Aguja Mermaid products are now available [commercial]

ArkiArki Posts: 199

All of our Aguja products - result of a huge team effort by Arki, Shox-Design, Darwins Mishaps(s), Marshian and RiverSoft Art - are now available in the DAZ store.
This includes:

  • the Aguja character with two different skins, tons of effect, make up, eye, naisl, etc options, geograft mertail, geograft gills and autofitting fins and antennae
  • the Aguja dForce Mermaid Dress
  • the Aguja dForce Mermaid Hair
  • an environment with sculpted rock figures and kelp with matching atmosphere and lighting effects
  • the Aguja pose collection with a pose control script for the mertail
  • the Swimming and Shoreline poses

Aguja Mermaid for G8F plus Mertail and Fins
Aguja Mermaid Addon
dForce Aguja Mermaid Dress
dForce Aguja Mermaid Hair
Aguja Undersea Environment
Aguja Mermaid Poses and Pose Control
Swimming and Shoreline Poses

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Post edited by Arki on


  • FSMCDesignsFSMCDesigns Posts: 12,783

    Very nice! great job all!!

  • BeeMKayBeeMKay Posts: 7,019
    edited June 2018

    They look absolutely stunning! I'm sitting here gnawing on my fingernails, if I should buy them or not, because they look so freakin' amazing - also the colours! but they are G8 and I want to sit out G8 with G9 probably coming in 2019... except for the amazing stuff like Ollie 8. But Aguja's looking totally amazing! broken heart

    By the way, will there be a male version for this product? Or can it be easily used on G8M?

    And  the gills -  they are definitely a "plus" point in regard to giving in to the urge to purchase this beautiful set.



    Post edited by BeeMKay on
  • WendyLuvsCatzWendyLuvsCatz Posts: 38,614

    impressed but even not rendered any of my past mermaid purchases yet, I did wishlist the mermaid though

  • dreamfarmerdreamfarmer Posts: 2,128

    I’ve been thinking about mermaid stuff for a while but theG3 stuff I could never find bundled/discounted at the right times. This is.... lovely, so lovely it gets right through the instinctive ‘ick’ I usually feel at fish-people.... maybe because it doesn’t seem to romanticize it as much? The gills and the arm fins and the antennae seem like really good ‘creature design’, not just a popped-off fantasy creature. I love the dress, too, and the underwater scenescape makes it everything I’d need. I do wish it was bundled somehow... pricewise the full set stacks up quickly and while it’s way more lush than a similarly-priced Daz Pro bundle, I’m worried that to the casual eye it looks like less value for money.  And this deserves to sell like a doorbuster. 

  • Cris PalominoCris Palomino Posts: 11,706

    Beautiful work, but am encountering something which hopefully has a solution I'm not applying. I added the tail, etc. and then under Darwin's skins, applied the mermaid skin, but it is not applying to the skin on the tail. What do I need to do to correct this, and is there any way to apply a skin of our own?

  • ArkiArki Posts: 199
    edited June 2018

    I will not say "yes" or "no" to a male counterpart for Aguja. It might happen, but it would be premature to promise anything. And also unfair for those who'ld ramp up their expectations.

    @ Chris Palomino: You'll have to change the tail geograft textures as well. They are located in People/Genesis 8 Female/Anatomy/Arki/Aguja/Materials. The tail is a different part, only grafted to the lower body of G8F. So it needs its own materials, Same goes for the appendages like all the fins and the bodywebbing.
    Concerning the use of different G8F textures: the geograft textures were custom tailored and matched to Aguja's two skins. You can try to use different skins and then blend the body/tail transition with postwork in the final render.

    Here's the readme page for the character and mermaid product. It contains a few more useful hints and tips:

    Post edited by Arki on
  • JOdelJOdel Posts: 6,288

    Yeah. Spectacular piece of work and the promos are gorgeous.

    Well, okay, I bit, but I have no idea how long it will be before I actually try to work with it. I've yet to address dForce anything, and there's the Iray issue. Not deal breakers, by any means, but definitely roadblocks.

  • DkgooseDkgoose Posts: 1,451

    This looks amazing, Is it possible to add just the tail instead of all the fins coming from the chest under the arms?

  • Previews 14 & 15 show the tail without sidefins, but I don't see any that show it without the dorsal fin or the underarm fins.  But if it comes down to it, they've got their own material zones so you could just make them invisible.  Might do weird things to a shirt with sleeves though.

  • dreamfarmerdreamfarmer Posts: 2,128

    The backfin and bodywebbing are listed as different anatomy items and I think Arki said above they could all be managed independently.

  • ArkiArki Posts: 199

    You can use the tail just by itself (yes, even without the end tail fins). There's a morph to smooth out the fin and antennae bases at the hip, so it will all be nice and sleek.
    All the fins, antennae, webbing, etc are modular, so you can stick together your own "mermaid configuration".

  • Cris PalominoCris Palomino Posts: 11,706
    edited June 2018

    Thank you for such a beautiful set, Arki and Darwin. Here is my Crone of the Sea.

    Post edited by Cris Palomino on
  • BeeMKayBeeMKay Posts: 7,019
    edited June 2018

    Wow! Amazing image!

    Post edited by BeeMKay on
  • Worlds_EdgeWorlds_Edge Posts: 2,152

    Great render @ChrisPalomino, I'm floored.  Great work, PAs :)

  • Cris PalominoCris Palomino Posts: 11,706

    Thank you, Bee and Worlds_Edge. What I like is the ability to do such movement with the tails and fins.

  • BeeMKayBeeMKay Posts: 7,019
    edited June 2018

    For those who are interested: I made a short tutorial about how to fit the tail to G8M/G3M. It works fairly good, though I didn't get the underam fins to work for the males.


    Arki said:

    I will not say "yes" or "no" to a male counterpart for Aguja. It might happen, but it would be premature to promise anything. And also unfair for those who'ld ramp up their expectations.

    Thanks for the info, Arki. I'll wait and see, then. smiley In any case, it's an amazing set! Had to buy it, and don't rue it.

    Post edited by BeeMKay on
  • ArtiniArtini Posts: 9,723

    Looks great.


  • ArkiArki Posts: 199

    @ Bee: the bodywebbing is auto fitting, not parented to anything :)

    If I get any solid news on a possible male counterpart, you'll know it :)
    There's still no definite "no" about this. We are aware of the potential and the requests that popped up, so we hear you!

  • BeeMKayBeeMKay Posts: 7,019

    Ah! No wonder I couldn't get it to work. It never occured to me to try autofitting it. Thanks for the hint!

  • sandmanmaxsandmanmax Posts: 992

    It's all gorgeous. I wish there was a bundle.

  • elbealelbeal Posts: 13

    Has anyone tried to simulate the hair? It keeps falling off the head for me. I made it work using a dForce weight node and making the hair on the scalp zero weight. But I've tried a few times to simulate it and not had any successes without the weight node.

  • FerretmaniaFerretmania Posts: 883

    When you said soon I didn't think as in the day after lol.

    It looks beautiful! 

    Wishlisted for now until I get paid.


    Picked up the whole lot.  Any chance of getting a merman?

  • DarwinsMishapDarwinsMishap Posts: 4,087

    Thank you, everyone!  I know Arki and I, as well as the other PAs involved in this project are very happy in how the project came out.  As for an answer, Alliekatblue, see Arki's comment. :) We hear ya!

  • Arki & Darwin..

    Perhaps a problem with the mergirl... when I load her DS reports a "Duplicate Formulas found".. doesn't tell me what file it is. Great product but thought you'd like to know. I have uninstalled her and all her content and manually reinstalled with the same result.


  • DarwinsMishapDarwinsMishap Posts: 4,087

    Heya Mike,

    Thanks for letting us know- can you please submit a ticket with Daz?  I'd suggest going into the Help tab, Troubleshooting, Log File and copy the bottom section after you load her into DS (it will tell you where you loaded a figure) and the error will be below that.  This way the corrections can be done correctly. :) 

  • IceDragonArtIceDragonArt Posts: 12,548

    I still haven't had a chance to play with her yet but I have to say you guys make an awesome team!  I picked up as much as I could this go round and will pick up the rest as soon as I can.  Really stunning!

  • I got this when it first came out, but have only just now had a chance to open it up.  My one "complaint" with the package is that you cannot use the "fish" parts except with the included character skin.  It would be really nice to have either a geo-shell to mask the transitional parts, or else an option to use the "standard" character uv sets for the flesh-colored parts, so that we could use the "fish" parts with other character sets, rather than all the mermaids in the sea looking identical.  It was especially noticeable with the gills, and with the transition from the human body to the fish tail.  For example, in the "Crone of the Sea" image Chris posted above, one can clearly see the transition from the crone's body to the fishtail; the skins do not match.  While obviously the HD morphs of the crone would not transfer onto the fish-tail, at least being able to use the original textures and their displacement maps would do wonders.

    Just a suggestion...

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