Split backdrop

Hi all - happy to see we are back up D
Strange happenings while the forum was down - both and developed a bug in that backdrop images get split - usually in 3, as in the attached pic, sometimes 2 or 4 and re-arranged. The render is fine - pic 2. You can imagine it's a PITA getting a shadow catcher plane correctly positioned !
Anyone seen this? Any solutions?
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Post edited by fixmypcmike on
sorry roy still using version 81097
wonderful pic though!
Hi head wax - yes, it's a great pic - not one of mine, though - our scenery is RUGGED - more like thisi
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looks graphics related
maybe in preferences you need to change something or the preview texture display size
the totally complete Jack Tomalin dreamhome fully loaded with furniture did funny things textured in the assembly room for me due to total texture map size
I ended up working a lot in wireframe!
does it render ok?
your pic looks like the Blue mountains along the lower Eastern part of Australia.
Hi Wendy - yes, SA and Oz have very similar climate and topography - we share more than an enthusiasm for Rugga, wine and beer. lol
This messing up the backdrop is really puzzling - it happened suddenly in the last couple of weeks and only affects the two Carrara's - in both the ass and VM rooms - just discovered it also affects the Bi Gradient backdrop. The render is perfect.
Can't think of any trigger event that may have caused it - no new drivers or applications installed - have tried all relevant settings and resetting preferences. It also makes no difference on size and resolution of backdrop.
Managed to fix one backdrop after a lot of random messing about with tiling, but haven't been able to replicate. Only thing left to do is try a re-install.