[Released] Misumi HD & Signature Smile HD Expression for Genesis 8 Female



  • CometsComets Posts: 87

    Seriously impressive work with this figure. Stands out as a very realistic figure and the skin is just brilliant, well done.

  • bluejauntebluejaunte Posts: 1,923

    Yeah, @arne207 I've noticed the eye distance/separation issue with several of the new G8F characters.

    My art teacher taught me that the distance between the eyes should usually be one eye width apart (measured from the very inner corner of the eye to the very outer corner of the eye). Any closer or farther and it starts to look "off". 

    But if a character is of really high quality otherwise (like Misumi looks to be) then it's definitely not a "deal breaker" for me as it can be fixed with morphs.

    What Kate Moss thinks about that art teacher.


    1) I don't find Kate Moss particularly pretty, and I'm fairly sure he wouldn't care what she thought of him.

    2) Her eyes aren't THAT much farther apart than an eye width.

    Merely gave an example of someone widely considered very pretty (she was one of the most sought-after top models) with an eye distance too far for your art teacher and also pretty close to Misumi's.


    She was mainly sought after in the industry because of her super thin "waif-like" body, and not as much for her face. If it was just her face, I think that she wouldn't have been nearly as saught-after.

    Quite possible. Still she graced countless magazine covers with head shots, she can't have been that ugly. These days the fashion industry kinda likes the unusual anyway.


    I didn't say she was ugly, nor did I imply it. Please don't put words in my mouth...

    You want to make characters with eyes that are farther apart - who cares. As I stated it's an easy fix for those who don't like it. I also raved about your character - so taking one tiny critique and turning it into a big issue seems strange. 

    Sorry Diva! heart Of course I didn't mean to imply you meant she was ugly. Just "not that pretty", which you have to admit is just not in line with her tremendous success and countless photos of her head on pretty much everything. You're a PA now, I think your words have a slightly different vibe now to other PA's. You're in my commercial thread essentially saying eye distance should be one eye apart, my art teacher said so and you made an error with Misumi. "But if a character is of really high quality otherwise", thanks for the compliment that's also in there but clearly also sounded like the quality is not there with the eyes and I made an error. There's a difference between not liking something, which is totally fine because it's all depends on taste, and citing some broken rule as the reason why something doesn't look right.

    The one eye thing is simply the average for people, that doesn't mean every character should have it (how boring would that be, right?), just as everyone does not need to create 8 head tall people because some art teacher once came up with that. And so I felt compelled to show someone beautiful with more eye distance, a grumpy looking Kate Moss which I thought was funny. But you didn't laugh, instead you said she isn't that pretty so I had to kinda contest that too.

    Anyway, sorry for getting defensive there. At least I hope it shows I'm passionate about my stuff, and not just that I'm an utter idiot angel 

    More on topic, good news on the release front. She will be here next week already! And also things are in motion for Misha, so it's looking good that you guys will get your hands on her (err that didn't sound right) in the near future.

    I'm a PA but I'm also a customer and me being a PA has nothing to do with what I said (it wasn't even aimed at your character but G8 characters in general). I have created several posts and threads praising your characters - I'm not sure why you felt that I was saying your character was "broken" or in "error" - I said no such thing. You taking ONE comment made to another commenter (in which I didn't even mention your character) as me saying your character is "in error" is just wrong. There are people who aren't going to like your character 100% out of the box and may want to make tweaks and adjustments to her, there is NOTHING WRONG with that. Nothing said was an attack on you NOR your character. But you acting like it's a personal attack on you if someone leaves any feedback that isn't 100% praise is a bit worrying.

    You need to learn to take feedback and critique and not take it so personally. I've seen the examples of you taking feedback badly even when it's not given in a bad way and you taking it far too personally. The thread you made when Daz gave you feedback about Miriam's smile is a good example of you taking feedback entirely too personally.

    Artists need to learn to take critique and feedback if they want to grow as an artist.

    My being a PA has nothing to do with this. If you want to alienate people who have been your biggest cheerleaders - that's your prerogative. If you want to take even the smallest words of critique or feedback personally, that's also your prerogative. But next time you might want to put a disclaimer on your post saying "No critique or feedback please". 

    I'm not going to leave any more feedback or comments, I didn't realize you didn't want feedback or any critique (even though the critique wasn't even about your character but about G8 characters in general). So, my bad - I won't be leaving feedback on your characters anymore.

    Maybe I misunderstood "But if a character is of really high quality otherwise (like Misumi looks to be)", in conjunction with the broken art rule. Like I explained already above, this implied error to me, and it wasn't. It was a concious decision that of course anyone is welcome to disagree with from a taste point of view. But another PA throwing around art rules in a thread where I show my character to the public for the first time, which frankly is a very different thing than a thread in the PA forum, just rubbed me the wrong way. I'm sorry but it did. This has everything to do with you being a PA I'm afraid. I know every PA is also a customer, but they are also competiton. I certainly try not to go in commercial threads of other PA's and leave critique there. I did once when I also had just transitioned to being a PA, I apologized shortly thereafter and even made up for it by fixing the issue I found on my own time and shared the files with the PA.

    I do agree with the bit about taking critique better but let's be honest, I'm not alone in this. It's proably true for most PA's, nobody is so detached from their work that this stuff doesn't touch them. I've seen yourself react in similiar ways in other places where you didn't agree witha critique, like in the photoreal thread as far as I remember. This is natural and I don't see why I'm not allowed to disagree with a critique. I just critiqued your critique, if you will, an I gave good reasons and examples why I thought it was warranted to do so. Are you not also guilty right there of taking critique badly? To a point you're talking of having been alienated by me... I mean come on, don't make me feel horrible like that. Let's remember we're both quite active in the forum, we have that in common. That means there's more chance to disagree, but we still agree way more often. None of that should cause alienation. I even said I'm an idiot, I guess we can now agree on that too laugh

    Let me just share something I had no intention to. Misumi is slightly inspired by Popovy dolls. If you google them, you will see an eye distance do die for. Obviously all highly stylised so not a justification for giving a realistic character that kind of eye distance. But this is where it originally came from. I had a morph much closer to those dolls. I got cold feet though, questioning wether there would be a market or wether Daz would even accept something like that. I also just didn't quite feel it. So I moved on but kept some of the morph dialed in to various degrees, so a little bit of those proportions are still in Misumi. In any case she was meant as a bit of an edgy high fashion fantasy, even in her current much de-stylised form she is still tall and has model proportions.

    Maybe that bit of history can explain a little better why I reacted that way. Maybe you can then find it easier to forgive me smiley


    1000 x 1300 - 2M

    People always complaining.  @bluejaunte, so we have 2 characters to look forward to?

  • bluejauntebluejaunte Posts: 1,923

    People always complaining.  @bluejaunte, so we have 2 characters to look forward to?

    Sort of, maybe, not really? Let's keep it a suprise! :D



    People always complaining.  @bluejaunte, so we have 2 characters to look forward to?

    Sort of, maybe, not really? Let's keep it a suprise! :D


    I love it
  • luci45luci45 Posts: 2,781

    I will buy her for sure. She has a personality and I like that she is racially mixed or racially ambiguous, whatever. 

    I love Sahel too. Both of them seem very human and vulnerable, like they live in the real world. 

    (I think Kate Moss has a gorgeous face.)


  • nicsttnicstt Posts: 11,715

    Any news on release date? I know you cant give the date, just curious if it's soon (not Daz soon btw), or if it is Daz soon. :)

  • bluejauntebluejaunte Posts: 1,923
    nicstt said:

    Any news on release date? I know you cant give the date, just curious if it's soon (not Daz soon btw), or if it is Daz soon. :)

    Next week smiley

  • nicsttnicstt Posts: 11,715

    Great news.

  • MarkHMarkH Posts: 79

    The actress Talulah Riley (Westworld) seems to have slightly widely spaced eyes, and she is gorgeous.

    Looking forward to your character bluejaunte.

  • bluejauntebluejaunte Posts: 1,923
    MarkH said:

    The actress Talulah Riley (Westworld) seems to have slightly widely spaced eyes, and she is gorgeous.

    Looking forward to your character bluejaunte.

    Yeah, pretty girl! Just learned she's the ex of Elon Musk. Had no clue.

  • ANGELREAPER1972ANGELREAPER1972 Posts: 4,518

    since she is coming out next week and perhaps her sister? if you wanna call her that, have you started working on your next girl/s and when are they coming out?

  • bluejauntebluejaunte Posts: 1,923

    since she is coming out next week and perhaps her sister? if you wanna call her that, have you started working on your next girl/s and when are they coming out?

    No Misha next week sorry. Better to say this now, avoids dissapointment. I'm working on new stuff but way too early to know such things yet. Long time from now that's certain.

  • ChadCryptoChadCrypto Posts: 596

    Such an awesome lady you have created. I'm sad to see some conflict in this thread. I sure hope feelings can be mended. Such a great time to be a artist in this world.  


  • ANGELREAPER1972ANGELREAPER1972 Posts: 4,518

    one of the more expensive characters I've bought but she does look good going to get a lot out of her I'm very happy with her

  • ANGELREAPER1972ANGELREAPER1972 Posts: 4,518

    just a screen grab of her face of my first render of her as she is rendering 

    misumi preview 1220.jpg
    2719 x 1529 - 2M
  • bluejaunte

    What kind of light did you use on this photo? The skin on this model by default is so configured as in promo images ? Or the texture of the skin should be specially tuned to get this result? And another question, what kind of hair is used here?

  • bluejauntebluejaunte Posts: 1,923


    What kind of light did you use on this photo? The skin on this model by default is so configured as in promo images ? Or the texture of the skin should be specially tuned to get this result? And another question, what kind of hair is used here?

    1. This HDRI 8k with 11.5 exposure value 180 dome rotation, no other lights
    2. Yes what you see is what you get
    3. Classic Bob Hair

    Huh, weird. I listed all items used in promos but I don't see any now on the product page.

  • bluejaunte

    What kind of light did you use on this photo? The skin on this model by default is so configured as in promo images ? Or the texture of the skin should be specially tuned to get this result? And another question, what kind of hair is used here?

    1. This HDRI 8k with 11.5 exposure value 180 dome rotation, no other lights
    2. Yes what you see is what you get
    3. Classic Bob Hair

    Huh, weird. I listed all items used in promos but I don't see any now on the product page.

    Sorry, that you used as a background ?

  • bluejauntebluejaunte Posts: 1,923


    What kind of light did you use on this photo? The skin on this model by default is so configured as in promo images ? Or the texture of the skin should be specially tuned to get this result? And another question, what kind of hair is used here?

    1. This HDRI 8k with 11.5 exposure value 180 dome rotation, no other lights
    2. Yes what you see is what you get
    3. Classic Bob Hair

    Huh, weird. I listed all items used in promos but I don't see any now on the product page.

    Sorry, that you used as a background ?

    Oh, that's just a big cube with rounded edges really.

  • bluejaunte

    What kind of light did you use on this photo? The skin on this model by default is so configured as in promo images ? Or the texture of the skin should be specially tuned to get this result? And another question, what kind of hair is used here?

    1. This HDRI 8k with 11.5 exposure value 180 dome rotation, no other lights
    2. Yes what you see is what you get
    3. Classic Bob Hair

    Huh, weird. I listed all items used in promos but I don't see any now on the product page.

    Sorry, that you used as a background ?

    Oh, that's just a big cube with rounded edges really.

    Thank you ))))


    Very gorgeous character.  Lovely skin detail very much worth the cost


    BJ Misumi.png
    934 x 915 - 854K
    BJ Misumi2.png
    934 x 915 - 822K
  • bluejauntebluejaunte Posts: 1,923

    That looks lovely! Curly hair looks great on her.


    Yeah, @arne207 I've noticed the eye distance/separation issue with several of the new G8F characters.

    My art teacher taught me that the distance between the eyes should usually be one eye width apart (measured from the very inner corner of the eye to the very outer corner of the eye). Any closer or farther and it starts to look "off". 

    But if a character is of really high quality otherwise (like Misumi looks to be) then it's definitely not a "deal breaker" for me as it can be fixed with morphs.

    What Kate Moss thinks about that art teacher.


    1) I don't find Kate Moss particularly pretty, and I'm fairly sure he wouldn't care what she thought of him.

    2) Her eyes aren't THAT much farther apart than an eye width.

    Merely gave an example of someone widely considered very pretty (she was one of the most sought-after top models) with an eye distance too far for your art teacher and also pretty close to Misumi's.


    She was mainly sought after in the industry because of her super thin "waif-like" body, and not as much for her face. If it was just her face, I think that she wouldn't have been nearly as saught-after.

    Quite possible. Still she graced countless magazine covers with head shots, she can't have been that ugly. These days the fashion industry kinda likes the unusual anyway.


    I didn't say she was ugly, nor did I imply it. Please don't put words in my mouth...

    You want to make characters with eyes that are farther apart - who cares. As I stated it's an easy fix for those who don't like it. I also raved about your character - so taking one tiny critique and turning it into a big issue seems strange. 

    Sorry Diva! heart Of course I didn't mean to imply you meant she was ugly. Just "not that pretty", which you have to admit is just not in line with her tremendous success and countless photos of her head on pretty much everything. You're a PA now, I think your words have a slightly different vibe now to other PA's. You're in my commercial thread essentially saying eye distance should be one eye apart, my art teacher said so and you made an error with Misumi. "But if a character is of really high quality otherwise", thanks for the compliment that's also in there but clearly also sounded like the quality is not there with the eyes and I made an error. There's a difference between not liking something, which is totally fine because it's all depends on taste, and citing some broken rule as the reason why something doesn't look right.

    The one eye thing is simply the average for people, that doesn't mean every character should have it (how boring would that be, right?), just as everyone does not need to create 8 head tall people because some art teacher once came up with that. And so I felt compelled to show someone beautiful with more eye distance, a grumpy looking Kate Moss which I thought was funny. But you didn't laugh, instead you said she isn't that pretty so I had to kinda contest that too.

    Anyway, sorry for getting defensive there. At least I hope it shows I'm passionate about my stuff, and not just that I'm an utter idiot angel 

    More on topic, good news on the release front. She will be here next week already! And also things are in motion for Misha, so it's looking good that you guys will get your hands on her (err that didn't sound right) in the near future.

    I'm a PA but I'm also a customer and me being a PA has nothing to do with what I said (it wasn't even aimed at your character but G8 characters in general). I have created several posts and threads praising your characters - I'm not sure why you felt that I was saying your character was "broken" or in "error" - I said no such thing. You taking ONE comment made to another commenter (in which I didn't even mention your character) as me saying your character is "in error" is just wrong. There are people who aren't going to like your character 100% out of the box and may want to make tweaks and adjustments to her, there is NOTHING WRONG with that. Nothing said was an attack on you NOR your character. But you acting like it's a personal attack on you if someone leaves any feedback that isn't 100% praise is a bit worrying.

    You need to learn to take feedback and critique and not take it so personally. I've seen the examples of you taking feedback badly even when it's not given in a bad way and you taking it far too personally. The thread you made when Daz gave you feedback about Miriam's smile is a good example of you taking feedback entirely too personally.

    Artists need to learn to take critique and feedback if they want to grow as an artist.

    My being a PA has nothing to do with this. If you want to alienate people who have been your biggest cheerleaders - that's your prerogative. If you want to take even the smallest words of critique or feedback personally, that's also your prerogative. But next time you might want to put a disclaimer on your post saying "No critique or feedback please". 

    I'm not going to leave any more feedback or comments, I didn't realize you didn't want feedback or any critique (even though the critique wasn't even about your character but about G8 characters in general). So, my bad - I won't be leaving feedback on your characters anymore.

    Maybe I misunderstood "But if a character is of really high quality otherwise (like Misumi looks to be)", in conjunction with the broken art rule. Like I explained already above, this implied error to me, and it wasn't. It was a concious decision that of course anyone is welcome to disagree with from a taste point of view. But another PA throwing around art rules in a thread where I show my character to the public for the first time, which frankly is a very different thing than a thread in the PA forum, just rubbed me the wrong way. I'm sorry but it did. This has everything to do with you being a PA I'm afraid. I know every PA is also a customer, but they are also competiton. I certainly try not to go in commercial threads of other PA's and leave critique there. I did once when I also had just transitioned to being a PA, I apologized shortly thereafter and even made up for it by fixing the issue I found on my own time and shared the files with the PA.

    I do agree with the bit about taking critique better but let's be honest, I'm not alone in this. It's proably true for most PA's, nobody is so detached from their work that this stuff doesn't touch them. I've seen yourself react in similiar ways in other places where you didn't agree witha critique, like in the photoreal thread as far as I remember. This is natural and I don't see why I'm not allowed to disagree with a critique. I just critiqued your critique, if you will, an I gave good reasons and examples why I thought it was warranted to do so. Are you not also guilty right there of taking critique badly? To a point you're talking of having been alienated by me... I mean come on, don't make me feel horrible like that. Let's remember we're both quite active in the forum, we have that in common. That means there's more chance to disagree, but we still agree way more often. None of that should cause alienation. I even said I'm an idiot, I guess we can now agree on that too laugh

    Let me just share something I had no intention to. Misumi is slightly inspired by Popovy dolls. If you google them, you will see an eye distance do die for. Obviously all highly stylised so not a justification for giving a realistic character that kind of eye distance. But this is where it originally came from. I had a morph much closer to those dolls. I got cold feet though, questioning wether there would be a market or wether Daz would even accept something like that. I also just didn't quite feel it. So I moved on but kept some of the morph dialed in to various degrees, so a little bit of those proportions are still in Misumi. In any case she was meant as a bit of an edgy high fashion fantasy, even in her current much de-stylised form she is still tall and has model proportions.

    Maybe that bit of history can explain a little better why I reacted that way. Maybe you can then find it easier to forgive me smiley


    OMG I am obsessed with ball joint dolls but way to expensive a habbit.  I would totally buy any kind of ball joint based character you make, please consider making even a basic character for G8

  • bluejauntebluejaunte Posts: 1,923

    Do you mean with actual ball joints? Sickleyield has some right.


    Yes but SY is for G3.  I would love a ball joint for G8.  

  • SickleYieldSickleYield Posts: 7,644

    Yes but SY is for G3.  I would love a ball joint for G8.  

    Upconverting them shouldn't be too hard.  I'll ask Fuseling.

    Ooooh yeah you made my day
  • stuthursostuthurso Posts: 192
    edited June 2018

    A little late to the party here but I just had to join in and congratulate bluejaunte on another beautiful character.  The standard of your work is stunning and I always look forward to whatever we are lucky enough to get from you.  


    1000 x 1618 - 1M
    Post edited by stuthurso on
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