[Released] RSSY Clothing Converter from Genesis 2 Female to Genesis 8 Female [Commercial]



  • Regarding high heels:  Watched the video.  Seems like I need to Unselect Use Foot Pose if Available, and Select Use Foot Dialog.

    The script doesn't give me the step where you get to adjust the foot pose angle to fit the shoe.  Instead I get an error message:  File Not Found... Foot Poser.dse could not be found.

    It proceeds, and the high heel doesn't fit.

    Note, I only have this one product.  Maybe the g3f to g8f product supplies the Foot Poser.dse, and the g2f to g8f product does not?  Just a guess.


    Asside:  the G2F maidapron now fits better on G8F than it ever did on G2F.  The added pose morphs help a lot.

    Daz accidentally renamed the "Foot Poser.dse" to "RSSY Clothing Converter Foot Poser.dse".  Until they get an update out, you need to rename it back.

    I renamed that file (located in Your Library > Scripts > RiverSoft Art > Clothing Converter) and it worked.  There is one more step I didn't see in your video, but you need to adjust the bend angle for both the left and right foot.

    Thanks for helping me get high heels to work.  I added your G3F to G8F converter to my wishlist, and when G9 comes out, I'll look out for your upcoming converters.

  • Regarding high heels:  Watched the video.  Seems like I need to Unselect Use Foot Pose if Available, and Select Use Foot Dialog.

    The script doesn't give me the step where you get to adjust the foot pose angle to fit the shoe.  Instead I get an error message:  File Not Found... Foot Poser.dse could not be found.

    It proceeds, and the high heel doesn't fit.

    Note, I only have this one product.  Maybe the g3f to g8f product supplies the Foot Poser.dse, and the g2f to g8f product does not?  Just a guess.


    Asside:  the G2F maidapron now fits better on G8F than it ever did on G2F.  The added pose morphs help a lot.

    Daz accidentally renamed the "Foot Poser.dse" to "RSSY Clothing Converter Foot Poser.dse".  Until they get an update out, you need to rename it back.

    I renamed that file (located in Your Library > Scripts > RiverSoft Art > Clothing Converter) and it worked.  There is one more step I didn't see in your video, but you need to adjust the bend angle for both the left and right foot.

    Thanks for helping me get high heels to work.  I added your G3F to G8F converter to my wishlist, and when G9 comes out, I'll look out for your upcoming converters.

    Great!  I am glad you got it to work.  With a lot of G3 shoes, both shoes are added at once.  But you are right, with G2 shoes, often you will need to do it for left and right shoe separately.

  • artistb3artistb3 Posts: 188

    This would be even more useful if it went in the other direction: G8-->G2 conversion.  That's what we really need...

  • artistb3 said:

    This would be even more useful if it went in the other direction: G8-->G2 conversion.  That's what we really need...

    We are definitely considering it, but I want to collect more perspectives.  Why would it be useful to you?  

  • DkgooseDkgoose Posts: 1,451

    Can’t wait for the male version and any future ones, maybe one for Genesis clothes and maybe Gen 4 clothes :)  Finally downloaded this so hoping to install and use tonight :)

  • carrie58carrie58 Posts: 4,031

    While doing  some of the freebie clothes I have for G2 sometimes a warning popped up that no clothing item was found ,and I found that if I went back into the folder and put the clothing on to G2F then resaved it as a "Figure/Prop Asset" then run the script again,thrn the script could find the clothing item ........

  • dkgoose said:

    Can’t wait for the male version and any future ones, maybe one for Genesis clothes and maybe Gen 4 clothes :)  Finally downloaded this so hoping to install and use tonight :)

    Enjoy!  smiley

  • carrie58 said:

    While doing  some of the freebie clothes I have for G2 sometimes a warning popped up that no clothing item was found ,and I found that if I went back into the folder and put the clothing on to G2F then resaved it as a "Figure/Prop Asset" then run the script again,thrn the script could find the clothing item ........

    You can also turn off "Check Content Type" in the options and then Add Files.  That will force the file to be added.  But your way is better if more work. smiley

  • DkgooseDkgoose Posts: 1,451

    So this is probably an obvious answer but when using the foot poser so we position the feet so they are inside the shoe or in the position they are suppose to be? So for heels if you move the feet when the script runs will it reposition the shoes?

  • dkgoose said:

    So this is probably an obvious answer but when using the foot poser so we position the feet so they are inside the shoe or in the position they are suppose to be? So for heels if you move the feet when the script runs will it reposition the shoes?

    You need to position the foot so it is inside the shoe as much as possible.  These bone transformations are then transferred to the shoes to make them fit better.

  • DkgooseDkgoose Posts: 1,451

    Awesome thank you, that’s what I was doing then second guessed myself when the heels were in a wierd position but the feet were posed inside the shoe just fine, so thought I was going about it all wrong lol

  • dkgoose said:

    Awesome thank you, that’s what I was doing then second guessed myself when the heels were in a wierd position but the feet were posed inside the shoe just fine, so thought I was going about it all wrong lol

    No problem.  There are extra bones in the G8 feet so you can't get it perfect but the closer, the better for fit.

  • DkgooseDkgoose Posts: 1,451

    Seen the video you posted and watched it, very helpful, learned if you click accept instead of cancel on shoes that dont need adjusted they end up funky, lol but after redoing them most of them look good, only a few aren’t usable but that’s ok :)

  • dkgoose said:

    Seen the video you posted and watched it, very helpful, learned if you click accept instead of cancel on shoes that dont need adjusted they end up funky, lol but after redoing them most of them look good, only a few aren’t usable but that’s ok :)

    I am glad it was helpful! Sorry that some shoes are problematical.  I find with using the Foot Poser, and then morphs and tweaking, I can usually use the shoes.

  • DkgooseDkgoose Posts: 1,451

    It’s not a problem, they are much older so it’s understandable :), it’s just awesome to be able to use past wardrobes :)

  • vwranglervwrangler Posts: 4,903

    Apologies if this was covered earlier, but I must have missed it, and I didn't see it in the manual

    How do you tell the script that there IS a foot pose to be used, if you want to work that way? I'm trying to convert the Edwardian Suit (https://www.daz3d.com/edwardian-suit-for-genesis-2-females) and the coat and skirt convert just fine. There is an included foot pose in a subdirectory, but I can't figure out how to tell the script that it's there. It's not a hierarchical pose -- at least, nothing seems to indicate that it is -- so that shouldn't be an issue. I tried manually adding the foot pose to the conversion, but of course since it wasn't a clothing item, the script promptly told me that it wasn't a clothing item. Looking at the log, it doesn't look like it even knows the foot pose is present.

  • vwrangler said:

    Apologies if this was covered earlier, but I must have missed it, and I didn't see it in the manual

    How do you tell the script that there IS a foot pose to be used, if you want to work that way? I'm trying to convert the Edwardian Suit (https://www.daz3d.com/edwardian-suit-for-genesis-2-females) and the coat and skirt convert just fine. There is an included foot pose in a subdirectory, but I can't figure out how to tell the script that it's there. It's not a hierarchical pose -- at least, nothing seems to indicate that it is -- so that shouldn't be an issue. I tried manually adding the foot pose to the conversion, but of course since it wasn't a clothing item, the script promptly told me that it wasn't a clothing item. Looking at the log, it doesn't look like it even knows the foot pose is present.

    When the script converts footwear, it automatically looks for a preset in the same product with the words "foot/feet" and "pose".  If it finds it, it will apply it.  The first question is whether the footwear is being recognized as footwear.  If it isn't, this is one you have to Force Convert Footwear on.

  • vwranglervwrangler Posts: 4,903
    vwrangler said:

    Apologies if this was covered earlier, but I must have missed it, and I didn't see it in the manual

    How do you tell the script that there IS a foot pose to be used, if you want to work that way? I'm trying to convert the Edwardian Suit (https://www.daz3d.com/edwardian-suit-for-genesis-2-females) and the coat and skirt convert just fine. There is an included foot pose in a subdirectory, but I can't figure out how to tell the script that it's there. It's not a hierarchical pose -- at least, nothing seems to indicate that it is -- so that shouldn't be an issue. I tried manually adding the foot pose to the conversion, but of course since it wasn't a clothing item, the script promptly told me that it wasn't a clothing item. Looking at the log, it doesn't look like it even knows the foot pose is present.

    When the script converts footwear, it automatically looks for a preset in the same product with the words "foot/feet" and "pose".  If it finds it, it will apply it.  The first question is whether the footwear is being recognized as footwear.  If it isn't, this is one you have to Force Convert Footwear on.

    I'm not sure how to tell if it's being recognized as footwear. It was using Converter Bodysuit, but a Converter Footwear doesn't seem to exist.

    Is it using metadata to match foot pose to shoe, or is it looking for text on presets in the directory? I moved the preset from its subdirectory to the main Edwardian Suit directory, but that didn't seem to help. If it's doing a metadata thing, that would make it more understandable that it's missing the pose.

  • vwrangler said:
    vwrangler said:

    Apologies if this was covered earlier, but I must have missed it, and I didn't see it in the manual

    How do you tell the script that there IS a foot pose to be used, if you want to work that way? I'm trying to convert the Edwardian Suit (https://www.daz3d.com/edwardian-suit-for-genesis-2-females) and the coat and skirt convert just fine. There is an included foot pose in a subdirectory, but I can't figure out how to tell the script that it's there. It's not a hierarchical pose -- at least, nothing seems to indicate that it is -- so that shouldn't be an issue. I tried manually adding the foot pose to the conversion, but of course since it wasn't a clothing item, the script promptly told me that it wasn't a clothing item. Looking at the log, it doesn't look like it even knows the foot pose is present.

    When the script converts footwear, it automatically looks for a preset in the same product with the words "foot/feet" and "pose".  If it finds it, it will apply it.  The first question is whether the footwear is being recognized as footwear.  If it isn't, this is one you have to Force Convert Footwear on.

    I'm not sure how to tell if it's being recognized as footwear. It was using Converter Bodysuit, but a Converter Footwear doesn't seem to exist.

    Is it using metadata to match foot pose to shoe, or is it looking for text on presets in the directory? I moved the preset from its subdirectory to the main Edwardian Suit directory, but that didn't seem to help. If it's doing a metadata thing, that would make it more understandable that it's missing the pose.

    Check the log tab when you try to convert it.  It will state what it thinks it is.  

  • vwranglervwrangler Posts: 4,903
    edited October 2018

    Check the log tab when you try to convert it.  It will state what it thinks it is.  

    Here's the log data:

    21:24:50 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time): Executing Script

    21:24:50 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time): Selecting Preset: G:\DAZ 3D\Studio3\content\People\Genesis 2 Female\Clothing\EdwardianSuit\ES-Shoes.duf

    21:24:50 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time): Converting clothing from G:\DAZ 3D\Studio3\content\People\Genesis 2 Female\Clothing\EdwardianSuit\ES-Shoes.duf to G:/DAZ 3D/Studio3/content/People/Genesis 8 Female/Clothing/EdwardianSuit/ES-Shoes.duf

    21:24:57 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time): No Foot Pose found

    21:24:58 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time): Copy Icons from G:\DAZ 3D\Studio3\content\People\Genesis 2 Female\Clothing\EdwardianSuit\ES-Shoes.duf to G:/DAZ 3D/Studio3/content/People/Genesis 8 Female/Clothing/EdwardianSuit/ES-Shoes.duf

    21:24:58 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time): Copy Categories from G:\DAZ 3D\Studio3\content\People\Genesis 2 Female\Clothing\EdwardianSuit\ES-Shoes.duf to G:/DAZ 3D/Studio3/content/People/Genesis 8 Female/Clothing/EdwardianSuit/ES-Shoes.duf

    21:25:05 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time): Execution Complete.


    So ... is it recognizing that they're shoes, but not finding the foot pose even though it's right there?

    I also tried changing the name of the foot pose file (it was originally "Edwardian-FeetPose", and I changed it to "Foot Pose") but that didn't help either.

    Post edited by vwrangler on
  • vwrangler said:

    Check the log tab when you try to convert it.  It will state what it thinks it is.  

    Here's the log data:

    21:24:50 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time): Executing Script

    21:24:50 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time): Selecting Preset: G:\DAZ 3D\Studio3\content\People\Genesis 2 Female\Clothing\EdwardianSuit\ES-Shoes.duf

    21:24:50 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time): Converting clothing from G:\DAZ 3D\Studio3\content\People\Genesis 2 Female\Clothing\EdwardianSuit\ES-Shoes.duf to G:/DAZ 3D/Studio3/content/People/Genesis 8 Female/Clothing/EdwardianSuit/ES-Shoes.duf

    21:24:57 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time): No Foot Pose found

    21:24:58 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time): Copy Icons from G:\DAZ 3D\Studio3\content\People\Genesis 2 Female\Clothing\EdwardianSuit\ES-Shoes.duf to G:/DAZ 3D/Studio3/content/People/Genesis 8 Female/Clothing/EdwardianSuit/ES-Shoes.duf

    21:24:58 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time): Copy Categories from G:\DAZ 3D\Studio3\content\People\Genesis 2 Female\Clothing\EdwardianSuit\ES-Shoes.duf to G:/DAZ 3D/Studio3/content/People/Genesis 8 Female/Clothing/EdwardianSuit/ES-Shoes.duf

    21:25:05 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time): Execution Complete.


    So ... is it recognizing that they're shoes, but not finding the foot pose even though it's right there?

    I also tried changing the name of the foot pose file (it was originally "Edwardian-FeetPose", and I changed it to "Foot Pose") but that didn't help either.

    Yes, it recognizes it as footwear.  The thing is that it uses DS' Content Management System to know about what files are part of the product.  Changing the name on disk won't help unless you also change the name in the product.  My recommendation is to just use the foot poser dialog... turn off use foot pose if available and turn on use foot dialog in the options.

    FYI, If you want to see exactly what files it is looking at, edit the RSCCConstants.dsa in a text editor and change the "output_debug = false" to "output_debug = true".  Then you can rerun and in the Daz log (not the log tab of the script dialog), you will see a ton more information.

  • vwranglervwrangler Posts: 4,903

    Ah, OK. Looking at the metadata, the product name for that one thing is listed as "Local User" instead of the actual name. And the Content DB Editor does not appear to allow you to edit the content of the database when it comes to that field, unfortunately.

    Thank you for helping me to understand what was going on.

  • MouserMouser Posts: 675

    Okay first I tried one set of clothes, mostly worked, some items didnt but are ones I expect not to.

    Then ran the clothes directory through the converter & some hours later it finished and had converted around 50% of the files.

    Then tried the force converstion as per your Youtube vid but the button does nothing.

    Tried to clear the log & try them one at a time and clear log button does nothing.

    Once the converter does its job a lot of the buttons do not do anything anymore, Is this normal?

  • Mouser said:

    Okay first I tried one set of clothes, mostly worked, some items didnt but are ones I expect not to.

    Then ran the clothes directory through the converter & some hours later it finished and had converted around 50% of the files.

    Then tried the force converstion as per your Youtube vid but the button does nothing.

    Tried to clear the log & try them one at a time and clear log button does nothing.

    Once the converter does its job a lot of the buttons do not do anything anymore, Is this normal?

    Force Convert requires you to SELECT items (not just CHECKED).  Are you doing that?  If nothing is selected, the script will rapidly return as there is nothing to do.

  • MouserMouser Posts: 675
    Mouser said:

    Okay first I tried one set of clothes, mostly worked, some items didnt but are ones I expect not to.

    Then ran the clothes directory through the converter & some hours later it finished and had converted around 50% of the files.

    Then tried the force converstion as per your Youtube vid but the button does nothing.

    Tried to clear the log & try them one at a time and clear log button does nothing.

    Once the converter does its job a lot of the buttons do not do anything anymore, Is this normal?

    Force Convert requires you to SELECT items (not just CHECKED).  Are you doing that?  If nothing is selected, the script will rapidly return as there is nothing to do.

    Yes, same happened to G3 to G8 converter.

    Still 50% is a lot of stuff I can use with G8F so I call this a glass half full.

    I'm gonna go through some individualy and see how it works.

    This converter is good but it definetly has some bugs.

  • Mouser said:
    Mouser said:

    Okay first I tried one set of clothes, mostly worked, some items didnt but are ones I expect not to.

    Then ran the clothes directory through the converter & some hours later it finished and had converted around 50% of the files.

    Then tried the force converstion as per your Youtube vid but the button does nothing.

    Tried to clear the log & try them one at a time and clear log button does nothing.

    Once the converter does its job a lot of the buttons do not do anything anymore, Is this normal?

    Force Convert requires you to SELECT items (not just CHECKED).  Are you doing that?  If nothing is selected, the script will rapidly return as there is nothing to do.

    Yes, same happened to G3 to G8 converter.

    Still 50% is a lot of stuff I can use with G8F so I call this a glass half full.

    I'm gonna go through some individualy and see how it works.

    This converter is good but it definetly has some bugs.

    There is something else that is going on.  I don't have exact numbers but it is more like 5% don't get converted than 50%.  Could you post your log?  

  • MouserMouser Posts: 675
    edited November 2018
    Mouser said:
    Mouser said:

    Okay first I tried one set of clothes, mostly worked, some items didnt but are ones I expect not to.

    Then ran the clothes directory through the converter & some hours later it finished and had converted around 50% of the files.

    Then tried the force converstion as per your Youtube vid but the button does nothing.

    Tried to clear the log & try them one at a time and clear log button does nothing.

    Once the converter does its job a lot of the buttons do not do anything anymore, Is this normal?

    Force Convert requires you to SELECT items (not just CHECKED).  Are you doing that?  If nothing is selected, the script will rapidly return as there is nothing to do.

    Yes, same happened to G3 to G8 converter.

    Still 50% is a lot of stuff I can use with G8F so I call this a glass half full.

    I'm gonna go through some individualy and see how it works.

    This converter is good but it definetly has some bugs.

    There is something else that is going on.  I don't have exact numbers but it is more like 5% don't get converted than 50%.  Could you post your log?  

    Interesting I tried one of the failed sets of clothes by itself & not the entire clothing directory and it all worked.

    I think the do them all option is the issue?

    I'm gonna try some more individual sets of clothing and see.

    Post edited by Mouser on
  • Mouser said:
    Mouser said:
    Mouser said:

    Okay first I tried one set of clothes, mostly worked, some items didnt but are ones I expect not to.

    Then ran the clothes directory through the converter & some hours later it finished and had converted around 50% of the files.

    Then tried the force converstion as per your Youtube vid but the button does nothing.

    Tried to clear the log & try them one at a time and clear log button does nothing.

    Once the converter does its job a lot of the buttons do not do anything anymore, Is this normal?

    Force Convert requires you to SELECT items (not just CHECKED).  Are you doing that?  If nothing is selected, the script will rapidly return as there is nothing to do.

    Yes, same happened to G3 to G8 converter.

    Still 50% is a lot of stuff I can use with G8F so I call this a glass half full.

    I'm gonna go through some individualy and see how it works.

    This converter is good but it definetly has some bugs.

    There is something else that is going on.  I don't have exact numbers but it is more like 5% don't get converted than 50%.  Could you post your log?  

    Interesting I tried one of the failed sets of clothes by itself & not the entire clothing directory and it all worked.

    I think the do them all option is the issue?

    I'm gonna try some more individual sets of clothing and see.

    It shouldn't unless the script crashes and stops.  There are a couple of items that the transfer function does not like and it will crash the script (this is coming from DS and there is nothing I can do about).  Those items you should uncheck or delete and not try to convert.

  • carrie58carrie58 Posts: 4,031
    edited November 2018

    I just picked up Aave Nainen's Pretty-n-Pleats for Genesis 2 Female(s)

    and the vest converts perfectly however the dressvest combo doesn't,  it seems to be one obj. with different material zones but it won't convert ...it freezes thee converter and crashes DS .....I tried resaving it  and that didn't help .......is this just one of those things where it's hopeless?

    Post edited by carrie58 on
  • RiverSoft ArtRiverSoft Art Posts: 6,650
    edited November 2018
    carrie58 said:

    I just picked up Aave Nainen's Pretty-n-Pleats for Genesis 2 Female(s)

    and the vest converts perfectly however the dressvest combo doesn't,  it seems to be one obj. with different material zones but it won't convert ...it freezes thee converter and crashes DS .....I tried resaving it  and that didn't help .......is this just one of those things where it's hopeless?

    By coincidence, I just bought it too.  smiley  (gotta love those PC++ for a day)  I tried it out.  Unfortunately, it looks like this one is hopeless.  When the script runs, there is an error deep, Deep, DEEP in Daz Studio that crashes everything and there is nothing the script can do about it.  If you look in the Daz log, this is not an error you want to see:

    FATAL: ASSERT failure in QVector<T>::operator[]: "index out of range", file D:\DAZDevel\Hudson\HUDSON_HOME\jobs\NB_Studio_Trunk\workspace\dependencies\Qt\Qt\include\QtCore/qvector.h, line 359


    Post edited by RiverSoft Art on
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