Texture atlas not rendering out, normal, displacement, or ambient maps,

Texture atlas not rendering out, normal, displacement, or ambient maps, even though i have them checked in the export options!
When i export an atlas uv, I keep everything checked, diffuse, opacity, bump, specular, ambient, displace, and normal...... they all have checks in the boxes. but after i click on accept.. and check in the uv atlas folder where all my uv atlases are saved.. all i see is my diffuse, opacity, bump, and specular.
is this a bug? or am i doing something wrong,.. I am saving it out at 4000x 4000 I tried to save it as a bmp and a png,. stil lno dice.
Thread title Edited by a Moderator to prevent it breaking the forum formatting, and the question placed in the post text.
Post edited by Chohole on
yes i too get the same .but i cannot cross 2048x2048, and iam using 4.5, does 4.6 has that capacity?.
some one come and answer these questions.
I got here 3 years later and there's been no response!? I'm not even getting specular or opacity...
Did you report this as a possible bug? http://www.daz3d.com/help/help-contact-us