Where do I find the log file?

I'm getting an error message in Daz It's referring me to the log file, but I can't find where that is. Which is sad, because I've been doing Daz Studio since Jesus lost his sandals. Sigh. Any clue?


  • jcbunnjcbunn Posts: 271

    should be 

    C:\Users\Damsel\AppData\Roaming\DAZ 3D\Studio4

  • namffuaknamffuak Posts: 4,191

    From the menu - Help -> Troubleshooting -> View Log File

  • namffauk nailed it... but once you find it... useless

  • kerrykerry Posts: 74

    A new camera magic user having an issue here.

    My first two uses went great but today I'm getting persistent errors that it can't load the script and to check my log file which was not very helpful, every time I click on the product.

    Tried good old on and off again, tried uninstalling and reinstalling, watched the video several times to see if my process was the issue and apart from accessing via the script I'm not doing anything wildly different.

    Any advice is appreciated.

    I did set up the script menu btw, Daz just loaded the workspace without it. 

    1262 x 455 - 87K
  • felisfelis Posts: 4,686

    Which paths do you have defined for Daz Studio content?

    And is the file at the listed path?

  • ZomZom Posts: 33

    This happens a lot lately, especially after using Recent Files, and the Log File is useless when you don't know what you're looking for and why...  

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