Daz Studio 4.6 (64 bit) old libraries gone?

Alright, I used to use Daz 3.0 and I really didn't want to switch because I was paranoid enough of new software.
(Windows Update driver completely corrupting my system 32 drivers, ruining my old PC, and Microsoft denying responsibility)
Why is that in the parenthesis pertinent? Well, because I had to get a new PC and lost everything but what I had in zip files.
So I visited the freepository and downloaded some stuff for Daz again, along with Daz Studio 4.6.
In File > Preferences > Content Directory Manager..
It says that I have C:/Users/Public/Documents/My Daz3D Library as the source for my files.
Indeed it is.
But it doesn't work. In the "Actors, Wardrobe & Props" tab, it only has the basics available from the vanilla download.
The basic free stuff such as Genesis male/female and my old V4 model that was still available previously..
They work.
The only way (I know) to access the usual old products is to do a search for the files, then drag & drop from the folder to V4.
Pose, texture, prop and scene files all have to be used this way. Unless.. someone knows what I'm doing wrong?
How do I get Daz 4.9 to recognize my Runtime Libraries content in My Daz3D Library?
Edit - Adding in
C:/Users/Public/Documents/My Daz3D Library/Runtime and
C:/Users/Public/Documents/My Daz3D Library/Runtime/Libraries
That doesn't seem to work either.
If you have content installed in another folder, then you need to list that in the Content Directory Manager as BOTH a DAZ Studio Format and Poser Format library.
V4 is not part of the free download for DS4.6, so you must have installed that yourself? Did you use the DAZ Install Manager (DIM) as it installs by default into the path you have given and uses My DAZ 3D Library as the main folder.
NEVER list a Runtime folder, or any sub-folder of My DAZ 3D Library, stop at My DAZ 3D Library, and go no further.
To find the V4 content, you will need to go to the Content Library > Poser Formats > Figures > DAZ People. If you have no content appearing in the Smart Content pane, then that would be a different matter, but look for it in the Content Library first please
Well, if I try to add C:/Users/Public/Documents/My Daz3D Library to the >Poser Formats section, it says:
"The path chosen is already mapped."
Indeed, if I rightclick on >Poser Formats it says:
"Add a runtime directory"
But even then it won't let me add the Runtime of My Daz3D Library.
So if you say never to list Runtime folders, then I don't get it.
The DAZ Install Manager is meant for .exe files, yes?
I'm talking about old Daz 3.0 files that are meant for M3, M4, and V3/V4, as well as props etc.
Which can be found at the freepository.
Daz 3.0 let me list them. I don't get what's up with Daz 4.9
Oh, and V4 was already downloaded years ago. It's listed in my account, so still available there if I ever lose it/(her).
If you have My DAZ 3D Library listed as both DAZ Studio and Poser Formats, that is all you need. You do NOT need to list the Runtime, it will be picked up by DAZ Studio from the My DAZ 3D Library entry.
Go to the Content Library pane, Poser Formats > My DAZ 3D library, and you should find any content that you have installed there. Older content may not have Metadata, and so wont appear in Smart Content.
That's my problem. It won't let me list both in DAZ Studio and Poser Formats.
When I try to add the same directory to Poser Formats, it says:
"“The path chosen is already mapped.”"
What do you have in Poser Formats in the Content Directory manager?
I have C:\Users\Public\Documents\My DAZ 3D Library for BOTH Poser and DAZ Studio without a problem. If you already have My DAZ 3D Library as a Poser Formats folder, then you don't need to add it again.
Can you please post a screenshot of your Content Directory manager, showing the expanded lists for both Poser and DAZ Studio?
Have you looked in the Content Library pane as previously asked? Is the content there?
Okay, so I closed down Daz 4.9 and restarted it again.
The directories are now the same in Content Directory Manager for Daz Studio and Poser.
That's not what the confusing part was.
Apparently, my stuff isn't located the Files and Products of Actors, Wardrobe and Props.
It's located to the right, under Content Library. (I had "Scene" selected)
(Thanks, problem solved)
There are several layouts that you can try in Window > Workspace > Select Layout, I use City Limits. You can also completely close the panes at the left and right by clicking on the centre of the panel group, hover your mouse over it, and it will change colour, then click on it to toggle the panels.
You can also post images here on the forum by using the 'Browse' button just above where you write your post, no need to use off site hosting. All of the panes that are available in DAZ Studio are in Window > Tabs, and they can all be docked by dragging and dropping.
I wish to add extra Runtime directories to the Content Library alongside of My Library and My DAZ 3D Library, but adding such in the Content Directory Manager is grayed out meaning it is not available in 4.9. I am creating several Runtimes in order to help organize my content better. Like one would be for Animals and the stuff that goes with them. Another for V3, A3, etc. including thrird party figures, along with Skin and Makeup, and Poses for those figures. Generation 3 female clothing and accessories would be in another Runtime. And so on like that. In DS 4.8 on my other machine, I have had no trouble doing this, but 4.9 on this machine is not letting me do that. What can I do about this?, Not all my content comes through DAZ Connect or the DIM, especially not third party content, and if I cannot use that content in 4.9, what is the use of having 4.9 on any machine?
I have 4.8 on my old lappy yes but at this time I am having to purge it of a nasty malware attack the Windows Defender did not detect. It is proving to be a big problem because Safe Mode cannot be accessed the old way that it could with Windows 7 and earlier. So I cannot use DS 4.8 at this time. That's why I want to add extra directories to my content library in DS 4.9!
Please Help!
If you are adding Studio format directory do you have Daz Studio formats selected in CDM?
It won't let you add anything until you pick something...like Studio or Poser format.