Importing zip file trouble! OMG!

Yeah, sometimes I can't tell if there's a software bug or if I'm just dumb.
In this case I figure I'm just dumb, but I probably need help anyhow.
I picked up an article of clothing from Renderosity... the first time I've done that. It's a zip file, and the Readme instructions inside say to unzip over the library file. So I do that. Easy peasy. Specifically I unzipped it into c/users/(my name)/my documents/DAZ/studio/My library.
When I load up Carrara... nothing is there. There is a folder in Carrara for it, but upon clicking it, it's empty. I load up DS... nothing there, either.
If I go through my files in my C drive, I can find where they were unzipped. I can see the textures, I can see the materials, but nothing in Carrara or DS. I checked the product page again, and sure enough, it's for DAZ and Genesis.
So... any suggestions? Up to this point I've used mostly simple exe files from the DAZ store, and this is the first time I've played with zip files for downloading content.
Not so good so far. :)
Most people have an empty folder somewhere for unpacking ZIP files. I have one on my Desktop called 'Temp Install Folder', and I unzip everything to there first, so that I can see where the zip file is going to put everything. I suggest that you try that now, to see what has been installed and what folders it has been put into, not everyone who makes content understands the My Library structure.
Thank you for the suggestion.
I did try that before posting here, but in the process discovered that I also don't understand the My Library structure. :D
Unpacking the zips gives me six folders, none of which I know where exactly to place.
And is it just me, or is the content system not exactly the most intuitive? I mean, I've got a content folder and a data folder, and how are those different from the props folder? Props aren't content? How about the library folder? That's different somehow from people and content and props? Ugh!
You should not have a Content folder inside the My Library folder. My Library is the new name for what used to be the Content folder in previous versions of DS. You should move everything that is in the Content folder up one level so that it sits directly in the My Library folder.
The Data folder has been there in all previous versions of DS, and it is where DS4 stores the mesh and UV information for saved scene files. Do not remove it.
I don't have a Library folder in the My Library folder on my setup. I have no idea what that contains on your system, or where it came from..
There is also a Runtime folder, which is where DS stores all the Poser Format files that are also used inside DS4.
Start by moving everything out of the Content folder into the My library folder. Is this item that you bought listed as being in DAZ Studio format or Poser Format?
Sounds like you might need a tutorial on how a Poser style Runtime is set up. Unfortunately, since they've redone the forums I'm not sure where a good one would be.
I'll give it a go if I can (anybody please feel free to correct my mistakes):
The top of the structure should look like this: runtime --> Geometry, Textures, Library.
The geometry folder will hold the object files and will have sub-folders for each different item or artist you have installed.
The texture folder will have any image maps that the models reference, and again there will be sub-folders for each model and/or artist.
The Library folder is what Poser, D/S or Carrara displays within the program so that you can browse for poses, props, figures etc. It's structure will look something like this: Library --> Figures, Poses, Hair, Lights, Props. There may also be other categories.
The naming of these categories is a little weird or outdated. For instance, Figures will refer to anything that's rigged, such as people or animal models, conforming clothing, conforming hair, vehicles and buildings.
The Pose folder will hold figure poses and also material presets or Mats to change the color of a piece of clothes or changing a skin texture.
The hair folder will (if the artist sets it up) hold non-conforming hair (non-rigged). Usually you can still adjust parameters with morphs.
The Prop folder will hold misc. props. Some will be parented to hands or other objects, some will not.
This is very basic, so your mileage may vary.
Thanks for the replies, guys!
After closer inspection, it looks like the additional My Library folder in the My Library folder contains a lot of folders from this one vendor.
I'm guessing unzipping it into the My Library folder just creates additional layers instead of actually merging them... maybe?
Yes... the product is in DAZ format. I just checked.
So, after unzipping into a folder on my desktop, I end up with these folders:
My Library
Now, assuming I don't have to worry about Documentation, I would place the contents of the My Library folder into My Library under DAZ, right? There's a Runtime folder in this product's My Library folder. Will that automatically find its place in the DAZ Runtime folder, or do I have to break all that up and try to place all of the individual folders, as well?
I'm also stumped about the Maps and RobeTemplate folders, too. There isn't a corresponding folder in the DAZ tree for either of those, so I couldn't begin to guess where they would go.
Thanks again for your help!
Well, thanks again, guys!
Following your help, and some tinkering, I got things placed and working... mostly.
The problem was, I guess, that the readme simply says to unzip in the My Library folder, and that didn't really work as advertised. Once I opened it up, as suggested, and followed your advice, and took the folders to their homes individually, it works like a charm.
Compounding my issues is the fact that it apparently isn't Carrara-friendly. :(
Works fine in DS4, but not in Carrara.
Oh well...
HI ;)
These are usually Mapping guides (templates) which you can use in a 2D painting or image editing application, to create textures for the product.
Can I ask why it doesn't work in Carrara. ? .... is it dynamic cloth for DS ?
Ah.. thanks.
Nothing in the readme specified what those files were, but sure, that makes perfect sense.
The product is listed in Renderosity as an article specifically for the Genesis figure. When I load it up in Carrara, it attempts to load, and then gives me a DSF error, saying the robe cannot be found.
I had assumed it was something to do with the way the files were messed up, but now that it's working perfectly well in DAZ, I'm forced to assume it's a Carrara-Genesis thing.
HI djmulcahy :)
Ah,.. so it's a Genesis item.
then it should be installed into wherever you install your Daz Studio content, ..this is Normally (My Documents / Daz Studio / My Library) and it'll work in Daz Studio4 or 4.5 ...but it'll only work with a Carrara version that supports Genesis, and that's currently the Beta version of C8.5
It's probably best to use the new "Smart content" tab, in the Carrara Browser, to load that item, once you've loaded a Genesis figure into the scene.
Hope that makes sense :)
Oh, sure. :)
I am using 8.5, and the product appears under content, but not under smart content.
The odd thing to me is that it appears perfectly under DS4 now... If it appears in DS4, shouldn't it also show under the smart content tab in Carrara 8.5? I thought they were linked.
Yes. it should, but it may depend on the right meta data being in the database, ..and possibly the format. (Still being worked on) :)