Can't seem to find the textures..

I purchased HARDCORE for M4 and the seperate texture pack. I can load HARDCORE... But just can't seem to find the texture pack anywhere.
I went back and reinstalled the texture pack in case it was missing, but can't seem to find it anywhere, in the usual supsect folders, likes poses, or textures....
I'm stumped. I don't want to return it, since I do want the textues, but locating something shouldn't be this tough.
HI SereneNight :)
They should be in Pose / Hardcore
The figures and original materials should be under Uzilite plus
Hope it helps :)
Thanks for your response. For some reason the texture installer wasn't putting it in this directory, even though it sadi it was. I had to assign it this directory to get it to install properly. Now I see and can use the textures, but its funny it did not work properly from the get-go.