September 2013 NEW USER Contest

JaderailJaderail Posts: 0

September 2013 NEW USER Contest

Sponsored by DAZ3D

Welcome to the monthly NEW Users render contest. Please only Post Final Renders in this Thread. All other posts will be moved to the WIP Thread found HERE.

MOOD LIGHTING, Capture the viewers eye with just the lighting in the image.

This months THEME is open ended. Any render you wish to make is OKAY for this contest, the STAR of this month's contest will be the lighting you use and how well the lighting is used to set the mood in the render. What? you say, here this is what we mean.

Sci-Fi renders- You love to do science fiction, do it. A hologram that lights the render will be awesome or other sc-fi stuff.
Fantasy renders- Is that dragon and wizard having a full on fight? The fire and magic tossed around would look so cool.
Horror renders- Creepy up lit creeps? Spooky just enough light to see the evil coming? That has our attention too.
Everyday renders- City scene in mid afternoon? See those great shadows and fill light to soften the dark places, that's great.
Love Scene renders- candle lit dinner for two? Man, I need to do one of those, I love low lighting and great expressions.
Other renders- yes anything you can dream up as long as the lighting is used to MAKE the render speak to the viewer.

For help this month we offer a Quick link to all the old WIP threads from the past. Here is the Master List, you will find help on lighting, posing and other useful render tips in many of the older contests. They are one of the best places for new users to start if you ask me. Not that you did...

The WIP Thread for this Month can be found HERE.

For a list of the current contest rules, please see this thread: New User Contest Rules

Contest Close Date September 30, 2013

For those veterans of the forums that would like to help, because this contest is designed for the beginner to learn from, we will be randomly selecting posts offering helpful tips and/or critiques to receive a special voucher as well so whether you are a seasoned artist or an aspiring one, there is fun for everyone!

Post edited by Jaderail on


  • SnowPheonixSnowPheonix Posts: 896
    edited September 2013

    Jaderail said:
    September 2013 NEW USER Contest

    MOOD LIGHTING, Capture the viewers eye with just the lighting in the image.

    This months THEME is open ended. Any render you wish to make is OKAY for this contest, the STAR of this month's contest will be the lighting you use and how well the lighting is used to set the mood in the render. What? you say, here this is what we mean.

    Lighting is a hard one to determine since pictures tend to look much different on the screen. Personally, I think light is always the star of our renders but that walks side by side with materials. I call this one Roxanne.
    800 x 561 - 15K
    Post edited by SnowPheonix on
  • edited September 2013

    Hi all!

    Technically I'm not a 'new' user - I've bought from the DAZ shop for a number of years, always with the best intentions of making art, but never having any time or patience. It's only in the last 3 months I have more than dabbled with DAZ, and tried to understand the most important thing of all - lighting.

    This piece is called "Is it Safe Yet?" (and yes, I spelt Boudoir incorrectly)

    Software used? All DAZ models and lighting, except the lens flare and foreground dust, both of which I composited in After Effects. I also used After Effects to give it an overall colour (I'm from Australia) grade.

    Hope you like!


    PS - Man, 800*600 is way too small - Mods, can I get away with posting a slightly larger image like the one above?

    800 x 450 - 306K
    Post edited by raoclery_0088465e85 on
  • SnowPheonixSnowPheonix Posts: 896
    edited September 2013

    Personally, I love angels. So if we can make them come to life for other people, I think that inspires them in some way. To me, they should be almost glowing. This render was made purely with DAZ3d.

    800 x 571 - 33K
    Post edited by SnowPheonix on
  • JaderailJaderail Posts: 0
    edited September 2013

    REMINDER to ALL the Rules must be followed for your render to count in the Contest. 800x800 or 600x800 or 800x600 is the maximum size allowed for the contest. All renders not following the rules will not be considered in the voting.

    PLEASE DO NOT REPLY to this in this Thread. THIS thread is for FINISHED Renders ONLY.

    Post edited by Jaderail on
  • DTAikoDTAiko Posts: 20
    edited December 1969

    Hi @ all :)

    I am looking forward to take part in the contest.

    here is my image:

    It was create with DAZ Studio 4.6. The light was create with a UberE2 and a sun (distant light) plus 2 spotlights for better god ray effect between the ruins. for the special effects i have use the "Atmospheric Effects Cameras" from Age of Armor.

    these two lovers was looking for a secret spot for her date. so they came to these ruins on top of the hill. the image has the name "Love"
    (I know, i know I'm not good pick in the title ^^' )

    good luck @ all ;)

    800 x 524 - 567K
  • OnieOnie Posts: 20
    edited September 2013

    Hello everyone,
    Title: Too late...She is a drone.

    Post edited by Onie on
  • Mcjam24Mcjam24 Posts: 115
    edited December 1969

    Here is my entry I'm calling Never Gone created in Daz Studio 4.6 using 3 spotlights and the pwGhost shader.

    800 x 800 - 262K
  • selias19selias19 Posts: 253
    edited December 1969

    Here is my entry.

    Title: A quiet evening


    800 x 800 - 252K
  • OnieOnie Posts: 20
    edited December 1969

    Hi everybody,
    Here is my entry.
    Title : Too late

    800 x 600 - 890K
  • edited December 1969

    andrea and the cell
    photo-realistic (DV frame)
    (1331x786px original)
    1. sub-dragon = "GonDra"
    GonDra uses hi-res sub-dragon model, materials/morphs for its body, skin, eyes and claws.
    2. Genesis (man) = "Dr. Naea"
    Dr. Naea uses hi-res model, V-to-M v.3 materials/morphs for the figure, and body, Genesis hair,
    sash, and pants.
    3. Genesis (woman) = "andrea"
    andrea is created from Genesis hi-res body, hair, skin, eyes, with their materials/morphs.
    1. dark red hi-res ambient sphere
    24 DAZ dark red ambient spotlights in the sphere. All thr corners of the frame space are filled.
    2. light grey/white hi-res softbox (with shadows)
    The softbox has 48 DAZ spotlights arranged in a large transparent illumination box. Placed in
    the center of the scene, and moved slightly to the left and above the head of the Dr. figure, many light
    rays and shadows are raytraced and sent out all over the scene.
    total lights: 72

    999 x 646 - 2M
  • TobiasGTobiasG Posts: 447
    edited December 1969

    "Hide and Seek"
    They say the Toxic Zones aren't really devoid of life, but that life there is twisted, and hungry...

    Done in DazStudio 4.6, no post work.

    600 x 800 - 239K
  • spmwcspmwc Posts: 124
    edited September 2013

    I call this "She Comes With The Night."

    Rendered in 3Delight using Daz3D 4.6

    800 x 518 - 252K
    Post edited by spmwc on
  • TobiasGTobiasG Posts: 447
    edited December 1969

    "The Disciple"

    Rendered in DazStudio 4.6, minor postwork (smoke effect) added in Photoshop.

    800 x 600 - 122K
  • hawkonthewinghawkonthewing Posts: 136
    edited December 1969

    Title: Exploring the Cave

    DS 4.6 Pro, no postwork

    800 x 640 - 123K
  • carioca91carioca91 Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    Shot though a west park high window, with the moon shining though another.

    Two survivors in a Zombie Apocalypse.

    448 x 369 - 38K
  • VIArtsVIArts Posts: 1,517
    edited September 2013

    Title: Fear
    Rendered in Carrara 8.5 Pro
    No postwork

    640 x 480 - 362K
    Post edited by VIArts on
  • mori_mannmori_mann Posts: 1,152
    edited September 2013

    Added a touch of DOF and decided to leave it at this. Fiddling with it is nog going to improve it in my own humble (and misinformed) opinion.

    DAZ 4.6, no postwork.

    Lighting is 1 UE, low intensity (30% I think), a blue distant light (around 40% I believe) to mimic a bright full moon shining in through the windows and a bright yellow/orange linear pointlight that pretends to be a torch in the background (causing a bit of a halo around the character's head).

    Character is Dimi the Curious, my insane elf rogue.

    "Contemplating Art Theft"

    (Edit: I plan to toss up a slightly postworked version of this on my DA later today. I believe that is allowed as it was first posted here. If not, well, I guess I'm going to manage to disqualitfy myself ;))

    800 x 800 - 97K
    Post edited by mori_mann on
  • TeofaTeofa Posts: 823
    edited September 2013

    Title "3 am"

    DAZ 4.6 no post

    606 x 800 - 49K
    Post edited by Teofa on
  • keshkesh Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    Title: The experiment

    Rendered in 3ds max using only 2 omni lights with custom attenuation zones, to achieve the contrast between the character and the ambient.

    800 x 533 - 127K
  • TeofaTeofa Posts: 823
    edited September 2013

    Final Version.

    Title "What IS that thing"

    DAZ 4.6, no postwork.

    751 x 695 - 38K
    Post edited by Teofa on
  • Mcjam24Mcjam24 Posts: 115
    edited December 1969

    Here is a second entry from me titled "A Friendly Chat"
    Created in Daz Studio 4.6 no postwork.

    800 x 600 - 234K
  • Kismet2012Kismet2012 Posts: 4,252
    edited September 2013

    Title: Midnight Snack

    Program: DAZ3D 4.6 Public Beta

    No postwork.

    565 x 800 - 189K
    Post edited by Kismet2012 on
  • SGCBearcubSGCBearcub Posts: 243
    edited September 2013

    Title: The Invitation

    Software: Daz 4.6 Pro

    647 x 656 - 236K
    Post edited by SGCBearcub on
  • selias19selias19 Posts: 253
    edited December 1969

    Here is a second Entry from me.
    It uses only one UberEnvironment2-Light and a Distant Light as Sun, a second distant light to light up the background a bit.

    Title: Roman Street in Sunlight

    Rendered in Daz 4.5, no post work
    Don't ask me what those two in the foreground are looking at. I have no idea. LOL


    800 x 800 - 138K
  • TeofaTeofa Posts: 823
    edited September 2013

    sorry. wrong forum.

    Post edited by Teofa on
  • Kismet2012Kismet2012 Posts: 4,252
    edited December 1969

    Title: Anniversary Dance

    Program: DAZ3D 4.6 Public Beta

    No postwork

    800 x 800 - 267K
  • spmwcspmwc Posts: 124
    edited September 2013

    " The Mausoleum"

    Rendered in DAZ3D 4.6 Pro using 3Delight.

    800 x 518 - 265K
    Post edited by spmwc on
  • DiomedeDiomede Posts: 15,225
    edited December 1969

    Title: Hearth
    Rendered in Carrara, no postwork.

    800 x 600 - 44K
  • Carola OCarola O Posts: 3,823
    edited December 1969

    Daz studio 4.6, postwork consist of adding my name :)


    800 x 565 - 71K
  • SerjSerj Posts: 12
    edited December 1969

    Hi, everybody!
    Here is my entry.
    Title: A la guerre comme à la guerre
    Rendered in DAZ Studio 4.6. No postwork. Used Atmospheric Effects Cameras for volume lightning.

    800 x 600 - 80K
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