[Released] Cartoonized for Genesis 8 Female [Commercial]

PFAPFA Posts: 119
edited September 2018 in Daz PA Commercial Products

Hello Guys, I hope you like Cartoonized now in store 

Post edited by Chohole on


  • Is there a male version in the works? 

  • ArtiniArtini Posts: 9,723

    Yes, it is the best what happened to Daz world of characters in a long time.

    Hope to see many more such a lovely creations coming from you, PedroFurtadoArts.


  • vrba79vrba79 Posts: 1,432
    edited September 2018

    This looks amazing, and the fact you are doing a male verison too is the answer to my Genesis 8 prayers. Will be buying both when he gets released!

    You are a hero.


    Post edited by vrba79 on
  • MouserMouser Posts: 675

    Works well with most things except some hair figures.

    I tried applying the shape to the hair but no luck.

    Any recomendations?

  • ArtiniArtini Posts: 9,723

    The only way, I have found so far, is not to conform the hair to the figure,

    but instead load the hair separate, scale it, morph it etc until you are happy with its look.

    Then parent the hair to the head. Done.

    Other methods include morphing the hair in some external modelling programs,

    like Hexagon, Blender etc.


  • PennamePenname Posts: 344

    I bought this and am having so much fun with it.  It's addictive and on so useful.  Thank you!

  • tombraider4evertombraider4ever Posts: 728
    edited June 2019

    I bought Cartoonized a while ago and was just going to test it, but I can't find all the content, there are suposed to be 10 faceshapes but I have 4 + one Cartoon Face length, 8 jaw shapes but I have 4, 8 eyeshapes but I have 4, 7 nose shapes but I have 4, 8 lip shapes but I have 4, 5 body types but I  have 4. 

    Please help me with this, what am I doing wrong, should I download it again? Everything is where it's supposed to be I think: body types under: Genesis 8 female, actor, full body, stylized for instance. I hope this can be fixed, beacuse I love toony styles and if there is supposed to be all that content then I want all of it. 


    Edit: I just read the readme, it seams like most sliders have postive and negative and that all thoose sliders counts as two, taking that into account then it all adds up. Is this correct? I would appreciate a reply that this is the case. And if that's the case then it should say so in the description, it could be much clearer. If I read that it's supposed to be 10 faceshapes then I expect 10 sliders.There's nothing wrong with this setup but it should clearly say so, like on the first faceshape slider: faceshape 1 and 2 and so on.

    Post edited by tombraider4ever on
  • carrie58carrie58 Posts: 4,037

    Yup positive  and negative count as a different shape each , honestly I haven't used them much cause for the most part I just add a percentage of Cartoonizer to the figures I create with morphs to give the toony look ....

  • Mr BowenMr Bowen Posts: 403
    edited December 2019

    PedroFurtadoArts May I ask for the character settings for the Elsa looking character and the redhead character on the bottom? I would like to be able to use those specific characters. They are what sold me on the set. Thank you.

    Ah well...This company will probably gowing out of business soon anyway. Considering most of thier Genesis 8 characters are lame repeats. They all look the same. Garbage.

    Post edited by Mr Bowen on
  • Just bought this, but I'm not 100% sure about proper usage. Do I dial up the main "Cartoonized" morph slider, then make smaller adjustments/tweaks with the other sliders? Or are the other sliders meant to be used on their own?

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