FBX Importer Error: pre and post rotation must match in current implementation...

I've built a very, very simple scene in Max 2014 and exported it as an .fbx. When I try to import it into DS4.5 I get the following message:
FBX Importer
Rigging limitation: pre and post rotation must match in current implementation.
Transform differences: non uniform scale detected. Results will likely be different.
I've reset transforms on the few objects that I have. When the file comes in, nothing is in the correct place. What exactly does this error mean? Any ideas?
I've had that myself recently from a different program. No real idea what it means, but perhaps it has both Forward Kinematics and Inverse Kinematics and somehow the rotation matrices do not match?
If you're trying to get an animation inside DS I'd try exporting the FBX with just the T-pose, and separately a BVH.
No, no characters involved. Just some basic geometries in a simple file. Maybe someone will have figured this out.
I am having a similar challenge. i even exported a genesis from Daz as fbx as a test,try to import same character back into daz without any changes it it, and i had same error message saying (Rigging limitation). or some times the animations and rig will be gone.
any idear why?
I know this an old post but hopefully it helps someone. I had the same issue, I got rid of the error but not the misplaced geometry. In Maya I had Z as the up axis, by changing it to Y up it got rid of the error. However I still have geometry in the wrong place.
fbx is a pain point for a lot of us. been a few discussions about it this week alone. I don't think anyone resolved anything.
Things to try...if you have a choice, on export, use an older ASCII version. It may help.
I didn't have any luck with an older ASCII version either. Sometimes I can import items and they are where they are suppose to be, and some times they aren't and I can't figure out what's different between the hits and the misses. I have had ZERO luck bringing in a rigged item 3ds maxx into Daz in FBX or any other format =/
only time I've gotten daz to import an fbx with proper rigging is when daz was what exported the figure to start with...and i didn't even extensively test that help up properly.
Hey, under the Export Options for FBX, scroll down to "Axis Conversion" and change "Y-up" to "Z-up", that did the trick for me. I guess this works since Daz never really used a basic x,y,z import, rather some inverted Y axis or so. ;)