C8 OX.8 Lion compatibility ?

Hi !
I'm a happy user of Carrara 8 on OS X.6.8... But for other softwares, I might be forced to upgrade to Lion. This *must* have already been covered here, but after many tries, I give up on the search engine. I know C8 it is not *officially* compatible (DAZ says "not compatible with X.7 on their site), but are there some workaround ? Or maybe the C8.5 beta is compatible with Lion ?
Thanks in advance for your patience ... any help is greatly appreciated !!!!
Carrara 8.5 still in beta is compatible with Lion and Mountain Lion. I could never get C8 to work on Lion even though a small number of people have posted that it works for them.
Hey, thanks for the quick answer :) !
That's a good thing. Though if it's possible, I'd rather stay with C8.1 (I hate betas)... So if anyone can describe how to make it work in OS X.8, that would be pretty cool (or point us to a link where it is explained ;) )
I run 10.8.4 and C 8.5 runs great for the most part! BUT! you may have to INSTALL it as the ROOT USER! I did... If you dont know what thats is google it but after you are DONE! CLOSE out as the root user!
Thanks Richard ! Yes, it definitely makes sense :).
Anyone running C8.1 with OSX.8 ?...
So OSX is on a Mac, right? I don't have a Mac, but it seems like it should be compatible with all versions. I'm sure the DAZ programmers show their love for Mac users too... :)
There was a big issue with Carrara when Lion came out. Carrara was out of date and just wouldn't run. Every time you try and save or open ( if I remember correctly) Carrara would crash. Daz was aware of it but didn't address the issue in 8.1. Apple released Mountain Lion about a year later and still no update from Daz. Carrara 8.5 was their fix and it's fairly stable now, but us Mac users have been forced to use a beta product for almost two years. Not much love from Daz. The good news is that 8.5 runs well on the Mac.
So... the only way seems to upgrade to the beta version... :-/
Question, I have Carrara 7 Pro that I got from a disk in 3D World magazine. Had it running on an intel macbook running 10.5.8. Now I have a MacBook Pro, go to install C7 and I get to the input name and serial # (I know that's what it is but still can't see anything but the boxes with no words), I don't know what happened. If memory serves, when I got this machine a couple months ago and tried this I could at least see the words (type name and serials # here) but the serial # never got accepted and I know I was doing it right.
Am I understanding right that version 7 is the problem?
There was a system font issue; Apple changed default fonts in there somewhere. Unfortunately, I can't recall the fix completely: it involved opening the Carrara preferences file (save a copy!) — in the user Library/Preferences/DAZ 3D/Carrara 7 finding the default font string which is
intf {
and putting in a font you're sure is available, like
intf {
FONT "Arial"
and then saving (making sure you're saving it as a TXT only file). This, I believe, should fix the problem. You can search the Carrara forum for the specific issue to be sure.
Yes. I am running C8.1 Pro build 153 (64 bit) on two new iMacs. Both have 10.8.4 installed. It works on both of them.
Follow the directions that Richard provided here:
There was a system font issue; Apple changed default fonts in there somewhere. Unfortunately, I can't recall the fix completely: it involved opening the Carrara preferences file (save a copy!) — in the user Library/Preferences/DAZ 3D/Carrara 7 finding the default font string which is
intf {
and putting in a font you're sure is available, like
intf {
FONT "Arial"
and then saving (making sure you're saving it as a TXT only file). This, I believe, should fix the problem. You can search the Carrara forum for the specific issue to be sure.
I just bought my son a mac mini, and I'm having the same problem. I was never able to solve the problem on my macbook pro. I can't find a path like this at all and I've tried searching the forum to no avail.
Any other suggestions would be greatly appreciated!
Did you follow Gigashadow's link above?
Also, if it's a new Mac Mini with the latest OS X, there may only be so much this fix can do if you are still trying to get C7 to run.
First of all, Thank You for responding on Christmas Day! Merry Christmas. I did follow that, and I got it to work for the C8 Pro Demo, but it still doesn't work for the full version of C7 Pro.
Well, if I can't get the full version of C7 running, do you happen to know if the offer for the extra 40% off is still available for joining the Platinum Club?
That I do not know. I have heard tell that if you contact sales, they may be able to do something abut upgrade pricing, but what it is I don't know. Can't hurt to ask. Good luck!
Merry Christmas!
I just bought my son a mac mini, and I'm having the same problem. I was never able to solve the problem on my macbook pro. I can't find a path like this at all and I've tried searching the forum to no avail.
Any other suggestions would be greatly appreciated!
what version of OSX do you have? They started hiding the username/library directory. It has to be unhidden to get to the preferences file. I will have to look up how to do that again. Once you let me know what version I will put it here or point to the instructions. The alternative is the root install pointed to above. (I think)
I'm using 10.8.? On my MBP, and 10.9.? On the Mac Mini. I'm hesitant to upgrade the MBP yet as I've heard it's done some bad things to Pages and I can't have that right now.
Thanks for your help!