Content Won't Load from Content Library

I'm sure this is a total newbie question, but I couldn't find an answer via keyword search.
I am wondering why some content won't load into my scene when I double click their icon in the Content Library listing. Should all files load? How can you tell if they won't work as opposed to clicking? What's the rule of thumb?
Also, what is the difference between the content labeled "Material", "Actor", and no label at all?
Thanks! :)
Post edited by myregistration on
Possibly you are mistaking material content that is supposed to change the appearance (colors, etc.) of an object for the actual object itself. I do this by accident periodically. For example if you have a shirt and three materials for the shirt, you need to load the shirt first, select it, THEN apply the material to it. If you try to just load a material with no object selected, DS doesn't know what to apply the material to.
If it's labeled "Material", then it is a material preset intended to be applied to something. Can't remember exactly what an Actor is and how it differs from other types of figures (Genesis is an actor, for example.)
If it has no label, that means you will need to find another way to identify what it is. You might want to do some research on Poser file types, as you can identify some things, or partially, based on the file type (I'm not the expert to ask though.)
I find that if you install one product at a time so you can see all parts of the product, the folders it is placed in sometimes help to identify what is what if they aren't clearly labeled or identified in the readme. Trial-and-error doesn't hurt either; if you double-click on it and it does nothing, that's probably not the object, and is more likely a material or pose or something, which you can see the effect of if you can locate the object it is designed to be applied to.
Here are some unorganized notes I had pasted into a file for reference, not clean, but perhaps better than nothing:
Poser formats
cr2 - character file. contains rigging information, can contain morphs information, calls OBJ file for geometry, can call image files for textures. Almost always found in the Characters folder in Libraries BUT the extension can be changed and the file put in Props or Hair as well
pz3 - poser scene file. contains anything you put in there, plus lighting info, document setup info, and camera info.
pz2 - pose file. The'basic' pose file contains pose information. Then we've hacked it around a lot to do other things *heh*
pose file with Morph channels - can set morph dials as well. can be annoying if it resets facial expressions or your morphs
MAT pose - a special hacked kind of file that applies no pose information, just texture material information. Will call imagemaps in most cases
MOR pose - contains no pose information, just morph dial settings
SET pose - a pose that only moves the figure to s specific location in the scene. used in combination with complicated building sets
INJ pose - uses millennium 3 model Injection technology to inject morph deltas into a preexisting channel. For mil4 figures it injects the deltas into channels created during the EXP initialization stage
REM pose - removes morph deltas from figure, leaving channel intact
and then thers some odds and sods of 'special' stuff like python script start buttons, joint setting editors, and etc.
lt2 - poser light setting. may call imagemaps for light gels
hr2 - hair props. will call obj and imagemaps
pp2 - Prop file. when created geom is embedded. DAZ and most stores require geom be external. Will call imagemaps and obj
hd2 - hand pose setting
cm2 - camera setting
mc6 - poser 6+ material collection file. applies a set of images and settings to figure. calls imagemaps. Not sure, but I think it's possible to double-click the mc6 file in DAZ Studio and have it call a .dsa file instead.
mt5 - single material setting can be applied to anything. may call imagemaps
Not sure if you're having the same problem I have but when I click on a cr2 file DAZ flashes a popup that says, among other things, building scene but it closes and nothing is loading. To be fair, I moved some of the dsf files to another directory (put Snow owl in the birds directory instead of MDC since I want all my birds in one place). I changed all the references in the cr2 file to point to the new location but DAZ seems to be ignoring it. Any clue what I need to do to redirect DAZ?
I'm not clear what you're trying to do here -- .cr2's don't reference .dsf files.
I'm not clear what you're trying to do here -- .cr2's don't reference .dsf files.
OK. Didn't notice that but you're right but now I am more confused. I checked the cr2 file and it points to the correct geometries obj and it appears to load but noting is shown in the display window even though the snow owl exist in the scene list
And when I click on the dsf option it tries to reference the old file location even though I changed all the refs in the dsf file.
I am guessing the script acts upon the cr2? Not sure how it all interacts. Maybe two different issues but I can't find where the dsf references the old file location when the old file location is not listed in the dsf.
My best use.
If you want to assembly similar stuff, the best use is to wrote in the "TAGS" of the object!
You can give coded names to your stuff;
e.g. for cars where some are preferred,,
You wrote in TAGS - Sport, family, cabrio, jeep" you can use one or more "description"
no need comma (,) space working
Once you want to find all similar "tags" just wrote in "search" up on "content library" and they will be show like a full category
With your mouse just select, "show in" > "mapped folder"
Good use for "poses" where they are some dedicated for "couples"
most of poses use number! Not easy to find with search, the user input description in TAGS is the best way! Just insert in tags what you need to describe your preferred.
Couples, "on bed", "on bath" "on couch" - "walking", "running" - "extreme hot" - "trio"
anything you like,
Just be sure to prepare a list of dedicated key's to give the right description in tags
Figured out the dsa but why the obj doesn't load is still a mystery
Ok. I am obviously a newbie but I don't understand TAGS. Is that an acronym? Or are you talking about metadata because I'd love to tag the files with metadata I just don't know how
Is the .obj file in the Runtime:Geometries folder, or is it in the same folder as the .cr2?
if you use personal tags, for any reason you need to reset the database,
be sure before "RESET" to "EXPORT USER DATA"
in this case after re import metadata you re import user tags'
I try double clicking on a simple vest to load it onto my character and nothing happens. I try dragging it onto the character. Nothing happens. I try to load a basic hair style. Nothing happens. Where's the basic nude skin color I saw in the tutorial? Where's the Actor to Child scaler I saw in the tutorial? I'm kinda thinking this thing blows chunks.
Are you sure the items you are loading are models and not textures? Do you get an error if you double-click with nothing selected in the scene?
when iload the already added scene Builder then show a information ..."Assert must be assigned to the /Default/Scene Builder/Next Steps/Start Scene Builder' catagory to continue " .
Did you install Scene Builder?
Scene Builder is broken in 2 ways in; 1) It uses an older DB API and 2) There are metadata issues related to the way 13176 is packaged. Daz has been working on fixing Scene Builder for 4.9.1.x over the last two nights.