G2F install
All my content is in /users/{username}/Documents/DAZ 3D/Studio/My Library
and the G2F installed to /Users/Shared/My DAZ 3D library
When I changed the install path of the DIM I got the warning so I left it top shared, buts it's kinda a pain to have to search in yet another location
Is it safe to ignore the warning and install to my regular location?
Yes. The warning mainly relates to installing something with DIM in a folder where it had previously been installed with the old BitRock installers - since G2F is new that won't be an issue.
Thanks. I uninstalled, changed the directory, and reinstalled. Now loading G6pro.
I have a coupla issues/questions:
I can only access the G2F from the library and not the smart content, do I need to rescan something?
Is the DIM smart enough to mark or overwrite my existing installs if I d/l & install through it? Fer instance, what will happen it I use the DIM to install V5, which I had already done with bitRock, since these point to the same location would the installer just overwrite the existing files or will I have any side effects?
DIM will just overwrite the files -- the only potential problem is if the product has been updated and some files were removed or moved to different locations -- since the original installation was with a Bitrock installer, DIM doesn't know that those files need to be removed.