WinterMoon Wants Attention.



  • WinterMoonWinterMoon Posts: 2,010

    Hylas said: I'm laughing so hard... my boyfriend is looking at me funny

    Don't say I didn't warn you!

  • WinterMoonWinterMoon Posts: 2,010

    Raelynn was very young when she was given the tremendous task of chronicalling the insane lives of the Starbloom family. (And boy did it show in her writing...) I'm wondering if I should redo this picture, and try changing out the materials on the laptop screen, to make it look like she's actually writing something. Then again, that would probably just look all white and blurred out, and this isn't that important of a picture. You can just pretend that she's using some keyboard shortcuts to start a game, or something.


    "I can't write that, can I? But it happened... I need to tell the truth. Can I really write that, though? Yeah, it happened. I've got to!"



  • WinterMoonWinterMoon Posts: 2,010

    I've been listning to a lot of cryptozoology podcasts lately. While I'm still not convinced Sasquatches are real (though I'm considering the possibility, which I never did before), at least I got my butt kicked into gear and rendered my absolutely favourite "cryptid." Sorry about the clunky square format, but it's meant to be a user picture here and on LiveJournal.

  • GordigGordig Posts: 10,187

    Being less familiar with cryptids, I can't tell what that's supposed to be. It just looks like a wrong dog to me. 

  • HylasHylas Posts: 5,070

    Adorable dogs are cryptids? In that case there's a cryptid living in the apartment upstairs... laugh

  • WinterMoonWinterMoon Posts: 2,010
    edited May 2022

    Gordig said:

    Being less familiar with cryptids, I can't tell what that's supposed to be. 

    Thylacine! laugh I can't believe you haven't seen the model in the store! 

    Gordig said: It just looks like a wrong dog to me. 

    Hylas said: Adorable dogs are cryptids? In that case there's a cryptid living in the apartment upstairs... laugh

    It's actually not a dog at all, which is why it looks "wrong." Thylacines were/are marsupials, like kangaroos, and not related to any canid species. I think their closest relative is the Tasmanian Devil. They look dog-like because of convergent evolution. Essentially, they fill(ed) the nice of apex predator before the introduction of the Dingo to the Australian mainland, so they developed the body-style best suited for a carnivore that lives in social packs. Their skulls are oddly similar to canines', but their legs really aren't. They move differently. Yes, I refer to them in the present tense, because I believe! 


    Post edited by WinterMoon on
  • GordigGordig Posts: 10,187

    Can you really call something a cryptid if it actually existed?

  • WinterMoonWinterMoon Posts: 2,010

    Gordig said:

    Can you really call something a cryptid if it actually existed?

    Yeah, uh.... I think of it as a "cryptid," in quotation marks. Currently they're believed by mainstream science to have been extinct since at least the 1950s. People are reporting seeing them all over Australia - despite the fact that they only lived on Tasmania by the time the British arrived - but officially they're just seeing foxes or dogs. Because of its officially non-existant current status, it's considered a cryptid. The definition of a cryptid, according to the people who actively dabble in cryptozoology, is that they're "hidden animals." They need to be plausibly able to exist, to have a real world physical form, in order for them to reach official cryptid status. For example: Sasquatches are cryptids, because the possibility of apes existing in North America is not zero. Nessie and other lake monsters are cryptids, because they could be a rare, undescribed species of seal, a large fish, or even some kind of big salamander. Leprechauns are not considered cryptids, those are mythical creatures. Same with fairies. They're "not of this world."

    Of course, there are two (at least) wildly different movements within cryptozoology. One camp is methodically and patiently researching, camping out in the wilderness, collecting samples and making recordings. They're willing to keep searching for years just to find a single hair. Then you have the Monster Hunters(TM), who are pretty much just showmen. Those are the guys who'll go looking for things like the Jersey Devil and Chupacabra.

  • GordigGordig Posts: 10,187

    I've always thought of cryptozoology as the study of, to put it as charitably as possible, animals that are not recognized to exist by general scientific consensus. 

  • WinterMoonWinterMoon Posts: 2,010
    edited February 2022

    Gordig said:

    I've always thought of cryptozoology as the study of, to put it as charitably as possible, animals that are not recognized to exist by general scientific consensus. 

    Or to put it less charitably, creatures that are recognized by general scientific consensus to absolutely not exist under any circumstances. I mean, Mongolian Deathworm? Hello.... At the same time we have to remember that gorillas, giant pandas and okapi were once cryptid and generally believed to be myths. The places they inhabit are so remote, they were almost devoid of human presence. It's the unproven status of the creatures that makes cryptozoology so interesting. Most people love a good scary mystery story, most people like at least some types of animal, and here you have the crossover! 

    I've gotten the impression that most Sasquatch researchers don't believe there's anything paranormal about Squatches at all. Several of the guests on one of the podcasts pointed out the same thing; A lot of fans are more into the alleged paranormal aspects than the zoological part. They're not interested in mapping out the genome or discovering the diet of these animals. The only thing they're interested in is getting photos or videos that will definitely prove that the Jersey Devil is real. By focusing on the paranormal explainations, they've already set out with a premise of next to zero chance of proving anything. The monster hunter approach is to go out into the woods at night with a five-person camera team, make a lot of noise, and shouting "We gotta get out of here!" when the forest makes noises back. It makes good entertainment. When you focus on zoology, it becomes too much like work for most crypto-fans. Like one of the interviewees pointed out, nine out of ten days or nights, nothing at all happens. Animals are good at hiding, and the forest is their living room. On the tenth night there's a sighting of an owl or deer, and it's a huge high-point because it's actually quite rare. You can put in thousands of days in the field before you find anything that could maybe possibly be evidence of your cryptid. No one's going to watch a TV show about that.

    I'm gonna stop now! When I'm talking or writing about a topic that interests me I always write these long essays! laugh I'm not here to give you a TED talk, I'm just here to share my questionable art!

    Post edited by WinterMoon on
  • WinterMoonWinterMoon Posts: 2,010

    Raelynn's newest "thing" is trying to look like she's from the 1960s or 70s. She's got this notion that everything was a lot more real then, because there wasn't Internet for everything. That, and she's currently hooked on Dark Shadows, which is the most amazing show ever made.

    No filter version, only autocorrect.


    Maybe unicorn cupcake print wasn't really a thing in the 60s, though.

    Autocorrect only.

  • GordigGordig Posts: 10,187

    Looks great!

  • HylasHylas Posts: 5,070

    I like the colours of the 1st one in particular!

    Her skin's too glossy, though :/

  • WinterMoonWinterMoon Posts: 2,010

    Gordig said:  Looks great!


    Hylas said: I like the colours of the 1st one in particular! Her skin's too glossy, though :/

    "I was wearing a lot of sunscreen," Raelynn clarified. I think she must be telling the truth, because that skin usually isn't shiny.

  • WinterMoonWinterMoon Posts: 2,010


    *nack nack nack nack*



    "My expressions of salutation with a culturally appropriate amount of respectfulness. Is an agreeable point in the day-to-night cycle together with you?"

    "I don't know. Can I help you?"

    "Potential positive. The specimen labelled with 'Simon MacAvoy' is in storage at this location?"

    "Yes, that's my Dad. Do you want to talk to him?"

    "Affirmation given."


    To Be Continued.....

  • HylasHylas Posts: 5,070

    ^ I see, fashion week is still happening yes

  • WinterMoonWinterMoon Posts: 2,010

    Hylas said:

    ^ I see, fashion week is still happening yes

    There are 52 fashion weeks a year around here!

  • WinterMoonWinterMoon Posts: 2,010
    edited March 2022


    "Dad's just in the kitchen having a coffee and playing sudoku. I'll go get him.

    "Hmmmmmm. Yes, I see it now."

    "You see what?"

    "Upon further visual inspection, a distinct group of genetic markers have become obvious. Tell me, are you the result of artificial insemination of a human male?"

    "Y-yes, I am. How did you know? Are you one of us?"

    "Ambiguous. I was created the same way, but neither of my parents are native to this planet."


    "DAAAAD! It's for you!"

    "It's not those squirrel cult missionaries again, it it?"

    "No, I don't think so."

    "Positively negative!"

    "They say they aren't."

    "Alright, I'm coming."


    "Oh wow, it's YOU!?!?"

    "Informal greetings appropriate to this specific time of day, Simon MacAvoy. Much time has been registered with no observations."


    "My scientific career occupies most of my time, and only now after all these..... what is it you call your cycles around the sun again?"

    "Uh, years."

    "It is only after all of these years that I have had the opportunity to come back and observe the results of the implantations I conducted in this solar system. I will now begin my part of the work involved in the maintenance of the developing specimens."

    "Wait.... What's the story here? You two obviously know each other, and you're saying you've done some kind of mad science together in the past?"


    "Uh yeah, Lilo.... We've talked about this. You know how you've always wondered about your "other daddy" from space?"

    "Lilo.... I'm your mother!"

    Post edited by WinterMoon on
  • HylasHylas Posts: 5,070

    Just how young is Simon? He looks about his daughter's age! surprise

  • WinterMoonWinterMoon Posts: 2,010

    Hylas said: Just how young is Simon? He looks about his daughter's age! surprise

    He's over a century old, actually! surprise The Starbloom family has.... medicine, which keeps them unaged past early adulthood. Xorina's species is naturally extremely long-lived, because their cycles around their sun takes 153 Earth-years. Lilo's inherited her slow aging, and is about twenty years into a 500 year long puberty.

  • HylasHylas Posts: 5,070

    WinterMoon said:

    (...) a 500 year long puberty.


    *runs away screaming*

  • WinterMoonWinterMoon Posts: 2,010

    Iris: So, now she's just going to be in your life, and be your mom and stuff?


    Lilo: Yeah, it's a little weird. I haven't really processed it yet. All this time I've thought I had two dads. Then it turns out that I've got a mother, and she's a very famous scientist and everything.


    Iris: Your hair looks happy, though? Kind of nervously and confused happy.


    Lilo: I guess I am happy, in a way. Now I know who my other parents is, and she actually seems pretty cool. Weird as heck, yes, but she's cool. It's not like she's going to take me away from Dad and Maikana, or anything. She just wants to keep in touch and see what abilities I develop. Apparently I've got a lot of sisters from other misters too.


    Iris: All this family business is always so complicated. Ew, I knew it. There's a pickle!


    Iris: Why do they always put pickles on the burgers? Who even likes them?

    Lilo: I bet my Mom does!


    I wanted to do a little follow-up scene, to show Lilo's reaction to what just happened. She and Iris are related, Iris is her aunt by adoption. Maikana, Lilo's adoptive mom, is Iris' older half-sister. Iris knows what she's talking about when she says that family relations are complicated. She's got a hard time explaining her family tree to people.

    You don't need to tell me that these renders aren't perfect, that the lighting isn't completely concistent, and that there's grain. I'm just practicing posing characters in everyday situations, and having them interact with props. It's a lot of fun doing these little scenes. There will probably be more of them.

  • WinterMoonWinterMoon Posts: 2,010

    Leave it to Raelynn to make even a simple try-on of a new pair of bell-bottom jeans into something strange.

    "I saw this painting of a woman in an old book of Art Nouveau pictures, and she stood like this."


    "I put glitter make-up on my eyes, and it doesn't even show up?!"


    Lilo and Iris are out walking their doggos. They have spring, unlike WinterMoon here, who's getting snowed on.

  • HylasHylas Posts: 5,070

    Love the colours of that 1st one!

  • WinterMoonWinterMoon Posts: 2,010

    Hylas said:

    Love the colours of that 1st one!

    Thank you! laugh Raelynn can, when she feels like it, not look like something a unicorn vomited.

  • WinterMoonWinterMoon Posts: 2,010

    I bring you today.... a Disney villain? 


    A while ago, I posted a character I called "Tessica Zephyr," who my BFF Sam and me made up. This lovely lady you see here is her nemesis. She started as just a name, but the image that name conjured up was "a mixture of Maleficent and Cruella deVil." I woke up yesterday with a craving for making concept art, and here's the initial result.


    Glorious A-pose shows off her alluring physique. I wanted her to be Cruella-skinny, in a way that no one in their right mind would find attractive. There's nothing in that bra-top, just empty metal. I'm thinking poison green will be her signature colour, because black is just too classy.

  • WinterMoonWinterMoon Posts: 2,010
    edited May 2022

    Raelynn is normally very comfortable in her identity as a country girl, but she likes getting dressed up and pretending she's urban, from time to time.


    Crop tops over camisoles are definitely a thing with her.

    Post edited by WinterMoon on
  • WinterMoonWinterMoon Posts: 2,010

    I went and got Planet Zoo when it was on 75% discount, and it was a major mistake. You can't render while running that puppy! But the good(?) news is that I'll have to take a break, because the summer heat + that game = computer not so happy. I've been getting new stuff from the sale I'm eager to try out. In the mean time, here's the last part of Raelynn's urban photo session.

  • WinterMoonWinterMoon Posts: 2,010

    Gordig said: Some good looking renders!

    Thanks! laugh Also, guess which questionable series of zoo videos made me want this game in the first place! angel

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