Should we start a new Render thread?

Primivol (testing image size)
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Primivol (testing image size)
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So is that a shader on an object then, or some kind of volumetric? Either way, it's a nice abstract.
:-) Thank you! It is a Primivol volumetric cloud.
cool pic :) at least it is not a naked animal!
thr twouble with th erender thread it will be knocked off the front page as other threads come,
ie I posted a reply on one of 3dlusts threads on page 3? a few minutes ago
that thread is still on page 3 ....
no one sees the new replies unless they are subscribed to them\
it's a good idea, it saves people having to spend time on the forum because they don't see new posts ......
and it must be saving Daz money on bandwidth
or something .... ;)
maybe they will spend the saved money on a Carrara 8 manual :)
I started a new "Post your renders" thread last month, and indeed as Andrew has mentioned, it has been pushed from the front page. I'm hoping that it will bump to the top when DAZ staff gets the sorting order fixed.
You can find it here:
Why not post your renders at Carrara Cafe -there is a spot for them and they will not be lost in the fog of threads
That's really neat, Holly.
OK, Holly, I'm curious. Is that straight our of Carrara or did you do any postwork?
No postwork. Straight out of Carrara. :-)
Or straight out of Primivol, I should say. There is nothing else in the scene except the camera.
Impressive. I tried Primivol once a while back and, at the time, I wasn't impressed. Turns out lack of knowledge was my problem. This little plugin is going on my 'need to buy' list very soon.
Thanks for sharing.
I don't have much to post lately, due to extreme real world commitments.
I recently remembered a figure morph based on M. Monroe and have been trying in vain to get a decent likeness out of it. Most of my problem lies in the hair. I want to use dynamic hair and since I'm no stylist it's been a real PITA. Here's my latest attempt.
I didn't use GI, but I did use caustics as I was curious to see what it would do with the custom shader on the dress. I rendered with an alpha channel and a depth pass and composited in Photoshop, where I also added a DOF using the depth pass.
love the back lighting, just gives it 'punch'
Since you've got an alpha, you could duplicate the figure and place the duplicate under the original. Add a gaussian blur of about 15 to the duplicate, then select the top image and set its transparency to anything from about 70% to 85ish%. This will soften the image and give the edges a bloom effect (I think that's the right term). That effect would go great with the back light.
Just a suggestion. Nice character, but can she sing 'Happy Birthday'?
There's a subtle bloom which shows up better in the original resolution. I didn't want to get too outrageous.
Thanks! I actually used two spots set at around 125%. One to the rear and left and the other to the rear and right.
The hair looks a bit too '80s girl band to me. I'm still trying to get the M. Monroe bangs and the side curls. I never thought I'd hear myself talking about hair styling?!? I think I need to go to a Monster truck rally and refresh my testosterone levels!
we;ll she certainly has that come hither look :) no need to apologise about hair - I actually did mine yesterday and I noticed that less people were staring at me at the food hand out line.... but seriously, the hair has more of a blocky look than the rest of the render. I wonder if it's just the transmaps playing up with the lighting perhaps? Might be worthwhile rendering the hair separately under different lighting??? who knows. It's definietly monroe hair I think. I'd recognise her anywhere! Even at a truck driver's convention. :)
did you all start a new render thread - not to much to look at yet
we're rendering ;)
Some of us are slower than the rest.
My, that little fellow doesn't look too happy at all.
Moving house can be a traumatic experience, ..and worse if you're carrying it :)
Hopefully it'll be worth it.
Look like he's just seen the new neighbor, and she must be gorgeous! Makes all the work of moving seem worth it.:lol:
Quite a few images in the "official" render thread :-P
Thanks for the comments. The hair is dynamic hair, so no transmaps. I think the issue I'm having is the clump setting in the hair shader. The problem is that the hair preview in the shader room sucks and I have to keep getting out and doing test renders, which makes me impatient and I start flipping back and forth between rooms too fast, and cause Carrara to go into zombie mode.
heh, you sound like me.. I think oh I'll just better save my car file, oh in a minute I'll just click this butto..... %^&$%$#$@^^&&&!!!!!! :)