1st real reality render
Finally I have a chance to get to try out some of my software, I am starting to get into the reality plug in and I like it so far. with the exception of an issue I am having with my first real render, real because I have done some quick stuff just to play with it, this may still fall in the category but I know what I am going for on this one just just trying and seeing what I get. It is just about right but I am getting this strange transition line, if you look closely just below her chin you can see how it changes, at first I thought it may be something that would go away as the rendering progressed but it has not. This screen shot below is after 7 hours of rendering. I have messed with most of the settings to see if there was a way to make it go away but nothing works. The other one is a reality render of the same exact scene only it was a mistake as I forgot that my machine was set to sleep after 30 minutes. The quality is not there but the transition is also not. Any ideas on what I did to cause this or a way to fix it? thanks.

I just recently purchased Reality and I'm struggling to learn it. However, I did find this that may help you.
"Why does LuxRender leave bright spots in my image? doesn't do this
By default, LuxRender uses a metropolis-hastings sampler. It is, in a sense, attracted to bright objects. As a result, it has an occasional habit of leaving clumps of "fireflies" or bright pixels in the image. These will dissapear over time as the image gathers more samples. The metropolis sampler is extremely helpful in finding difficult light paths, such as caustics.
If you still find this behavior undesireable, you can use the lowdiscrepancy sampler instead. This sampler will distribute samples in a quasi-random pattern across the image, which should keep the noise even as it clears up. This can be useful for animation frames, where consistency of noise is more important than overall clarity."
This came from a FAQ section in the help section of the program.
You would probably be better off asking your question in the Reality Thread in the commons. It is full of Reality guru's with all kinds of good advice. Here is the link http://www.daz3d.com/forums/discussion/289/
Thanks for both the info on the render engine and the link to the reality thread (couldn't find one, and I think I look everyplace but the commons :-).
I found that as I was experimenting with the different settings I had turned on the bloom (I thought I turned it off) as it turns out I was trying to fix a problem a generated....
Here is the final pic but I think I may redo it and add some DOF.
It is looking good!
I think DOF works really well in Reality, and it should help bring your figure to the forefront.
Agree with Jimmy. DOF will really highlight the character.
She is rather close to the camera so you have any sugestions for a good DOF?
You want the character highlighted and the background faded. Just make small adjustment at a time until you get the desired look.
Looking good, especially for a first image. Just that you know, we have a on going thread at Renderosity about Reality here: http://www.renderosity.com/mod/forumpro/showthread.php?thread_id=2849428
Also, you might want to post new questions i my forum at http://www.preta3d.com/forum , in that way I will be notified, otherwise new thread here at DAZ might be missed.