Morph loader Pro can not make morph (controller) for cr2 figures in ds 4.6
This is bug report send by Kattey.
after find the report,, I checked it by my windows 7 pc, and 64 bit version daz studio .
then I can confirm it.
That means, now I (or all ds 4.6 user) can not load any MT by morph loader pro
for cr2 figures. (cr2 clothing too). I test with A3,V4, and spuggles, and some cr2 clothings for V4.
As for me,, Only hexagon bridge is way to make controller for cr2 figures.
but usually ds bridge need to keep run both aprication, untill I finish tmaking MT.
loading MT by morph loader pro and making controller,
was most reliable way for me.
when I change cr2 figure to triax weight map,
then load same obj, by morph loader pro , it can load and make the controller.
but there is no meaning,, without use it for triax figure,,
or many user do not hope to change triax figure about other generation figure, I believe.
I think it is heavy bug,, so that hope more test and confirm of other user to suggest daz
product team correct the problem as sonn as they can,, (even though it means daz soon)
Then,, about pp2 prop, morph loader seems work and make controller, without problem.