Show Us Your Bryce Renders! Part 5



  • Fencepost52Fencepost52 Posts: 509
    edited December 1969

    Only have time for a quick post and heading out the door.....Sorry I don't have time to give specific feedback, but everyone's work looks great! Very inspirational.

    Here's a quick render following David's hue shift recipe: I'm also experimenting with some new shapes. At about 3:25, he gives the settings for all the hue shift colors, which I've mixed/matched here. Kinda has a black light effect and the shapes remind me of those foam kits you buy for kids.



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  • HoroHoro Posts: 10,835
    edited December 1969

    @fencepost52 - looking good. I agree that the shapes look somewhat foamy. Nice effect, though.

  • TrishTrish Posts: 2,625
    edited December 1969

    fencepost: I like the shapes but the black light effect is really cool !! Trish

  • David BrinnenDavid Brinnen Posts: 3,136
    edited December 1969

    New little video inspired by Art Wade (aka Fencepost52)

    Wings 3D project - twisted cube with scaffolding - by David Brinnen

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  • HoroHoro Posts: 10,835
    edited December 1969

    That's a cool idea for a cub-shape.

  • TrishTrish Posts: 2,625
    edited December 1969

    David: now that is neat!!

  • David BrinnenDavid Brinnen Posts: 3,136
    edited December 1969

    Thank you Trish, Horo,

    Dangerlad, not only nice results on your experiments, but also a very good render.

    Mermaid, I see is also experimenting to great effect in this area, getting both good results and presenting them with advanced lighting. Nice to see. And using our Xmas gift too - looking good. Top left hand object is a bit off the edge of the shadow reception area is the only complaint I might offer.

    Trish is providing 2000% more narrative than I can muster in a render - it's a different approach. I've yet to really get very far with doing stuff with figures - something I intend to work on.

    Electro-elvis. The wood table looks excellent, the ashtray and the fag look realistic too - the ask and hot end particularly impressive - maybe only the geometry is a little too perfect? The box, somehow less so, possibly because of the material makes it look more like car paint rather than paper - or maybe the shape? But it's all still very good.

    Jamie, a super selection of renders with your glass loops.

    And just when I'd run out of superlatives, Dave steals the show with some more of his Peter the Polar Bear designs!

    Fencepost52(Art Wade) very nice combination of effects. My kind of experimenin' and renderin' Thanks for putting in the links and putting forth the ideas.

  • TrishTrish Posts: 2,625
    edited November 2013

    David: Thank you but... My approach is really simple once you take time to do the math.......

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  • GussNemoGussNemo Posts: 1,855
    edited December 1969

    @Horo: Thank you very much. Obscure lighting was one aspect I'd never tried, but am happy with the results. And doubly so using the overdriven material settings to increase reflection in the last few images.

    @electro: You did a good job using the metaballs.

    @Dave: Both of Peter's new posses are terrific, but for marketing purchases I agree with others about the second image. But that's not to say the first image wouldn't do well on the market. Nice work.

    @Trish: Hmm, never thought of those that way, but I can see it. Your latest Albert is precious. Letters on the black board are impressive. Very nice.

    @fencepost: Good looking shapes, and they do look foam like to me.

    @David: Thank you. Your latest video and objects are nice. It took a bit, but I finally made one, and remade one when Wings crashed.

  • HoroHoro Posts: 10,835
    edited November 2013

    @Trish - rather simple formula but there is beauty in simplicity.

    Just had a bit of time to watch David's video Bryce 10 minute scene - SFX hyper texture for shadowless HDRI - by David Brinnen and Quick conversion of SFX hyper texture for shadowless HDRI - by David Brinnen There seems to be more to it. Here's a quick render.

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  • TrishTrish Posts: 2,625
    edited November 2013

    Horo: You would say that....LOL Those colors are beautiful!!!!

    Guss: Thanks but its just a 2d picture of one of Alberts formulas that I cut and pasted on the blackboard...I did make the blackboard though...LOL

    Post edited by Trish on
  • HoroHoro Posts: 10,835
    edited December 1969

    A new can of worms opened ... HDRI from inside and ground plane refraction at 20. Renders in seconds but you can lose hours playing around.

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  • mermaid010mermaid010 Posts: 5,644
    edited December 1969

    Thanks all for the comments

    Guss – the shapes and renders are looking very nice.

    Dave- Peter is adorable in both renders

    Fencepost - the new shapes are lovely

    David – thanks once again for the new video.

    Trish – the latest one of Albert is awesome

    Horo – the new renders are lovely. I can relate to losing track of time.

    Mermaid: your shapes are very neat ...Did you use shadow capture???

    Actually I could not place the objects using the Hdri so I removed the objects from the Bryce file Horo and David provided, added the shapes and rendered.

  • GussNemoGussNemo Posts: 1,855
    edited December 1969

    @Horo: Great cubes, the second one makes me wonder if I'm seeing a reflection or an actual second cube.

    @mermaid: Thank you. Lose time, who loses time?:cheese: I often ask myself how 9 PM turned into 1 AM so quickly.

    Gave David's Wings 3D project - twisted cube with scaffolding - by David Brinnen a try, several times, to produce the first three images. The last image is from, I believe it was, Wings 3D project - Twisted loop test on five perfect solids - by David Brinnen.

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  • HoroHoro Posts: 10,835
    edited December 1969

    @GussNemo - looking nice, I like the first one from the scaffolding series best. The last shape reminds a bit to an abstract rose, lovely. Backdrop and colour are not very well chosen, I think a better colour contrast would improve the image.

  • GussNemoGussNemo Posts: 1,855
    edited December 1969

    Horo said:
    @GussNemo - looking nice, I like the first one from the scaffolding series best. The last shape reminds a bit to an abstract rose, lovely. Backdrop and colour are not very well chosen, I think a better colour contrast would improve the image.

    Would a backdrop without foliage work better? As to color, the object color or ground color?

  • HoroHoro Posts: 10,835
    edited December 1969

    Keep the mirrored background and change the colour of the shape, e.g. bluish. Or keep the colour on the shape and change the backdrop. I think the shape would get more focus if the colours were not so close. But that's just me. In the end, the artist decides.

  • mermaid010mermaid010 Posts: 5,644
    edited December 1969

    Guss – the shapes and renders are looking great. I agree with Horo the last looks like an abstract rose.

    My take on David’s SFX videos Bryce 10 minute scene - SFX hyper texture for shadowless HDRI - by David Brinnen and Quick conversion of SFX hyper texture for shadowless HDRI - by David Brinnenand the new Wings 3D shape, Wings 3D project - twisted cube with scaffolding - by David Brinnen not quite like his shape. I need to view the video again.

    I used the WoolBall hdri

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  • HoroHoro Posts: 10,835
    edited December 1969

    @mermaid010 - shape came out fine. Very well presented. I can't decide which render I like more. The first makes the shape look silvery, the second makes it secretive.

  • GussNemoGussNemo Posts: 1,855
    edited December 1969

    Horo said:
    Keep the mirrored background and change the colour of the shape, e.g. bluish. Or keep the colour on the shape and change the backdrop. I think the shape would get more focus if the colours were not so close. But that's just me. In the end, the artist decides.

    Ah, ok, I understand. Many times I have difficulty deciding which combination looks best, until while playing with colors or background, something presents itself I like. But I see how a tint less on the object could make a big difference, or a different background.

    Horo you and mermaid are seeing something I didn't see, but agree with both of your observations. I actually was just trying to present more of the inside of the object.

    @mermaid: Thank you. Your two latest images are really super. And like Horo, I too can't decide which one I like best, since both present two totally different atmospheres.

  • Dave SavageDave Savage Posts: 2,433
    edited November 2013

    Latest one in the Gallery. :)

    Balloons made from metaballs.

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  • TrishTrish Posts: 2,625
    edited December 1969

    Dave: I love that bear

    Guss: your images in the gallery are wonderful!!

    mermaid: I like them both!

    I will have to check out everyone elses things in the gallery been working on this one.....Albert and his capture headed home....

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  • Fencepost52Fencepost52 Posts: 509
    edited November 2013

    Thanks for the comments. I think I'm gonna try messing with the settings and see if I can eek out even more of a black light effect. I didn't do anything different than what David posted in his tutorial, so maybe something will push it more.

    @David: Already commented on youtube, but very nice model and tutorial. I'll be posting a render soon.

    @Trish: Love where you're taking Albert! It doesn't look like the crab particularly cares for where Albert's taking him! :)

    @Dave: Great work with the metaballoons. What's in the box for Peter? Fish?

    @Mermaid: The first one is my fave. Nice work on the model.

    @Guss: Models look great, Guss. I'm liking the first and third and leaning towards the third as my favorite.

    @Horo: Fabulous! The first has nice brushed feel to it and I like how the blue reflection is completely different from the actual model.

    Here's what happens when you take this tutorial of David's SFX hyper texture for shadowless HDRI

    and use specularity, ambience, and a different texture on the plane. I like it. The background is actually a flat plane with no postwork. Love the "plastic" waves it generated. Render time was still less than a minute.

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  • ChoholeChohole Posts: 33,604
    edited December 1969

    I just won 3rd palce with this render, in the Members Only forum monthly render challenge.

    Autumn Sunshine

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  • HoroHoro Posts: 10,835
    edited December 1969

    chohole said:
    I just won 3rd palce with this render, in the Members Only forum monthly render challenge.

    Autumn Sunshine

    Well done! Congratulations.
  • ChoholeChohole Posts: 33,604
    edited November 2013

    Oh and BTW I discovered that if you actually enter Bryce as a tag, as well as putting it in the software used part of a gallery upload screen, it leaves a clickable tag (hyperlink). Anyone clicking on the tag gets taken to a gallery with all the images that have the bryce tag done that way.

    Post edited by Chohole on
  • JamahoneyJamahoney Posts: 1,791
    edited December 1969

    Autumn Sunshine

    That's gorgeous...should have been first.


  • goofygrmom3goofygrmom3 Posts: 160
    edited December 1969

    I don't have a lot of time today, but want to say that all these 'shapes' are awesome. The colors and the shine just blow me away.

    I love the polar bear. I'm partial to the one with the Christmas tree. It would be a super greeting card.

    Congrats Chohole! It's picture perfect and should have been first place.

  • David BrinnenDavid Brinnen Posts: 3,136
    edited December 1969

    Another little something to keep those keen tutorial followers busy. Bryce 7.1 Pro Advanced - plasma lighting effect - by David Brinnen

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  • srieschsriesch Posts: 4,241
    edited December 1969

    chohole said:
    I just won 3rd palce with this render, in the Members Only forum monthly render challenge.

    Autumn Sunshine

    That is a really cool render!
This discussion has been closed.