Show Us Your Bryce Renders! Part 5



  • HoroHoro Posts: 10,835
    edited December 1969

    @Trish - nice one. I think the cat is quite capable of driving this beast. It could handle bumpier terrain still I reckon.

    @GussNemo - thank you. An experiment, actually.

  • TrishTrish Posts: 2,625
    edited October 2013

    Thanks all; any way the dune buggy works well , I was able to change the metal to real chrome in Bryce ....all the other parts on it are changeable also

    Not trying to promote anything here but this ...curvy3d program ...That's on sale here I googled it and they have a free 30 day trial and you can use Bryce to render your stuff there are videos on youtube also looks kind of interesting.. it is also a 32bit program

    Post edited by Trish on
  • mermaid010mermaid010 Posts: 5,644
    edited December 1969

    Dangerlad – the reflection of the sphere looks like a little fish under a spotlight – interesting

    Guss- Nice work with the canyons, I still need to view these videos.

    TlbKlaus – awesome renders both the chess and abstract ones.

    Trish – Harold is so cute although he looks sad so is the cat and the buggy render

    Chohole – all your renders are very nice.

    Dwsel – very nice render

    Horo – that’s another lovely dragon render

    David – awesome experiments with the obscure lighting and the canyons are beautiful.

    My experiments with your Bryce 7.1 Pro Experiments - Advanced Obscure Lighting Setup - by David Brinnen

    I used Horo’s Indoor Hdri. I used the Specular Map to generate the convolved HDRI - not sure if that was the right way to go. I couldn’t find a convolved Hdri in the Bryce Content and I don’t have HdrShop

    I wasn’t sure if the radial light was within or outside the sphere so I tried both ways. In the first image the Radial light was within the outer sphere and for the second it was outside the outer sphere. All the other settings are the same for both renders. The first took 45mins to render and the second 2 ½ hours.

    The last one is an attempt at Bryce 7.1 Pro Advanced - Two minute remix of AOLS - by David Brinnen

    Thanks David, I enjoy doing the tutorials and love the effects I am getting. I hope one day I can make some nice landscapes too. I love Chohole’s landscape renders renders.

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  • David BrinnenDavid Brinnen Posts: 3,136
    edited October 2013

    Impressive Mermaid, you seem to pick up the essentials very quickly!

    Here's something of a WIP, not much use to you obviously, but maybe for some of the beginners out there?

    Bryce Basics - Using the material, object and sky&fog; libraries - by David Brinnen

    Edit. And another that might also be useful. Golden Lighting - Example scene 1 - by David Brinnen

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    Post edited by David Brinnen on
  • goofygrmom3goofygrmom3 Posts: 160
    edited December 1969

    Y'all have been very busy creating awesome works of art. I love to scroll thru this thread and look and read.

    I'll give that a try with the bench Gus. I'll pull it down a bit. Thanks.

    Thanks for the info about your site Horo. Will deffinitely check out the tuts.

    I'm going to wander back to Bryceland for a while. See y'all later.

  • HoroHoro Posts: 10,835
    edited December 1969

    I used Horo’s Indoor Hdri. I used the Specular Map to generate the convolved HDRI - not sure if that was the right way to go. I couldn’t find a convolved Hdri in the Bryce Content and I don’t have HdrShop

    Yes, that was right. Bryce can create specular maps from the HDRI loaded, no need for HDRShop. The higher the Exponent is set, the less blurred the result will be. When I supply a dedicated specular map, I use a much higher exponent than Bryce has. If it is not enough blurred, it can be further blurred in Bryce. In this way, the user has two options: use the sharp one (as far as specular maps go) I supply, or use a more blurred one. Blurring can be done, sharpening not.

    Yes, and your shapes look nice. The radial light is inside the outer sphere.

  • HoroHoro Posts: 10,835
    edited December 1969

    David – awesome experiments with the obscure lighting and the canyons are beautiful.

    My experiments with your Bryce 7.1 Pro Experiments - Advanced Obscure Lighting Setup - by David Brinnen

    The last one is an attempt at Bryce 7.1 Pro Advanced - Two minute remix of AOLS - by David Brinnen

    I also experimented with these two videos, though I took another route. No HDRI but a gel with hyper-ambience on a radial, TA optimised, and outside it a sphere with the same LDRI with just diffuse and ambience. Rendered TA. I like the result.
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  • JamahoneyJamahoney Posts: 1,791
    edited October 2013

    Here, using David's 'lighting a canyon' tut., an actual Mars's HiRise DTM canyon(?)/fissure was used. Didn't include water as that would be way too controversial (what, water on Mars?..etc.,), however, creating the work/render was a fine balance between light and shadows - both from actual Sunlight and the Hdri.

    Of course, it's not any bit close to the above-mentioned master works, but a lot was learned in the process.


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  • TrishTrish Posts: 2,625
    edited December 1969

    I am sorry I can't stop................................................

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  • Electro-ElvisElectro-Elvis Posts: 896
    edited December 1969

    @Trish: :-D

  • HoroHoro Posts: 10,835
    edited December 1969

    @Trish - he he. :lol:

  • TrishTrish Posts: 2,625
    edited December 1969

    Thanks Elvis and Horo........I entered this in the PC contest just to let them know that Bryce7Pro was alive and well !!! Trish

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  • mermaid010mermaid010 Posts: 5,644
    edited December 1969

    Impressive Mermaid, you seem to pick up the essentials very quickly!

    Here's something of a WIP, not much use to you obviously, but maybe for some of the beginners out there?

    Bryce Basics - Using the material, object and sky&fog; libraries - by David Brinnen

    Edit. And another that might also be useful. Golden Lighting - Example scene 1 - by David Brinnen

    Thanks for your kind words but actually you are a great teacher and I’m a good copy-cat. I still don’t have the slightest clue about how the different elements work together. I’m running before I learned to walk. Lol

    I’m having fun, the renders are nice and its s very pleasant way to pass my golden years, can’t wish for more. :)

    Here’s a few more experiments, I used a cube and used a metal and glass material on it as per your Bryce 7.1 Pro - AOLS remix combined render setup - by David Brinnen the sphere is the default with 15% reflection. I rendered it in Bryce changing the picture of the outer sphere and only adjusting the value of the ambience. All the other setting as the same.

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  • mermaid010mermaid010 Posts: 5,644
    edited December 1969

    Horo said:
    David – awesome experiments with the obscure lighting and the canyons are beautiful.

    My experiments with your Bryce 7.1 Pro Experiments - Advanced Obscure Lighting Setup - by David Brinnen

    The last one is an attempt at Bryce 7.1 Pro Advanced - Two minute remix of AOLS - by David Brinnen

    I also experimented with these two videos, though I took another route. No HDRI but a gel with hyper-ambience on a radial, TA optimised, and outside it a sphere with the same LDRI with just diffuse and ambience. Rendered TA. I like the result.

    Thanks Horo for the addition information. I like the results I’m getting with the outer sphere within the radial light, more than the other way around. Maybe my settings are incorrect.

    I like your latest experiment, the effect is awesome. Did you use a picture for the radial light instead of making it default material, and did you include it in the influence- checking to see if my understanding is correct before I give it a try.

  • mermaid010mermaid010 Posts: 5,644
    edited December 1969

    I am sorry I can't stop................................................

    So cute. Like the other render too, its beautiful.

    Jay - nice render - learned something new today -dtm, Now to find information how to use in Bryce, thanks

  • goofygrmom3goofygrmom3 Posts: 160
    edited December 1969

    Love those little monsters Trish. And that scene is very peaceful.

    Neat shiny shapes Mermaid.

  • GussNemoGussNemo Posts: 1,855
    edited December 1969

    @mermaid: Fantastic images.

    @David: Really good videos, easy to follow for those just starting out.

    @Horo: Nice results with your latest experiments.

    @Jay: Those are neat looking images. Very dissolute looking.

    @Trish: Creatures are, again, really cute. Scene is very nice.

    Gave the TE canyon another go, again using a different brush; wheat in this case. I like the look of the canyon just not the look of the materials, in most cases. Seems most of the materials I tried didn't work well with the structure of this canyon, with the exception of the last one. Also decided to add a few clouds, which seemed to work well with this particular canyon.

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  • mermaid010mermaid010 Posts: 5,644
    edited December 1969

    Thanks Betsy and Guss

    Guss – nice canyon experiments.

    Another experiment, the 1st one from my last attempts with the radial light within the outer sphere. All the other settings are the same.

    The effect is nice but the 1st one with the radial light outside the sphere is better IMHO.

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  • HoroHoro Posts: 10,835
    edited December 1969

    @GussNemo - the first one looks best to me. The material used was David's Lincolnshire Wolds, if I'm not mistaken.

    @mermaid010 - the golden cube looks nice, if the floor were just a tad brighter.

  • HoroHoro Posts: 10,835
    edited December 1969

    I like your latest experiment, the effect is awesome. Did you use a picture for the radial light instead of making it default material, and did you include it in the influence- checking to see if my understanding is correct before I give it a try.

    Your question, which I have indeed missed to answer. I apologise.

    Objects: 100% transparent, 153 refraction.

    Render options: TA with TA scattering correction and boost light, max ray depth 6 and TIR 2.

    Sky: no HDRI but global Ambient must be fully white. Never mind the other sky settings.

    High-contrast Image: H77 of the Wallpapers was used, rendered with the Spherical Mapper to get it into the spherical projection. The rendered images was exported as 48-bit TIFF (no 48-bit Dithering!). This images was multiplied with itself and the result again multiplied with itself. The resulting HDRI was converted to a conventional 8/24-bit LDRI BMP.

    There is an outer sphere with the high-contrast image in the Diffuse and Ambient slots and both at 100%. The sphere doesn't cast shadows.

    Radial light with the name AnyName (not Background) with the settings for obscure light: neither diffuse nor specular, TA optimised with Gel and no inclusion or exclusion. The radial is large but smaller than the outer sphere.

    The gel is special: It uses the same high-contrast image as the outer sphere in the Ambient slot. Ambience is set to 0.2 and has a positive hyper texture to boost the light beyond the normal. It doesn't cast shadows.

  • DangerladDangerlad Posts: 0
    edited October 2013

    I like all of the work that people have posted in recent days.

    Here are a couple of things I have been working on myself.

    They are all based off of some of David's video tutorials. The Advanced Obscure Lighting and the AOL Remix, if I recall correctly, are the two that I used the most in these images. I really like how the twisted looped cube turned out in each of the three images it is in. The cube was created in Wings3d and imported into Bryce. Then I desmoothed the cube while leaving the ribbon smoothed. That gave the cube the faceted appearance which worked very well with the Bryce generated abstract HDRI I used for the lighting of the renders.

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    Post edited by Dangerlad on
  • KerynaKeryna Posts: 101
    edited December 1969

    After learning from David's tutorial about DTE terrains, I thought I'd post this result of my experimenting with that approach:A stone rose. DTE terrains are very cool.

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  • TrishTrish Posts: 2,625
    edited October 2013

    I am having a hard time keeping up with everyone over here......not trying to be rude just been busy elsewhere.......
    Guss; I like your renders very much the canyons are great

    mermaid; you are coming right along with your shapes and materials...I am just too lazy

    Keryna: nice rose

    Dangerlad: good work on your renders

    I have been at the PC sale getting stuff for Bryce........Trish

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    Post edited by Trish on
  • HoroHoro Posts: 10,835
    edited December 1969

    @Dangerlad - shapes came out fine. I like the third and fourth best.

    @keryna - a flower made with the TE is a cool idea. I like the result.

    @Trish - a funny family, nicely posed for this photograph. The butterfly is a small but great addition.

  • mermaid010mermaid010 Posts: 5,644
    edited December 1969

    Horo said:
    I like your latest experiment, the effect is awesome. Did you use a picture for the radial light instead of making it default material, and did you include it in the influence- checking to see if my understanding is correct before I give it a try.

    Your question, which I have indeed missed to answer. I apologise.

    Objects: 100% transparent, 153 refraction.

    Render options: TA with TA scattering correction and boost light, max ray depth 6 and TIR 2.

    Sky: no HDRI but global Ambient must be fully white. Never mind the other sky settings.

    High-contrast Image: H77 of the Wallpapers was used, rendered with the Spherical Mapper to get it into the spherical projection. The rendered images was exported as 48-bit TIFF (no 48-bit Dithering!). This images was multiplied with itself and the result again multiplied with itself. The resulting HDRI was converted to a conventional 8/24-bit LDRI BMP.

    There is an outer sphere with the high-contrast image in the Diffuse and Ambient slots and both at 100%. The sphere doesn't cast shadows.

    Radial light with the name AnyName (not Background) with the settings for obscure light: neither diffuse nor specular, TA optimised with Gel and no inclusion or exclusion. The radial is large but smaller than the outer sphere.

    The gel is special: It uses the same high-contrast image as the outer sphere in the Ambient slot. Ambience is set to 0.2 and has a positive hyper texture to boost the light beyond the normal. It doesn't cast shadows.

    Thanks Horo –Will copy and paste it and give it a try this weekend.

    Dangerlad – nice results with the shapes

    Keryna – cool idea, the results are nice, Something else to try this weekend.

    Trish – thanks – you not lazy – you are posting awesome renders. This last one is so cute

  • HoroHoro Posts: 10,835
    edited December 1969

    Thanks Horo –Will copy and paste it and give it a try this weekend.

    You're welcome. I forgot to mention the it is the Bryce sun that creates the light pattern on the floor. Change its position to change where the pattern appears.
  • David BrinnenDavid Brinnen Posts: 3,136
    edited December 1969

    Jamie, Mermaid, Dangerlad (love the blue crystalline versions) and Keryna, it's great to see the tutorials getting so much attention.

    Here's something for those that like using Wings 3D.

    Wings 3D project - simple armoured ball - by David Brinnen

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  • GussNemoGussNemo Posts: 1,855
    edited October 2013

    @Horo: Thank you. I think you're right about the material, and I'm of two minds about the results. I don't think this material provides the detail I wanted for this particular canyon, yet I like the rest of the image.

    @mermaid: Thanks, your latest is looking nice.

    @Dangerlad: Love your latest results. Really like the look of the second cube and the ground material of the fifth, though I'd be hard pressed if asked my overall favorite.

    @keryna: That was a really nice idea, and very nice results.

    @Trish: Another one that's so very cute.

    @David: Darn, I forgot to compliment you on the latest video and object. Results are really nice.

    Another TE canyon using yet another pattern brush. This time the material used fit the pattern much better.

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    Post edited by GussNemo on
  • HoroHoro Posts: 10,835
    edited December 1969

    @GussNemo - interesting, the second one could be used for the inside of a cave with stalactites and stalagmites.

  • GussNemoGussNemo Posts: 1,855
    edited December 1969

    @Horo: Thanks. I can see that one inside a cave, delete the water, flip the terrain and you'd have the ceiling.

This discussion has been closed.