Belly Control Morph Set for Genesis. Please Assist.

Hello, I have downloaded This Morph set with the instal manager for 4.6.
I am lost as to how to find and use the files.
I checked everywhere and nothing seams to work for me. Parameter, everything, nothing shows up for me.
Thanks in Advance.
You were close I believe. Parameters as in 1. Pick Male or Female as in 2 and then look for these as in 3.
CLICK Image for Full Size.
This is where I've been looking for and I can't seem to find it. It doesn't show up for me :(
I've I installed it correctly? I don't know. :(
Thanks for you're responses
How did you install?
Never mind I see you used DIM. I did also, is your DAZ Studio set up to SEE the folder DIM installs too? It is not the same folder that DAZ Studio made when it was Installed.
I don't think so seeing as i didn't even know I was supposed to. How do we make this happen?
Go to EDIT menu Pick Preferences, now Pick Content Library then Content Directory Manager. Do a Screen capture of that expanded like this, or a Print screen saved to a Image and post it for me. This is my DIM only DAZ Studio prefs...
I don't know how to take screenshots or what programs to use.
That's okay. When you look in your prefs what does it say in the place mine has the lines that ends with My DAZ 3D Library?
I have a couple of things say DAZ 3DStiudio3/content
Are you using DAZ Studio 3? Or just have a content folder from DAZ Studio 3?
Nope just a folder. I'm using 4.6 pro
Okay did you set DS4.6 to see that as your Path? If so all we need is to ADD the DIM folder and your ready.
i don't think so how do I set it now? where in my computer are the files?
Your DIM path should match mine. It is a Default DIM. I changed nothing. All you need to do is add it UNDER your path in the Prefs you have now just as my image shows. You will have two listed in each is all and that works. I have 5 different sets I use for things.
1st Thank you for your time for getting me this far Jaderail. 2nd if finished editing the directory's Now what?
Re boot Daz your new DIM stuff should show up.
Ok I got a problem when changing directories and booting back up. Daz seems to forget were Genesis is and it loads in box form. When I change directories back, I get Genesis again. I'm really puzzled now and starting to get frustrated :(.
Thanks for your help again :)
You need BOTH listed at the Same time... Like this..
I Think I'm done for now. Thanks for helping me. I changed it to make it look like yours and still nothing :( I'll pop on again soon to get this thing working.
We did try but without seeing I'm sort of lost here.
Np It's very late here where I'm at so that's all if I had longer I would try to get screen shoots. so I'll try again tomorrow.
NP. All good. I'll be here. I live here I think...
Ok I think I have figured out how to take screen shots now. so this is what my content manager window looks like.
My morph sets still dont show up please help.
This is what Your content SHOULD look like and this should get everything loading properly. Please do this. AFTER you set the paths EXIT DAZ Studio and then even do a Clean Re-Boot Then open DAZ Studio. If you still do not have all your content I'm lost beyond this point.
Thank YOU so very much Jaderail. I booted up DAZ today and my morphs are there!!!!!!! here is final screen shot.
Thank You for you're time and effort!!!! XD
More than Welcome, the object is to enjoy playing with 3D not fighting the programs. For 3D some fighting is needed.