♥♡♥♡♥ 3dage (Andy) ♥♡♥♡♥
Daz 3D Forums > Software > Carrara Discussion>♥♡♥♡♥ 3dage (Andy) ♥♡♥♡♥
♥♡♥♡♥ 3dage (Andy) ♥♡♥♡♥
we want you here more :long:
I & I am POSITIVE others miss your advice and sage wisdom
other pretenders think they are helping
they are just poopy pants little boys
we want the real deal
the challenges are void of your beautiful renders too
(even if others enter neither, just give advice)
your absence is the reason I dispair and resent these "experts" who argued with you so much but never showed us any actual skill in using Carrara so unlike you, the mostest helpfullest former community volunteer to ever grace the Carrara forum
♥♡♥♡♥ 3dage rocks!!! ♥♡♥♡♥
Yes, 3DAGE rocks, but I am also sure he has a life outside of this virtuosity that he probably needs to spend more time at. ;-)
I agree with you Wendy! I miss Andy's sage wisdom as well.
As Stan suggests, he could be having a busy life off the internet. I certainly hope that all is well with him.
Or he could be taking a break from the forums because certain posters here seemed to argue with him and nit-pick any chance they got. That can be very frustrating and a real drag. Present company in this thread excluded of course.
You could always rely on Andy for an answer - and a great one at that. Yes, I hope this is just a temporary absence, for we all have real lives too.
I will not get into long discussions via PM with someone over their percieved singling out of them for trolling
that is bullcrap
I troll everyone!
some just get more upset
this thread is a public response to the reason for my attitude towards them
the fact that Andy, and many others no longer frequent the forum due to their constant unwanted "advising" and suggestions and also putting people down for helpfullness to other users saying in effect your ideas be it using gamma correction in one person's case or a lighting technique etc are not valid as it has not been backed up by some extensive study of "real life" photography or mouldy book reading etc when they are just sharing, "hey this works well for me" HERE is a RENDER!
Andy has helped me extensively
unnamed poster not so much
. . . . if the pants fit . .
♥♡♥♡♥ 3 D A G E R O C K S ! ! ! ♥♡♥♡♥
I've been thinking about you quite a bit, lately. Cool to come here and see this thread.
Andy, I really appreciate all of the help you've given me over the years.
Even more that hoping that you're still lurking around and coming back soon,
I hope that you're feeling and doing okay.
Miss you, man!
Take care
Thanks for starting this one, Wendy :)
Oh... and Wendy,
You Frickin' R O C K ! ! !
so true it's sad,
I have a small but growing list of people who no longer come in because of certain aggressive attacks on themselves
it's starting to really annoy me the crap that people have to put up with if they post here
at first I felt sorry for the offender, thinking that there is good in everyone,
now I realise that, even though I am right in everything, and know everything, about everything, and am much smarter than 110 percent of the people on the planet, and, perhaps the entire universe, and that I have a God given right to put 'shit" on everyone, and make sure they know that I am the most important and knowledgeable sentient being every to exist since the big bang, I was wrong in believing that there is good in everyone
sorry about that ;)
yes 3dage, when you get a chance we'd love to have you back.
At this time I will point out that the DAZ 3D TOS will not permit users to exchange in personal attacks. Please stay Civil in this thread.
It's the fuzz! :snake:
Hi Jaderail, I guess we here at the forum are asking for closer moderation,
There are a lot of unnecessary poisonous posts going under your radar that leave people with a bad taste in their mouth. This means people are leaving this forum and/or not posting.
If you want this Carrara forum to be a successful place where people can post without feeling belittled or aggressively attacked for no reason, then unfortunately you have failed.
I guess you realise that:
More people posting here means more people being encouraged to use Carrara more often
That means that more people will buy things for Carrara - be it content or plugins.
That means that Daz will make more money from Carrara users.
And that also means that Daz will spend more on making Carrara better software.
It will be a win win situation.
At the moment people are sick of being harassed.
That's why this thread popped up.
It's our own way of expressing our dismay at what is happening.
Of course it also means that Daz is losing money because potential customers are going elsewhere.
I am not now nor have I ever been employed by DAZ 3D. I'm a volunteer forum administrator as all forum Admin's are. If a post is not in violation of the DAZ TOS it is allowed. If a post gets Reported we review it. I also am not a Carrara user so I only look in these forums as time allows, I try to stay in topics I can help with. I can not help with Carrara so I do not always get this far in my reading. As a team this Forum is viewed by other Admins and as noted before, if no TOS violation is seen no action is taken. If you as a user do not like posts and feel they are uncalled for and believe action should be taken then report the post and explain your view as to why it should not be allowed. We can not be in every thread in every forum, that is why the report option is here, for the users to help us keep the threads a friendly place. Please keep this in mind and help us to make the forums better.
there are so many things in carrara that are still incomprehensible to me and I would ask 3dage for them..
this is the only app where there is no complete handbook and no developer that may help you when needed, totally absurd
3dage is indeed a fount of knowledge on Carrara, but if you have issues, please feel free to ask. There are lots of helpful and knowledgeable folk around here who can probably help.
Jaderail wrote:
Jaderail. I didn't realise that you were a volunteer.
My sincerest apologies.
3dage is indeed a fount of knowledge on Carrara, but if you have issues, please feel free to ask. There are lots of helpful and knowledgeable folk around here who can probably help.
thank you Phil, I really appreciate what you are doing for all of us, I will certainly follow your advice.
Yes, but 3DAGE had a way of explaining things that I understood. For years I couldn't wrap my head around the particle emitter, then 3DAGE did sort of a quick walk through of it, and it finally made sense.
I endorse what Jaderail has already said. We are volunteers, and don't always get time to monitor every thread. The Report button is your friend, so if we miss the offensive posts someone can alert us to them.
You know I do pop in from time to time, as I do feel a certain empathy towards Carrara users feeling neglected, because of being a long time Brycer myself. Both Carraraists and Brycers do have a tendency to be insular and prefer to stay in their own communities.
The Forum team as a whole would very much like to see more positive vibes in the forums so reports could help us deal with anything we miss, and prevent the misunderstandings being aired in the forums rather than in private communications such as the PM system.
Just a quick shout-out to Andy from Texas. I hope things are well and he returns to the forums soon.
chohole wroteth
thanks chohole, yes I realised you were a volunteer and am always impressed at what a good job you do, thank you.
I know you can't be everywhere of course. even with that bigstick ;)
moderation is a fine line, we don't really want moderation, but we keep finding a reduction in people posting here because of 'harassment.'
haressment comes in many forms
harassment wears people down, even the best people
we don't have a lot of new users coming in to replace the old
I've seen other forums die because of this
once the moderators take things in hand it's too late
ah, the Report button?
usually in forums like this no one would ever think to use it because that would be another form of harassment.
a lose lose situation I guess.
thanks for you help
most of us come here to learn or have fun, not to fight a war 'every time' we post
cheers from oz :)
We try our best to read ever post made to the forums every day but we do miss things. Using the report button directs our attention to it and we can discuss as a team what to do.
Well it may interest you to know that I have been adding to my store credit a bit at a time, because I just know that when Carrara 8.5 is released my Son is likely to want it, and I know that he will be short of the readies to buy it, because his income is limited (he is currently at Uni as a mature student, studying for a BSc and teaching degree) and his Daughter is satrting a new scholl in September and there is a lot of expense with that.
So when Carrara 8.5 is released hopefully I will be able to subsidise him, so he can upgrade from 8.
thanks Frank0314
Thank you, Wendy!!! ❤
Hey, that's great news!
Hmm, I would hope DAZ will realise your great input into the community and send a courtesy 8.5 in your direction.
Just so you know what we are talking about ;) Bryce isn't the only program you know :)
Tis too, for me anyway. :coolsmile:
Bryce was my first love, and it will be my last.
I've sent Andy an email recently and I hope to hear from him, he is a great asset to this community and I think it's best for all Carrara users to keep him happy (which from my memory isn't hard to do as he's a very positive person). I think rather than asking for stricter moderation we should ask for better discretion from the community. There are always ways to bring up personal opinions without making them an attack, and there's many ways to misinterpret things that are said (especially though text in which we often have to rely on smileys to describe the emotions behind our words).
I'm going to speak as myself, not because I want to bring up something that happened to me or direct things towards someone but to better explain my point (it'll make the wording easier).
I have just as much right to be upset by the words you say as you have in saying them. Conversation takes more than one person to make it work, one person to speak and another to listen. The one who is listening is half the equation, the way they interpret things is just as important to the conversation as the way things are worded when spoken. You can wall yourself in a room with no one around to hear you and constantly express the most negative thoughts or words without ever upsetting another person, it's only when there is someone listening that you have the ability to upset. It's also only when someone is listening that you have the ability to encourage or praise, to joke and share ideas with. When those who are listening become upset, either through their interpretation or the intent of the speaker, they will be less inclined to continue listening when you encourage, praise, joke or share ideas. We have a lot of people listening to what we say posting on the internet, both the good things we say and the bad.
Here on the forums we rely on text which can be easily misinterpreted. We also sit behind computer screens in the comfort of our homes which makes it easier to become opinionated, the internet has and always will be an easier way to express yourself without fear which is a good thing. These opinions can come from misinterpreted information however. In the end it's best to seriously consider what you feel someone is saying, and put that same consideration into what you are saying. Negativity is good for no one and nothing, whether it is intended or not.
seconded :)
To get back on topic, I do hope that I can read some more of Andy's advice concerning the vertex room. He explains things so well, and usually takes the time to provide a screen shot or two to help explain the concept and show where the tool is located.
Speaking of illustrations and instructions, did anybody see this thread amidst all of this?
It's a tutorial on using the C8.5 graph editor. Could more updates to the manual be on the way?
Please remember that these forums are intended to be a positive environment which encourages people to participate, not one which drives them away. Therefore we take multiple complaints about posts seriously, whether the poster agrees that they are negative or not.
We have, and will continue to, remove posts from this thread which have any hint of attacking other members. Please behave.