October 2018 - DAZ 3D New User Challenge: Atmosphere



  • Had this one come to me last night when I should have been trying to get some sleep. Don't know if I'll be able to work with it more but figured I'd share.

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  • MattymanxMattymanx Posts: 6,955
    edited October 2018
    dstuffle said:

    I've tried to make the adjustments that were recommended and decided that the green color was not really adding much to the scene.

    So here's version 2.


    Its a good composition over all.  At this point, the only thing I would change is the pose depending on how dramatic you want it to look.


    Either of these two poses from the set would look more dramatic.  I personally like the idea of the one on the left, where he is getting ready to strike.

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  • Kismet2012Kismet2012 Posts: 4,252

    Had this one come to me last night when I should have been trying to get some sleep. Don't know if I'll be able to work with it more but figured I'd share.

    This one is already telling an interesting story.  Great start.

  • Fisherman_BFisherman_B Posts: 69
    edited October 2018

    Hey, I stumbled across this challenge thread a few days ago and I liked the idea, especially the topic - Atmosphere. Gases surrounding other objects, dust and dirt, light, pure or mixtures. Or atmosphere, sensorial qualities of a place, a scene... I got inspired, designed a scene and right now I am in the process of deepening "atmosphere". I will post a first render tomorrow. Unfortunately, render times of volumetric stuff are a bit long :)


    Post edited by Fisherman_B on
  • dtrscbrutaldtrscbrutal Posts: 521
    edited October 2018

    I looked at the challenge rules but didn't see this addressed.

    If in compliance with the other rules, is "fan art" allowed?

    Post edited by dtrscbrutal on
  • tycidetycide Posts: 40
    edited October 2018

    Hello all,

    I've been watching these new user threads as I've been trying to learn DAZ, saw this month's theme was atmosphere and was like: nope, not even close to ready for that.
    Then I was trying to get some imported concrete slabs to render correctly (spoiler alert: my converted .stl files didn't have any UV maps) and I turned off tone mapping and wound up with this:


    So I was like, well there's some potential for atmosphere here, so i read some of the atmosphere tutorials linked in the post, messed around with some stuff, gave her a gun because, well why not?
    The only reasons I could think of a light that bright shining straight down was a UFO abduction, a fair number of generally good-aligned spells, or a police searchlight.
    Since she's walking around with a gun, the third one seemed obvious:


    Now her clothes were starting to feel a little silly for the situation, so I imported a dress I didn't get even close to finished during my Marvelous Designer trial period, but that I still really like in it's halfway-there state.
    Tweaked some things around like SSS, light temp, intensity, and camera angle. Got to where I felt happy with it, that was friday.


    I was told the background looks empty and the lines where the ground ends were kinda odd. So I decided I was going to put her in California Plaza Water Court in LA. Seems like the kinda place this sort of thing would happen occasionally, plus LA has lots of police helicopters with the searchlights. So I worked up some assets in SolidWorks over the weekend (table and chairs so far) and plan to keep at it and see how far I can get by the end of the month.


    I would like to say that I am grateful for the inspiration these new user posts offer, because the hardest part for me is figuring out what to make. So far the only thing I've been able to think of is my mechanical pencil I use to sketch stuff at home and work (it's uploaded to my gallery). Now I have this project which has taught me lots of stuff already, and made me figure out things I was putting off figuring out until later.

    (Also, I am a huge fan of criticism so any and all is welcome.)


    Looking forward to the responses,



    Nina Hair
    Maid Outfit
    EJ Sporty Chic Hoodie and Beanie
    SOA Pants and Sneakers
    Iray Lace and Silk Shaders


    Gun, Table, and Chairs were made in SolidWorks
    Blue Dress was made in Marvelous Designer Trial

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    Post edited by tycide on
  • LinwellyLinwelly Posts: 5,981

    I looked at the challenge rules but didn't see this addressed.

    If in compliance with the other rules, is "fan art" allowed?

    I don't see why not, just go ahead and post something

  • LinwellyLinwelly Posts: 5,981

    Hey, I stumbled across this challenge thread a few days ago and I liked the idea, especially the topic - Atmosphere. Gases surrounding other objects, dust and dirt, light, pure or mixtures. Or atmosphere, sensorial qualities of a place, a scene... I got inspired, designed a scene and right now I am in the process of deepening "atmosphere". I will post a first render tomorrow. Unfortunately, render times of volumetric stuff are a bit long :)


    welcome and looking forward to it! Yes the times go up using true voluminetrcs, there are ways around it using planes in many cases

  • LinwellyLinwelly Posts: 5,981

    @tycide welcome and nice start you have there! You already have my respect for making stuff yourself, I never succeeded at that so far.

    I like the idea of her walking in that bright light. Something that might work in that situation as well is the use of the bloom filter. Set the threshold ratehr high (7000 or even 9000) the filter radius close to 1 (e.g. 0.8) and the brigthness scale rather low: 0.1 or around that. It will eat up another amount of render time but might have an interesting result.

  • no noseno nose Posts: 310

    Well i'm pretty sure this falls under "atmoshperic", Wanted to go for a heavy fog, but darkness works as well.

    october challange (a).png
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  • no nose said:

    Well i'm pretty sure this falls under "atmoshperic", Wanted to go for a heavy fog, but darkness works as well.

    Nice one.


    Linwelly said:

    I don't see why not, just go ahead and post something


    Ok, thanks.

  • daybirddaybird Posts: 656

    Great entrys this month!

    I still search time to join in with a render, but this month half of my family has birthday and every weekend is partytime. :(

    I tried a scene but it's far away from what I have in mind. The light make some problems, but I do not find the time to get real behind the proper setting.

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  • Made a few changes on my second idea, but forgot to post it sooner. Gave the guy with the cyberarms some weaponry.

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  • daybird said:

    Great entrys this month!

    I still search time to join in with a render, but this month half of my family has birthday and every weekend is partytime. :(

    I tried a scene but it's far away from what I have in mind. The light make some problems, but I do not find the time to get real behind the proper setting.

    A happy birthday to those in your family that are celabrating their's. I actualy just had mine last week, and my mother's is next week.

  • tycidetycide Posts: 40

    @Linwelly thank you!
    I do 3D modeling for my work (industrial design, lots of hard parts for mass production). So I'm familar with creating the structure of objects. Learning the nuances of converting those over to be useful in DAZ... lets just say I've learned many ways that don't work very well. :)
    So I tried the bloom filter settings, and couldn't seem to get any results at first. I read the online manual section, and that clarified what was supposed to be happening.
    Turns out the volumetric SSS I was using (Giant cube over the whole scene) was basically negating anything but the most extreme bloom.
    I still got some cool effects with both though:

     image image image

    In the end I kept it near the initial bloom settings you suggested (I'm still not sure if any bloom is happening but I don't want risk turning it off) and tweaked my fog cube SSS settings to make progress towards the goal for this render:


    I plan on adding some plants and low-wall structures in the mid-background to breakup the police-cop lights and probably adding a couple more "cars" worth of lights. I'd like to add some buildings "across the street" to reflect and fill in the empty.

    Thank you for taking the time to help make learning DS interesting and welcoming for new users!

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  • FishtalesFishtales Posts: 6,162


    If you have the Firefly Filter set to ON try turning it off when using the Bloom Filter. I find that it sometimes thinks the Bloom is fireflies and fixes it :) I also find that Bloom doesn't show up well in the AUX Viewport and occasionally well into a render. You can also set the Bloom settings to only target a light at a set Lumen value.

  • sueyasueya Posts: 832
    edited October 2018

    After experimenting with moving the fog props, I decided to remove them and add the fog in Photoshop. I hope this is ok.

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    Post edited by Chohole on
  • no noseno nose Posts: 310

    I think it looks better in daytime, I'm not sure how to make the fog heavier/grayer, or if there is any generic battle-stance pose for the figure, but for now this is pretty good.

    october challange (b).png
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  • LinwellyLinwelly Posts: 5,981
    sueya said:

    After experimenting with moving the fog props, I decided to remove them and add the fog in Photoshop. I hope this is ok.

    Hi Sueya, while I can understand the sentiment (it sometimes is far easier to do things in post), the idea of this thread is to get the grasp on how to make it work using DS.

    But you can use the image you made as a help to say: I want to achieve this kind of fog in DS. how can I do that.

    There is an old mini Tutorial I made here https://www.daz3d.com/forums/discussion/comment/1650751/#Comment_1650751

    If you make s plane like that you will have different densities of you fog within one plane. With you camera angle I would suggest to place that plane amost horizontally with more dense fog left and right of the couple. that is a bit of experimenting but you can make it work

  • LinwellyLinwelly Posts: 5,981
    no nose said:

    I think it looks better in daytime, I'm not sure how to make the fog heavier/grayer, or if there is any generic battle-stance pose for the figure, but for now this is pretty good.

    how did you create the fog in this one? if you used a plane you can simply adjust the diffuse colour to a grey/blue. If you want even more fog you can duplicate the plane and place it with a bit of distance, that helps with the depth as well. Though I would not make it thicker as you wont see anthing of what arrives there.

    For poses there are lots of fighting poses in the store, but check your smart content for poses first. you might have collected poses already

  • no noseno nose Posts: 310
    Linwelly said:
    no nose said:

    I think it looks better in daytime, I'm not sure how to make the fog heavier/grayer, or if there is any generic battle-stance pose for the figure, but for now this is pretty good.

    how did you create the fog in this one? if you used a plane you can simply adjust the diffuse colour to a grey/blue. If you want even more fog you can duplicate the plane and place it with a bit of distance, that helps with the depth as well. Though I would not make it thicker as you wont see anthing of what arrives there.

    For poses there are lots of fighting poses in the store, but check your smart content for poses first. you might have collected poses already

    the transmitted color + distance turned out to do the magic, also moved the plane a bit forward because I felt like it was a bit to far back.

    I'll see if there are any poses on the store close to  what i'm thinking, but worst case scenerio I can always try to make it myself. (I've been doing some pose practicing)

    october challange (c).png
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  • Fisherman_BFisherman_B Posts: 69
    edited October 2018
    Linwelly said:

    Hi Sueya, while I can understand the sentiment (it sometimes is far easier to do things in post), the idea of this thread is to get the grasp on how to make it work using DS.


    Ok, so I'm out - I read here that I may use any 3D program I choose to create my image, but it seems not to apply to this thread. I would welcome a clearer statement about the different threads' requirements.

    I used Daz3D assets and DS to generate the pose and clothing animation, Maya to assemble the scene, Vray to generate the render passes and Photoshop for compositing them. So I will not continue my work on this one, but anyways, perhaps some of you get inspired by the draft. I used different conventional techniques to generate atmosphere - foreground objects to generate depth, DOF to smoothen them, darkness and bright light, fog, smoke and particles, a mixture of spot lights and area lights and last but not least, something the image is interacting with without it being visible - let's call it the "unknown". Everything is rendered in the same picture, no "overdubs".

    My working title was "Spirits that I've cited", a line from "The Sorcerer's Apprentice" by Johan Wolfgang von Goethe.



    Spirits That I've Cited.jpg
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    Post edited by Fisherman_B on
  • Linwelly said:

    Hi Sueya, while I can understand the sentiment (it sometimes is far easier to do things in post), the idea of this thread is to get the grasp on how to make it work using DS.


    Ok, so I'm out - I read here that I may use any 3D program I choose to create my image, but it seems not to apply to this thread. I would welcome a clearer statement about the different threads' requirements.

    I used Daz3D assets and DS to generate the pose and clothing animation, Maya to assemble the scene, Vray to generate the render passes and Photoshop for compositing them. So I will not continue my work on this one, but anyways, perhaps some of you get inspired by the draft. I used different conventional techniques to generate atmosphere - foreground objects to generate depth, DOF to smoothen them, darkness and bright light, fog, smoke and particles, a mixture of spot lights and area lights and last but not least, something the image is interacting with without it being visible - let's call it the "unknown". Everything is rendered in the same picture, no "overdubs".

    My working title was "Spirits that I've cited", a line from "The Sorcerer's Apprentice" by Johan Wolfgang von Goethe.



    Nice one you've got here Fisherman.

  • Ment to post this way earlier, but forgot to after I got home from work yesterday. Added a third character to my second idea. I'm thinking that the run this crew as returned from had gone wrong in some way and the team leader (the one with the data pad and head in his hand) is taking the results hard. Most likely they lost someone during the run I'm thinking.

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  • LinwellyLinwelly Posts: 5,981
    Linwelly said:

    Hi Sueya, while I can understand the sentiment (it sometimes is far easier to do things in post), the idea of this thread is to get the grasp on how to make it work using DS.


    Ok, so I'm out - I read here that I may use any 3D program I choose to create my image, but it seems not to apply to this thread. I would welcome a clearer statement about the different threads' requirements.

    I used Daz3D assets and DS to generate the pose and clothing animation, Maya to assemble the scene, Vray to generate the render passes and Photoshop for compositing them. So I will not continue my work on this one, but anyways, perhaps some of you get inspired by the draft. I used different conventional techniques to generate atmosphere - foreground objects to generate depth, DOF to smoothen them, darkness and bright light, fog, smoke and particles, a mixture of spot lights and area lights and last but not least, something the image is interacting with without it being visible - let's call it the "unknown". Everything is rendered in the same picture, no "overdubs".

    My working title was "Spirits that I've cited", a line from "The Sorcerer's Apprentice" by Johan Wolfgang von Goethe.



    Sorry, that I have been confusing here, you can use any 3d program! I've said DS here opposing to postwork programs like photoshop or Gimp. And DS is what most people use here. So you are fine with using Maya, but I probably should point out that we are not able to offer much help program wise concerning Maya.

    I like what you did there with the light magic as well as the contrasting darkness in front. What I feel is that the focus on the sorcerer is getting lost a bit. Not sure if its possible to get closer to the sorcerer without revealing the source of the light but that is something I suggest.

  • LinwellyLinwelly Posts: 5,981
    no nose said:
    Linwelly said:
    no nose said:

    I think it looks better in daytime, I'm not sure how to make the fog heavier/grayer, or if there is any generic battle-stance pose for the figure, but for now this is pretty good.

    how did you create the fog in this one? if you used a plane you can simply adjust the diffuse colour to a grey/blue. If you want even more fog you can duplicate the plane and place it with a bit of distance, that helps with the depth as well. Though I would not make it thicker as you wont see anthing of what arrives there.

    For poses there are lots of fighting poses in the store, but check your smart content for poses first. you might have collected poses already

    the transmitted color + distance turned out to do the magic, also moved the plane a bit forward because I felt like it was a bit to far back.

    I'll see if there are any poses on the store close to  what i'm thinking, but worst case scenerio I can always try to make it myself. (I've been doing some pose practicing)

    The fog looks better now but I have the feeling the switch from no  fog to fog is a bit rapid. It feels more natural when you use several planes with different fog densities and they multiply to a very thick fog looking towards the big bad.. uhm.. train ;)

  • LinwellyLinwelly Posts: 5,981

    @Shinji I like the posing and relation to the figures un your last one, but please give us a tad more light.

    Now, asking this because I have the impression your images often tend towards being very dark, could you have a look at you screen settings, maybe? I can imagine you put the brightness to full scale so it doesn't appear to you as dark as it appears to other people. There are several means to calibrate your screen which might help finding better settings if that is the case.

  • FishtalesFishtales Posts: 6,162

    @Shinji I agree with @Linwelly. On my calibrated screen I can't make out one figure never mind three :) All I can see is an arm some hands and a little light on faces and reflective surfaces.

  • Neither of the first two "For DAZ Studio" tutorials  listed at the start of this challenge match what I can find on 4.10.  Specifically, the 'iray base shader".  If 4.10 has it, it's not easy to find.

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