my accounts - ??

WoobsWoobs Posts: 0
edited December 1969 in Daz Studio Discussion

Just a note from an aussie,
It seems that the only way to know what is going on at the moment .... is go into my account
sign in ..... nothing
go into my accounts , Signed in !!
go back to shop , not signed in, but you are signed in but you dont know it untill you go back into my accounts ????
I buy something, put it in wish list, nothing shows up until I go into My Accounts" AGAIN" just to see what the F@$#%*&^ is going on
Platinum Club Items - dont show the real price until I go into MY ACCOUNT ......... AGAIN !!!!!
Now it was a nice thought to change your site, but get someone who knows what the F*&@#$)!!!!!!! they are doing, ive been with Daz for years and this would be the biggest screwup ever.

I buy nothing do nothing until someone grows a brain pulls their finger out and fix this site .......... ARRRRRGHGRHHHHH !!!!!!!


  • ChoholeChohole Posts: 33,604
    edited June 2012

    This would appear to be a prooblem that has been talked about and discussed a great many times in vrious threads. THere are Sticky threads at the top of the Commons, where all website, store and forums issues are being discussed. There is also an announcement thread, regularly updated by Daz3D, which shows the progreass that is being made in sorting out the issues..

    In the meantime, to try sorting out your issue. Please log out completely from a screen where you are logged in. Close your Browser. Clear your cache, (and your cookies if it doesn't cause you any problems to do so) THen log in again. If theis doesn't clear the issue up, thatn Try doing a forced refresh (CtrllF5 or Cmd F5 if you use a Mac.)

    Post edited by Chohole on
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