Meet the new Carrara 8.5 Pro with M5 Dragon Lord!

Just a half an hour of sitting back and watching Dartanbeck mess around, showing off the new:
Parameters Tab
Genesis implementation
Posing Genesis
Clothing Genesis
Shading Genesis
Applying Materials to the clothes
Lighting with one of Carrara's preset Light rigs
Fast Rendering session
Applying Gamma Correction and Realistic Sky setup
Just a fun and very basic babble session :)
Here's The Link: Carrara 8.5 Pro - FirstLook
I have another coming tomorrow showing more features, including:
How to swap a character's dials to a new copy of Genesis using NLA
Zeroing, Memorize, and Restore features
Here's The New Link:Carrara 8.5 Pro - First Look 2 includes stuff about zeroing and all that, transferring character morphs from a Carrara saved Genesis to a new ‘updated’ Genesis, after you’ve added more Genesis morphs to the collection, and a babble session on modeling clothes in the assembly room.
It’s an hour sit session - so don’t forget the brandy… I mean… popcorn!

Love that skin texture, Dart. Is that the BTL preset shader? Looks like BTL has been upping his game
Straight from the browser - not a single tweak! :)
Yeah... the BTL Shaders are nice!
I'm impressed, going to have to play around with it myself. I remember the BTL shaders for V4 M4 back when, but that looks better yet.
I'm letting YouTube play with it - it's processing now, but I checked... you can still watch it.
are you ready
Nice overview, Dart - and thanks for the name check! To completely go with what I recommend, you should also have taken out the ambient light, as this is catered for by the indirect light, but he really started to come to life when you did those changes!
thanks :-)
Rendering out the second half now, which includes stuff about zeroing and all that, transferring character morphs from a Carrara saved Genesis to a new 'updated' Genesis, after you've added more Genesis morphs to the collection, and a babble session on modeling clothes in the assembly room.
It's another half hour sit session - so don't forget the brandy... I mean... popcorn! ;)
My mistake.. it's a full hour, plus a minute. No wonder it's taking so long to process at YouTube! :)
Here's The New Link:Carrara 8.5 Pro - First Look 2
I saw your post in another thread (somewhere, here or there, or somewhere in between it was) in the Carrara forum and you mentioned that people complained about the background music. Later in my day I was trying to decide whether or not to buy some DAZ Carrara training that is on sale for MM and thought I'd Google "Carrara Training" to see if I should purchase, or skim the pond. I found a couple links, opened one in a new tab and it started playing while I was still scanning the search results. The first thing I noticed was that the guy sounded like he was in an EMPTY lecture hall (made me feel sorry for him) and the second the music started I was thinking in large cartoon text balloons above my head, [W.T.H.????] The music was very loud and very distracting from what was being presented. Instead of adding to the presentation, it detracted HEAVILY from it, IMHO. Then I realized it was YOUR video as mentioned earlier in my day from here in the forums and I laughed out loud. What were the odds?
I applaud your enthusiasm for Carrara and DAZ, and applaud even more vigorously your industry at recording and putting out a video, but sadly, that music, in choice and volume, made it difficult to endure an otherwise super helpful piece of information. Honestly, if I wasn't looking to save $45 - $100 I would have bailed immediately after the music started. :ahhh:
This is not a rant, nor is it meant to be derogatory in any fashion, just some, hopefully, helpful advice to help you improve your product and appeal to a much larger audience. IMHO, if the music is so faint you are not entirely certain it is there while the narrator is speaking, you've got it about right. ;-)
Thanks for making the effort, and thanks for sharing your enthusiasm and knowledge! Please do keep at it!
So funny! I totally agree. I just watched that yesterday for the first time in.. well... forever.
Oh man... I am going to go in and redo all of those things - and even make more of an attempt at editing them down some.
Definitely not used to the screen talk and work thing. But I now agree with everybody on that. At first I was like... well so what? I'm just having fun here. But now I just find it yucky. Expect some new stuff coming fairly soon, I hope.
Thanks to you and everybody else that spoke out, for being honest and telling me about it ;)
Um... Yikes! What was I thinking!
But like I said, I was having a lot of fun just messing around with my software.
Glad you took it in the spirit it was intended! Sometimes it is just useful seeing someone doing something, ANYTHING in Carrara to get a better feel for workflow. Even though you may think, "What's the big deal, I just loaded a character and, etc..." but to some of us it is more like, "WHOA! I didn't know THAT'S how you get stuff added to your character!" or "Well, gosh. I never thought of doing it THAT way!" So there is more value to what you posted than you know. One video session can be worth hundreds of forum posts trying to explain something.
I look forward to seeing your new, improved videos. :)
Sweet, 'cause I've come up with an awful lot of cool stuff to share.
Yeah, I'm going to take an entirely different approach to how I do them - so they should be really helpful, yet with the ability for me to have some fun along the way - but without annoying anyone in the process.