Where is the "random" option for Texture Images located

Does Carrara have a "random" option for texture image mapping. Bryce has that option, but I can't find it in Carrara, Help


  • evilproducerevilproducer Posts: 9,050

    Random for image mapping? I'm not sure what you mean? Could you explain a bit how it works?

  • DiomedeDiomede Posts: 15,135

    Maybe use one of the noise functions?

  • Retro LadRetro Lad Posts: 471
    edited August 2018


    In Bryce it is just an option for wrapping an image on an object, such as cylinder, sphere, etc, but the "random" option scrambles the image that is wrapped over the object. Imagine a photo of a landscape, or a face, that is "randomized, or scrambled, and then placed on the object;, that sort of thing. It can be useful.

    Post edited by Retro Lad on
  • evilproducerevilproducer Posts: 9,050

    Haven't seen anything quite like you described.

  • HeadwaxHeadwax Posts: 9,969

    philemeno's triplanar plug in could do the job - kinda 

  • Retro LadRetro Lad Posts: 471

    head wax,

    Thanks, but I tried the "Triplanar" option and it did not help. What I was trying to do was bring into Carrara elements of a Bryce scene because of Carrara's 64 bit platform and because it has a faster render engine.

    So, for the last week I have been finishing up the scene, and scenes, in Bryce although everything in Bryce is slower than in Carrara. It's all right, the scene is not that complex. It's finished form will be one animation, or maybe several of the same scene, depending on how tired, frustrated, and fed-up I get with the work.

  • evilproducerevilproducer Posts: 9,050

    I would consider learning Carrara's shader room. You may be surprised with what it can do. Also, almost every shader function can be animated if need be.

  • JamyJamy Posts: 192

    hello les gars,

    is that could help you ?


    I'ts a Carrara extension made by Sparrowhawke3D

    Very usefull :-)

    640 x 512 - 245K
  • HeadwaxHeadwax Posts: 9,969

    err assuming there is a randome variable generator in the formulas section of Carrara you could place a formula in the blender channel of a mixer operator in the shader room

    dont ask me how though :)



    easier would be to use cellular in the blender and then play with the variables manually

  • WendyLuvsCatzWendyLuvsCatz Posts: 38,079

    you could just scramble the image in Gimp or something 

  • Persona Non GrataPersona Non Grata Posts: 1,365
    edited March 2021


    Post edited by Persona Non Grata on
  • Retro LadRetro Lad Posts: 471
    edited August 2018

    Thanks for your help everyone.

    For this particular single Bryce project Carrara cannot help me. It can't do everything, and remember what you have probably told others, that no one program can do everything. I am not a total nincompoop about Carrara's texturing ability, and have read the manuals, and watched videos, and done my own monkeying about.

    I have to say though that Carrara has a better animation sytem and animation setup than Bryce does. I don't think Bryce's animation options have been seriously updated since dinosaurs ruled the Earth. It's a pain in the butt to use, but then Brycer fans will accuse me of ignorance and tell me to learn how to use it properly. Ha, I have been using it properly and it drives me nuts.

    For me Loyalty and Seig Heiling one program is over. Whatever works best, and fastest, and and with the least unneccesary complications for a particular option, in whatever program is my method these days.

    You will see what I mean when I upload my Bryce animations for this project of mine. But I can just anticipate the response. Someone will say, "You could have done all that in Carrara, dummy." Yeah, most of it, but not all of it.

    Sorry if I sound cranky, but the heat and humidity are terrible out here.


    Post edited by Retro Lad on
  • HeadwaxHeadwax Posts: 9,969

    Not Cranky sounding... we are just trying to lure you to the dark side by pretending to be helpful :)

    There is more than one way to skin a cat. The only thing that suffers is the cat...

  • Persona Non GrataPersona Non Grata Posts: 1,365
    edited March 2021


    Post edited by Persona Non Grata on
  • Retro LadRetro Lad Posts: 471
    edited August 2018

    head wax

    Not Cranky sounding... we are just trying to lure you to the dark side by pretending to be helpful :)There is more than one way to skin a cat. The only thing that suffers is the cat...

    I knew it, a secret Carrara Cabal corrupting former Brycers run by Selina and her skinned cats.


    I forgot about using UV Mapping in Carrara on the object I am using in Bryce, as an alternative to Bryce's "random" option.

    Today I finally decided to DUMP!! Bryce's crummy animation system for good. The goofy animation controls, or rather lack of adequate controls, made my blood pressure rise and I started feeling a bit dizzy, and then I made a wrong bank payment resulting from the stress. Bryce is good for many things, but animation sure isn't one of them, I have noticed that even David Brinnen, of the Washbowl Band, seems to steer clear of Bryce animation, and of his many Bryce Videos only a few have animation as the main topic.

    I wish this DAZ 3D productions website had a Carrara Video Gallery, but the megabyte load would probably be too big for their financial resources. I dread posting my Bryce animation project files on Youtube where all the trolling Meatheads of planet Earth can see them, and then make stupid, mean-spirited comments. I could turn off comments maybe.

    Now that I know firsthand about Bryce's animation fiasco, it's time to experiment further with Carrara's animation options.

     Selina, nice work.

    Post edited by Retro Lad on
  • WendyLuvsCatzWendyLuvsCatz Posts: 38,079

    head wax

    Not Cranky sounding... we are just trying to lure you to the dark side by pretending to be helpful :)There is more than one way to skin a cat. The only thing that suffers is the cat...

    I knew it, a secret Carrara Cabal corrupting former Brycers run by Selina and her skinned cats.


    I forgot about using UV Mapping in Carrara on the object I am using in Bryce, as an alternative to Bryce's "random" option.

    Today I finally decided to DUMP!! Bryce's crummy animation system for good. The goofy animation controls, or rather lack of adequate controls, made my blood pressure rise and I started feeling a bit dizzy, and then I made a wrong bank payment resulting from the stress. Bryce is good for many things, but animation sure isn't one of them, I have noticed that even David Brinnen, of the Washbowl Band, seems to steer clear of Bryce animation, and of his many Bryce Videos only a few have animation as the main topic.

    I wish this DAZ 3D productions website had a Carrara Video Gallery, but the megabyte load would probably be too big for their financial resources. I dread posting my Bryce animation project files on Youtube where all the trolling Meatheads of planet Earth can see them, and then make stupid, mean-spirited comments. I could turn off comments maybe.

    Now that I know firsthand about Bryce's animation fiasco, it's time to experiment further with Carrara's animation options.

     Selina, nice work.

    leave your video unlisted (not private) and link here

  • evilproducerevilproducer Posts: 9,050
    edited August 2018

    My channel has a lot of videos that use a variety of animation techniques and even render options like 'toon. I usually try and offer some information in the description about what I was doing and why. If you have anything you want to know more about, then feel free to ask!

    None of the regulars will ever say you are a dummy for using other software. Someone may say that it could have been done in Carra, but the nice thing about this forum is they will show you how to do it, and not just leave you hanging.

    Post edited by evilproducer on
  • Retro LadRetro Lad Posts: 471
    edited August 2018


    leave your video unlisted (not private) and link here

    Thanks, I will try that method and see how it works. I was unable to do exactly what I wanted to do with my animation idea in Bryce. But I was able to make a series of short test animations that are close to what I envision. I'll paste them together and then upload the sequence to Youtube, with an explanation. I am going to finish it in Carrara. Using a UV map for the main object will solve my "random" question.

    evilproducer ,

    I'll take a look at your Youtube Channel. Do I just type in evilproducer in the search engine or do you have a special youtube name?


    Post edited by Retro Lad on
  • evilproducerevilproducer Posts: 9,050

    Sorry! I forgot the link! My bad!

  • Retro LadRetro Lad Posts: 471


    Having viewed some Carrara made animations now by various artists I am convinced that in this category Carrara beats Bryce.

    What is that cat drinking in "Cat gets flushed"? Maybe another name for it could be "Cat Goes on a Trip" Hah, ha 

    Were you thinking of Paul Lehr, the Golden Age SF paperback cover artist, when you made "City planet animation"? It has the tone of one his paintings.

    Most of your animations are from 3 or 4 years ago. Did you stop making animations for some years, until recently.

    And lastly, speaking of amatuer Theatre have you seen the funny Australian film, "Lonely Hearts", that has some hilarious scenes involving an amatuer Theatre group? A great film from long ago.

    (I still can't figure out why this "comment box" keeps double spacing my sentences.)

  • StezzaStezza Posts: 8,008

    [shift] Enter wink

  • Retro LadRetro Lad Posts: 471
    edited August 2018

    Has anyone tried using Vimeo for video animation uploads? I read some of their intro stuff, but the compression business has me a bit worried. I don't want my uploads to look like badly pixelated pirated films.

    I was going to join Youtube, last week, and then upload my Bryce animations there, but changed my mind when I read the news about Youtube's latest action in social engineering. I will still download from them, but I will not open an account with them. All voices must be heard, even if you don't like them, that is democracy.


    Post edited by Retro Lad on
  • MistaraMistara Posts: 38,675

    poser had a random color option in the cellular procedural pattern.
    i used it quite a lot on greebles.

    mebbe 1 of the fenric plug ins?

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