Fairy or Butterfly Antena for any figure
Created in Blender. A simple antena for fairies and the like, possibly a tail too. File contains 1 antena with two .duf files. Size 841kb.
Not a smart prop. Figure is unparented and will need manual positioning. Use Pelvis for easier positioning.
First proper attempt at such a thing. Possible it didn't weight map properly. (Use SickleYield's tutorial in another thread to re-weight. I can't seem to make weights stick (except in rl, lol) but this time the bones did, so that's a start.)
Free to use. It'd be cool to see what peeps do with it. Here's a silly preview pic (everything but the antena NOT included, but for sale in the store).
Fairy Antenae Single.duf
Fairy Antenae Single.duf.png
91 x 91 - 656B
Thank you, like these atena much better then some and can always use a tail.
Thank you!
Here's a template for image editing, not sure if UV mapping worked. Hope it does!
Looks nice... But what about usage rights?
It's CC0 or CC3? Any kind of limitations?
Not entirely sure what CC0 or CC3 is, mostly don't plagiarise. Feel free to make textures, but I'd like a copy lol. If it goes into an animation or in an image, it'd be cool to see it.
CC0 and CC3 are abbreviations for Creative Commons Licensing. You can look at them here: https://creativecommons.org/share-your-work/licensing-types-examples/licensing-examples/