mm and 120.

  • macleanmaclean Posts: 2,438

    The update doesn't overwrite them, so they'll still be in the old folder - content/Maclean/Fashion Studio/Models.

  • PetercatPetercat Posts: 2,321
    maclean said:

    The update doesn't overwrite them, so they'll still be in the old folder - content/Maclean/Fashion Studio/Models.

    I can't find them anywhere. Can you tell me the file names so I can do a computer search?

  • macleanmaclean Posts: 2,438

    I actually have them in 2 locations, probably because I installed FS twice. For obscure reasons, I have FS in DS2 & DS3, however, the file names are the same in both.

    They start with the prefix 5-2. Like this

    5-21 camera set / 5-22 camera body / 5-23 motor drive / etc

    There's also this one - 07 case full - which is the camera case, plus all the camera parts.

    All of these should be in content/Maclean/Fashion Studio.

    There's also a Poser installer, but I'm sure you'd have used the DS version.

  • PetercatPetercat Posts: 2,321

    I searched my computer, and found the files in "runtime-libraries-props-fashion studio props" but Studio gives me the "cannot find files" message when I try to open them. The only thing that comes up in a search for 5-22 camera body, in fact, is "FashionStudioDSLIST"

    Can you send me the old files so that I can re-install them?

  • FrinkkyFrinkky Posts: 388

    As a first time purchaser of your stuff, this is such a versatile set - saved me a bunch of time having to create my own. 

    Looking at your back catalogue, somethings that would be useful are Suburban House, Interiors Town Hall and Interiors The Playschool, if you're looking for suggestions what to upgrade next ;)

  • macleanmaclean Posts: 2,438

    Thanks, Frinky. Glad you like it!

    I'm slowly working through the updates to older products, and the order is (more or less) popularity - ie. bigger sellers first. But for example, right now, I'm doing one which is sort of compatible with a new product I'm making, even though it's not one of my best sellers.

    But it also depends on my mood, so I can't guarantee anything - just that I'll get there in the end. LOL.

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