Animation - Which video compression should I pick?

I'm on the 63rd frame of a 90 frame animation that I want to get right. I know this menu will come up. Which option should I pick?

I have read that I should do image sequences, I know that. But I've already started the movie rendering, so I'll have to choose one of these formats. I plan to make it a gif. Thank you for your help!

384 x 378 - 46K


  • You can always grab the image sequence from the Temp folder while DS is asking you which compression to use, as insurance. %AppData%/Daz 3D/Studio4/Temp/render/ (just paste that into the path at the top of a file  explorer window and copy the PNG files to another location). I don't know which compression would be best for saving to, however.

  • PaintboxPaintbox Posts: 1,633

    Not a specialist by any means, but these are all (rather old) default windows codecs. If this is some important work, without a doubt I would go for Full Frames (uncompressed) because it will be without any modification and you can choose the final codec if you start editing it. Do note this will result in a Very Large File, so Richard suggestion might be a good option.

    You can install more codecs in windows which might serve you better, but someone else will have to chip in what is the current best.

    Also depends on your final work. Is this some test? Or is this going to Pixar later? :)

  • nonesuch00nonesuch00 Posts: 18,333

    It tried the Intel ones & they crashed DS. I tried the MS ones & they look EGA aweful quality so try either uncompressed or save your animation as a sequence of images and then use Blender to create your animation using a sequence of images (tutorils for that on YouTube).

  • All of these are great answers, thank you so much! I really appreciate that guidance Rich, and on breaking down your experience with the different ones None. Thank you!

    And for Paint, it was a small file, everything worked out and I have all the stills as well.

  • FishtalesFishtales Posts: 6,162
    edited October 2018

    Anyone looking for Codecs try the K-Lite Codec Pack. I have been using them for a number of years for my videos.

    Post edited by Fishtales on
  • WendyLuvsCatzWendyLuvsCatz Posts: 38,614

    you can also use the free for a social media ie facebook twitter like/share, Hitfim Express

  • Richard Haseltine said:

    You can always grab the image sequence from the Temp folder while DS is asking you which compression to use, as insurance. %AppData%/Daz 3D/Studio4/Temp/render/ (just paste that into the path at the top of a file  explorer window and copy the PNG files to another location). I don't know which compression would be best for saving to, however.

    I just tried this on Win 11 and the current path is %AppData%\Roaming\DAZ 3D\Studio4\temp\render

  • The Roaming part should be produced by the %appdata% environment variable.

  • Seven193Seven193 Posts: 1,111

    ffmpeg can create GIFs as well as MP4 videos.  It uses it's own built-in codecs, so there's nothing else to download or install.

  • ImagoImago Posts: 5,278

    Lagarith for ever, my friend. Lossless, lightweight and ultra fast to render. cool

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