Daz Lipsync Phonemes/Visimes

When you use the simple lipsync plugin in Daz Studio 4.5 and perform an analysis of the audio and text files, a new simple text file is generated labeled *_PhonemeText (where * is the name of your audio file).
This *_PhonemeText file has two parts - the Phoneme data with time and below that the Word data with time (columns B & C in the attached image)
The various Visimes attached to the head are shown in column A - and in many cases are easy to match with with the phoneme data in the text file. However, the are cases where there is no match for the Phoneme data to the Visime data.
As an example I have highlighted three words ("In The Mind" in column C) and the corresponding Phonemes (column B). When I try to match the Phonemes with the Visimes - I only find 2 out of 7. What is used for N, Dh, Ah and Ay ?
Could someone please help me understand these missing Visimes - or perhaps direct me to the appropriate information/tutorial?
cheers, gryff :)