[Released] Mossy Hollow Botanica



  • SzarkSzark Posts: 10,634

    man that does look good, awesome work. But still please could you add some damaged and ecayed leaves in the future for more realism. Yeah I am getting lazy in my old age. :)

  • barbultbarbult Posts: 24,872
    edited December 2018

    I just got Mossy Hollow Botanica recently, Here is my render. I was surprised at how fast it rendered.

    Mossy Hollow Old Man with Cane_004 PS.jpg
    2000 x 1500 - 3M
    Post edited by barbult on
  • alexhcowleyalexhcowley Posts: 2,392

    There appears to be a problem with the manual installer for MH Creek.  When I tried to load it, I got two missing files errors.

    Can anyone help?



    MH Creek Problem 1.jpg
    1920 x 1200 - 375K
    MH Creek Problem 2.jpg
    1920 x 1200 - 382K
  • edited January 2019

    There appears to be a problem with the manual installer for MH Creek.  When I tried to load it, I got two missing files errors.

    Can anyone help?



    Same problem with the DAZ Install Manager. The files MH_River_pebbles_01_1024.png and MH_River_stone_01_2048.png cannot be found. These texture files are present, but as jpg files. Just use those. You can find them in your DAZ library in \Runtime\Textures\HowieFarkes\Mossy Hollow.



    Post edited by Richard Haseltine on
  • alexhcowleyalexhcowley Posts: 2,392
    edited January 2019

    There appears to be a problem with the manual installer for MH Creek.  When I tried to load it, I got two missing files errors.

    Can anyone help?



    Same problem with the DAZ Install Manager. The files MH_River_pebbles_01_1024.png and MH_River_stone_01_2048.png cannot be found. These texture files are present, but as jpg files. Just use those. You can find them in your DAZ library in \Runtime\Textures\HowieFarkes\Mossy Hollow.



    Many thanks,


    Post edited by Richard Haseltine on
  • alexhcowleyalexhcowley Posts: 2,392

    Up the Mossy Hollow Creek without a paddle.

    Things are not looking good, guys. In fact, they’re not looking very good at all. This is not a fair contest.  One of the scariest and most proficient killers in the entire known multiverse has just cornered a poor defenceless ravager drone.  Does the hapless creature realise it’s got into a fight with Archmage Serena, head posterior-kicker with the sisterhood of scientist-magicians the Future Mages?



    An Unequal Contest.jpg
    3000 x 1875 - 1M
  • barbultbarbult Posts: 24,872
    edited January 2019

    I'm still having fun with this product. Here I used UltraScatterPro to scatter some props from other products I own onto the Mossy Hollow terrain. 

    Mossy Hollow Rocks and Moss Flowers Weed Grass Trees Palms_009.jpg
    2000 x 1500 - 3M
    Mossy Hollow Rocks and Moss Flowers Weed Grass Trees Maples.jpg
    2000 x 1500 - 3M
    Post edited by barbult on
  • Barbult, those look wonderful. Full of lush and beauty!
  • SzarkSzark Posts: 10,634

    agreed awesome stuff barbult

  • barbultbarbult Posts: 24,872

    Thanks, guys!

    One of my favorite things about UltraScatterPro is the ability to select a new group of props and import a previous scatter to set all the distribution, scaling and rotation settings. The only thing I have to update is the path of the distribution maps, if I am importing a scatter from a commercial product like Mossy Hollow. I need to specify where those maps are on my computer.


  • WillowRavenWillowRaven Posts: 3,787

    I have no clue how UltraScatterPro works, but these look amazing.

  • SzarkSzark Posts: 10,634

    There is just one thing about these renders that puts me off saying WOW, everything is so pristine and we all know plants in the wild aren't. Still a nice set and great renders but that is one thing that puts me off from buying. Yes I could use the Geoeditor tool and split some parts off and add some damage and dying leaves but it would be nice if vendors don't make everything so pristine while they make it. That alone would make me part with my money knowing I don't have to spend loads of time doing myself. I maybe alone on this but that is me.

  • barbultbarbult Posts: 24,872
    Szark said:

    There is just one thing about these renders that puts me off saying WOW, everything is so pristine and we all know plants in the wild aren't. Still a nice set and great renders but that is one thing that puts me off from buying. Yes I could use the Geoeditor tool and split some parts off and add some damage and dying leaves but it would be nice if vendors don't make everything so pristine while they make it. That alone would make me part with my money knowing I don't have to spend loads of time doing myself. I maybe alone on this but that is me.

    That is an excellent observation.

  • SzarkSzark Posts: 10,634

    sometimes detail is everything IMO

  • why do this crash my pc...just locks right up does it have to do w/ultra scatter evern tried removing those still locks up pc

  • SzarkSzark Posts: 10,634

    depends on your PC and what specs you have RAM, CPU, GPU etc.

    For starters look in the Iray Render settings Pane under Optimization > Instancing Optimization and see if it is set to Memory.

  • Szark said:

    depends on your PC and what specs you have RAM, CPU, GPU etc.

    For starters look in the Iray Render settings Pane under Optimization > Instancing Optimization and see if it is set to Memory.

    pc crashed so didnt enter info

    i5-3330 16gb ram gt 640 gpu ty!

  • SzarkSzark Posts: 10,634

    well you should have enough RAM, though I don't own this product so I ave no idea on what is uses. GPU not very good for renderimg, though you didn't anwser my last question.

  • barbultbarbult Posts: 24,872

    It is absolutely CRITICAL to set the Instancing Optimization to Memory, as Szark mentioned. If you leave it on the default setting of Speed, every instance will use up memory and Daz Studio will probably crash. This is true any time you use a lot of instances in a scene, not just for Mossy Hollow Botanica. In your case, even your PC crashed. If it still crashes after you change the optimization to Memory, I don't know what is wrong.

  • SzarkSzark Posts: 10,634
    edited March 2019

    can someone do me a favour and show me what the tree tru nks look like close up please. Just pick a couple of different ones

    Post edited by Szark on
  • barbultbarbult Posts: 24,872
    edited March 2019

    I don't know what "tree trucks" are. Would that be what I call tree roots? Or???

    Edit: Oh, maybe you mean tree trunks. Is that it?

    Post edited by barbult on
  • SzarkSzark Posts: 10,634

    ROFLOL Yes what c or n between friends, darn new keyboard 

  • barbultbarbult Posts: 24,872
    Szark said:

    ROFLOL Yes what c or n between friends, darn new keyboard 

    OK, it was dumb of me not to guess that right off! I'm working on a render for you.

  • SzarkSzark Posts: 10,634

    LOL Thanks barbult

  • barbultbarbult Posts: 24,872

    Here are renders using sun-Sky Only lighting. The scene looks a little washed out with this lighting, because there are no other trees to cast shadows.

    There are several different trees in Mossy Hollow. This is tree MH Tree02 03. At base resolution, the tree trunk is pretty angular. It is not meant for such close viewing. With some SubD, it rounds out better for closeups. I threw in G8F for scale.

    The tree has no roots. The base of the tree is under the terrain. 


    MH Tree02 03 full view base res.jpg
    2000 x 1500 - 1M
    MH Tree02 03 up close base res.jpg
    2000 x 1500 - 3M
    MH Tree02 03 up close subD.jpg
    2000 x 1500 - 3M
  • SzarkSzark Posts: 10,634

    Thanks you, much appreciated, yeah the Sub-D version is better, good for semi distant shots. Not too bad I might go ahead and get this set then.

  • barbultbarbult Posts: 24,872
    edited March 2019

    There are a lot of nice plants in this set that you can use on other scatters that you do yourself. Here are some renders of another tree in the set. This is MH Tree01 04. It is a different species and is smaller.


    MH Tree01 04 closeup base res.jpg
    2000 x 1500 - 3M
    MH Tree01 04 closeup SubD.jpg
    2000 x 1500 - 3M
    MH Tree01 04 full view base res.jpg
    2000 x 1500 - 978K
    Post edited by barbult on
  • SzarkSzark Posts: 10,634

    and it looks like it would be no trouble to whack and another bark texure on it but yeah I like the other smaller plants better to do just that, rescatter my own landscapes.

  • barbultbarbult Posts: 24,872

    The bark is a tiling texture for diffuse and bump, so you could easily replace it with any bark texture you want, I think.

    Screenshot 2019-03-05 18.19.35.jpg
    556 x 738 - 247K
  • SzarkSzark Posts: 10,634

    yeah I thought it would be, thanks for confirming it for me. 

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