Plug-in Placement (solved)

Where on my machine should I put my dynamic cloth plugin?
My path until it finds all the happy fun files: F:\Program Files\DAZ 3D\DAZ 3D\DAZStudio4
The Error:
Install Manager cannot find a required path. The installer for "Dynamic Clothing Control for DAZ Studio 4.5+ (Win 64-bit) Public Build" requires that the installed path for "DAZ Studio 4.x Public Build (64-bit)" be defined. Make sure that a path for this application is present on the "Applications" page of the "Settings" dialog, then try again.
Go Me:
I've found where to change that in DIM. *crowd.cheering*
However, as many times as I tell DIM where to go along the path, I get the same error. Ok, time to find out the path the darling is taking.
I've tried looking up the Read-Me. >.> I clicked the little "i" button, "Page Not Fount." All right. There's a number at least. 16591. Piece of cake. Go to the Read Me list. 16000... Um, nope. Not there.
Um, ok. :D Time to ask.
That, despite the name, is the version for the public beta and not the version for the production build.
Awesome! *delete*
O.K. I'm having the same problem installing the Dynamic Clothing Control and it not finding the path. I'm not seeing the solution having read this thread. Are you saying the version I downloaded is bad because it's a beta, and if so, how do I get a good version?
The DIM version of Dynamic Clothing Control is only available for the DS Public Beta, not for the release version. I assume they are testing it on the beta before making it available for the general release.
I tried downloading it outside of DIM on my account page and it still wouldn't install. Is there a way to download the released version?