exported the scene for a single-frame-render using mcjTeleBlender
as you can see the exporter/importer system created a material suitable for Blender-Cycles renders
since Daz Studio's OBJ exporter did not make any effort to preserve the vertex count and the vertex order
we can not apply the MDD to the dress - Blender displays an error message
we delete the dress that came from Daz Studio ( but this did not delete the materials !!!
we import Md3_output_frame0.obj using Blender's importer
it's very important to activate the "vertex order" option during the import
we apply the blender-cycles-dress material to Md3_output_frame0.obj
we apply the "mesh cache" modifier to the dress, we specify we will use Md3_output.mdd
and we now can render the whole animation using Blender Cycles
i wrote a Windows-PC-exe OBJ-sequence-to-MDD converter
as you know, mcjTeleBlender and other programs, can export animations as a sequence of obj files
once converted to MDD format,
in blender, you can import only the first frame's OBJ file
the whole scene is one big mesh
then you load the mdd file ( as a mesh cache modifier )
which is a bit like 1 morph channel per animation frame added to the big mesh
and there you have it an animated scene, which can be rendered
it's not "rigged" so you cant change the Figure poses, but you can add objects and lights and cameras, tweak the materials etc
so, very soon i'll publish the free PC-Windows Obj-to-Mdd utility
and i'll share my C source code which is only 160 lines long for now
in the example below the figure is a low poly Aiko3-like figure
so it works quite well
but for figures like Victoria 4, or the real Aiko3 or Genesis etc .... the data load on Blender will be quite severe
( 100K data points per frame )
TeleBlender does not export "Specular Strength" image map.
would you fix it? please~
Thank you again.. I love mcjTeleBlender.
maybe if you place that map on the Specular color channel you'll get the desired effect
it was set up like that in TB2 because the Daz Studio obj/mtl exporter exports only the Specular
Color map. The .obj format doesn't support specular strength maps
since TeleBlender3 can export maps separately ... yes soon i may export them too
TeleBlender does not export "Specular Strength" image map.
would you fix it? please~
Thank you again.. I love mcjTeleBlender.
maybe if you place that map on the Specular color channel you'll get the desired effect
it was set up like that in TB2 because the Daz Studio obj/mtl exporter exports only the Specular
Color map. The .obj format doesn't support specular strength maps
since TeleBlender3 can export maps separately ... yes soon i may export them too
Fig 2 - the areaLight plane object's Ray Visibility was set to not cast shadows
then a sun light with power 3.33 and size 0.3 was positioned to cast light perpendicular to her chest
I deleted all lights and added a distant light => same trouble.
Save and restart Daz Studio (tried with both 'stable' and beta) using the file with the new light => same trouble
for standard daz studio lights it should work
as long as you updated the mcjBlendBot files in the Blender/scripts/modules folder for the current version of Blender you are using
also there's 2 checkboxes in TB3's "auxiliary" Tab
the normal maps applied to the surfaces with the Default Daz material do work
next i'll see if it's the case when the normal map is part of a ''shader''
Fig 3 - the Normal maps for Shader materials like AoA's SSS shader will be exported to Blender and used by blender
as long as the shader uses the property name "Normal Map"
....... in teleblender 3 beta 3.02 posted veryverysoon
Teleblender 3.02 Beta and mcjBlendBot were updated
there's now an option to export all cameras
but i have to fix something i forgot about : apparently, when exporting into an existing Blender scene, the default camera setting doesn't seem to be acknowledged by blender )
and better support for Shaders with 'Normal Maps' as long as that shader uses the very specific name "Normal Map"
In daz studio with as shader the "Daz Studio default", I have a normal map image in the surface of an object and no normal map in blender.
I have the same result with both TB2 Legacy Mats and new one.
Also why the camera focal change (50 mm in daz => 45.71 mm in blender) ? I got that before and after mcjBlendBot update.
about the focal lengths - in Daz Studio the focal length is relative to the vertical aperture of the camera for a backplate 35 mm tall
in Blender the focal length is relative to the horizontal apperture of the camera for a backplate 32mm wide
in your case apparently you were using a square screen ratio, so 50 mm * 32mm/35mm = 45.71mm
using the way mcjTeleBlender computes it, so far i always had almost-pixel-perfect results
it's important to use the default Export scale of 1% in teleblender's "Aux Settings" tab
for the normal maps - see Figure 2 - the material editor is where you can see if the normal map was imported
you can then check if the specific image is the problem, maybe its the normal strength that is too low
Note that in TeleBlender's Aux Settings tab, there is a setting called "Normal Maps Strength" the default value is 0.5
For now i dont think ( not sure ) if TeleBlender uses it, but in the next version it will
if you exit blender and re-launch it using the .bat file created by mcjTeleBlender ( in the same folder where your .obj files are written to ) , you will have access to the Blender Console, and in it you can see messages that are displayed during the import process - if you see an Error message, please tell me what is written
coming up in the next minutes - i fixed the renders for TB3 & Glossy Mix renders
( thanks JerryCrow )
but i still have to fix the issue where you have a pre-existing scene with non-glossy-mix materials
and you are importing a daz scene with glossy-mix materials
( normally mcjBlendBot is supposed to leave pre-existing materials alone ! )
oh i also see TeleBlender and BlendBot should not attempt to tweak materials in Blender that are not even exported from DS because they are invisible in the Daz Scene
i added a bOld property to all objects, so "old" objects in the initial .blend scene are tagged as old
and disregarded when processing the objects imported from Daz Studio
mcjTeleBlender now saves the Normal Map Strength value on exit
mcjTeleBlender now doesn't attempt to get mcjBlendBot to fix objects and materials
that are not actually exported from Daz Studio
Both your mcjBlendBot and the mcjTeleBlender script need this update
Thanks to everyone for pointing the things that need fixin' like that coffee machine in the little café just around the bend
I reinstalled my blender then your scripts to be sure I didn't broke something.
Sorry but I still got the trouble see the screen-shots below
And the normal map image (V4C_MAT_RIBBED_NML.jpg) is not copied in the \Maps subfolder of the script export
thanks for posting the screen copy, looks like it;s the bump map that's causing the problem
i should be able to correct the problem !
it's normal that the normal map is not collected in the maps folder
because map collection is handled by Daz Studio's obj/mtl exporter
so until i post the fixed code for the bump map
if you remove the bump map from that material
you should be able to see the normal map and avoid the error
example 2,
i loaded Md3_output_frame0.obj in daz studio
applied a texture
added a light
exported the scene for a single-frame-render using mcjTeleBlender
as you can see the exporter/importer system created a material suitable for Blender-Cycles renders
since Daz Studio's OBJ exporter did not make any effort to preserve the vertex count and the vertex order
we can not apply the MDD to the dress - Blender displays an error message
we delete the dress that came from Daz Studio ( but this did not delete the materials !!!
we import Md3_output_frame0.obj using Blender's importer
it's very important to activate the "vertex order" option during the import
we apply the blender-cycles-dress material to Md3_output_frame0.obj
we apply the "mesh cache" modifier to the dress, we specify we will use Md3_output.mdd
and we now can render the whole animation using Blender Cycles
Thank you for quick update..
There is another problem.
TeleBlender does not export "Specular Strength" image map.
would you fix it? please~
Thank you again.. I love mcjTeleBlender.
you know what i did just now ?
i wrote a Windows-PC-exe OBJ-sequence-to-MDD converter
as you know, mcjTeleBlender and other programs, can export animations as a sequence of obj files
once converted to MDD format,
in blender, you can import only the first frame's OBJ file
the whole scene is one big mesh
then you load the mdd file ( as a mesh cache modifier )
which is a bit like 1 morph channel per animation frame added to the big mesh
and there you have it an animated scene, which can be rendered
it's not "rigged" so you cant change the Figure poses, but you can add objects and lights and cameras, tweak the materials etc
so, very soon i'll publish the free PC-Windows Obj-to-Mdd utility
and i'll share my C source code which is only 160 lines long for now
in the example below the figure is a low poly Aiko3-like figure
so it works quite well
but for figures like Victoria 4, or the real Aiko3 or Genesis etc .... the data load on Blender will be quite severe
( 100K data points per frame )
maybe if you place that map on the Specular color channel you'll get the desired effect
it was set up like that in TB2 because the Daz Studio obj/mtl exporter exports only the Specular
Color map. The .obj format doesn't support specular strength maps
since TeleBlender3 can export maps separately ... yes soon i may export them too
maybe if you place that map on the Specular color channel you'll get the desired effect
it was set up like that in TB2 because the Daz Studio obj/mtl exporter exports only the Specular
Color map. The .obj format doesn't support specular strength maps
since TeleBlender3 can export maps separately ... yes soon i may export them too
ok. i got it. Thank you for explain.
Trouble with TeleBlender3.1 beta
I just tried the new beta export with cycles choice and all default values and ... no lights exported.
In that scene I have a distant light and a spot light (both with luxus settings)
Any idea ?
I think but I am not 100% certain, that your issue is Luxus Settings, have you tried with removing the Luxus settings?
So I tried to investigate more:
I removed Luxus parameters => same trouble.
I deleted all lights and added a distant light => same trouble.
Save and restart Daz Studio (tried with both 'stable' and beta) using the file with the new light => same trouble
Worth a try though. I will have to leave this with Casual. Also I just realised I have never had any lights exported in my scenes either but for me that isn't a problem as I mainly use Area and HDRI's. For the Sun I use this http://blenderartists.org/forum/showthread.php?297721-Script-Connect-Sun-with-Cycles-Sky-Texture&p=2617757&viewfull=1 to line up the Sky Texture and Sun
I reinsalled mcjBlendBot and that fixed it... Weird
And no normal map, wasn't that one of the new supported futures ?
Lighting study , just the basic setup
i may improve on it later
outside the window there's a large emissive panel, strength = 1
behind the camera there's a pink spotlight
H.S.V. = 0.999 0.0500.300
Strength 80
there's a 4 m. x 4 m. white plane as the floor
there's a strength 80 sunlight behind the window light panel but i think it doesn't contribute much since it's blocked
the environment light is the beach sphere very weak 0.05 strength
Based on a photo of Jen Selter
http://instagram.com/p/q44p1PGkTX/?modal=true http://www.jenselter.com
Fig 2 - the areaLight plane object's Ray Visibility was set to not cast shadows
then a sun light with power 3.33 and size 0.3 was positioned to cast light perpendicular to her chest
i had them, then i basically re-designed the whole thing and forgot to put them back in
the normal maps will be back today (99% sure about that )
for standard daz studio lights it should work
as long as you updated the mcjBlendBot files in the Blender/scripts/modules folder for the current version of Blender you are using
also there's 2 checkboxes in TB3's "auxiliary" Tab
Why not export all cameras in the DAZ Scene? I think the original mcjTelebelender did that...
i'll add it as an option checkbox,
only the user-created cameras, and the perspective camera, not the orthogonal ones
eventually i could add animated cameras like what mcjExportCamToBlender does http://www.daz3d.com/forums/discussion/17032/
for orbiting cameras, or ... upcoming ... to render obj-sequences converted to MDD format( or directly to Blender's mesh-cache modifier )
i strayed into the world of bra-rchitecture but am re-focusing on TeleBlender 3 ...
expected release in the night
upcoming version
all the cameras will be exported
the camera names will be exported and used in Blender
this will remain compatible with old blendBots
as long as you are using the newer version of mcjBlendBot with mcjTeleblender 3 Beta
the normal maps applied to the surfaces with the Default Daz material do work
next i'll see if it's the case when the normal map is part of a ''shader''
Fig 3 - the Normal maps for Shader materials like AoA's SSS shader will be exported to Blender and used by blender
as long as the shader uses the property name "Normal Map"
....... in teleblender 3 beta 3.02 posted veryverysoon
the other shaders i have dont use normal maps
UPDATE TB3.02 beta UPDATE TB3.02 beta UPDATE TB3.02 beta UPDATE TB3.02 beta UPDATE TB3.02 beta
Teleblender 3.02 Beta and mcjBlendBot were updated
there's now an option to export all cameras
but i have to fix something i forgot about : apparently, when exporting into an existing Blender scene, the default camera setting doesn't seem to be acknowledged by blender )
and better support for Shaders with 'Normal Maps' as long as that shader uses the very specific name "Normal Map"
note that this is TB3's Home > https://sites.google.com/site/mcasualsdazscripts4/mcjteleblender3
Sorry, but I still have issues:
why the camera focal change (50 mm in daz => 45.71 mm in blender) ? I got that before and after mcjBlendBot update.
Thank you update..
but.. there is error.
in mcjMakeCyclesNodes.py
>>> "links.new( mulNode.outputs[0], glossNode.inputs[0] )"
about the focal lengths - in Daz Studio the focal length is relative to the vertical aperture of the camera for a backplate 35 mm tall
in Blender the focal length is relative to the horizontal apperture of the camera for a backplate 32mm wide
in your case apparently you were using a square screen ratio, so 50 mm * 32mm/35mm = 45.71mm
using the way mcjTeleBlender computes it, so far i always had almost-pixel-perfect results
it's important to use the default Export scale of 1% in teleblender's "Aux Settings" tab
for the normal maps - see Figure 2 - the material editor is where you can see if the normal map was imported
you can then check if the specific image is the problem, maybe its the normal strength that is too low
Note that in TeleBlender's Aux Settings tab, there is a setting called "Normal Maps Strength" the default value is 0.5
For now i dont think ( not sure ) if TeleBlender uses it, but in the next version it will
if you exit blender and re-launch it using the .bat file created by mcjTeleBlender ( in the same folder where your .obj files are written to ) , you will have access to the Blender Console, and in it you can see messages that are displayed during the import process - if you see an Error message, please tell me what is written
thanks !
i didnt test the mix node a lot [ insert Sir Mix-a-Lot pun here ]
i see it has serious problem
i'll fix it today
coming up in the next minutes - i fixed the renders for TB3 & Glossy Mix renders
( thanks JerryCrow )
but i still have to fix the issue where you have a pre-existing scene with non-glossy-mix materials
and you are importing a daz scene with glossy-mix materials
( normally mcjBlendBot is supposed to leave pre-existing materials alone ! )
oh i also see TeleBlender and BlendBot should not attempt to tweak materials in Blender that are not even exported from DS because they are invisible in the Daz Scene
Important Update TeleBlender 3.03 Beta and mcjBlendBot
2014 September 15 6:45 PM - Version 3.03 beta -
TeleBlender 3 with GlossMix was repaired
i added a bOld property to all objects, so "old" objects in the initial .blend scene are tagged as old
and disregarded when processing the objects imported from Daz Studio
mcjTeleBlender now saves the Normal Map Strength value on exit
mcjTeleBlender now doesn't attempt to get mcjBlendBot to fix objects and materials
that are not actually exported from Daz Studio
Both your mcjBlendBot and the mcjTeleBlender script need this update
Thanks to everyone for pointing the things that need fixin' like that coffee machine in the little café just around the bend
thanks for posting the screen copy, looks like it;s the bump map that's causing the problem
i should be able to correct the problem !
it's normal that the normal map is not collected in the maps folder
because map collection is handled by Daz Studio's obj/mtl exporter
so until i post the fixed code for the bump map
if you remove the bump map from that material
you should be able to see the normal map and avoid the error
well i was looking for the exact line number where the bump map error occured, did you keep the old image? :)
sure :