Gen X help needed

SenaReSenaRe Posts: 39
edited December 1969 in New Users

I've read all the documentation, I have everything that I want to use loaded into DS4 but it won't locate V4 or V4++ it acts like I haven't loaded anything at all. Basically anything non Genesis V5 or M5 doesn't


  • ByrdieByrdie Posts: 1,783
    edited December 1969

    Is this the latest update? If so, most 3rd party plug ins, including GenX, won't work in it. Which is why I've held off updating DS4 till it's fixed.

  • SenaReSenaRe Posts: 39
    edited December 1969

    Not as far as I know? I haven't updated anything. Anyway that I can check the version?

  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 102,907
    edited December 1969

    Help>About DAZ Studio will give you the version number

  • SenaReSenaRe Posts: 39
    edited December 1969

    Thanks Richard!

    I have version Standard I'm not sure why its standard as I had requested Pro when it was free...odd

  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 102,907
    edited December 1969

    You need to enter the Pro serial number to make it Pro - the base application is the same, Pro turns on extra plugins and shaders

  • ByrdieByrdie Posts: 1,783
    edited December 1969

    Funny, mine is also and my plugins all work fine so far. But I don't have the GenX plugin, so I can't think what else might be causing it.

  • SenaReSenaRe Posts: 39
    edited December 1969

    When I did the set up I used the pro serial number that was given to me. Should I uninstall everything and try again? (that makes me go cross eyed. LOL) or is there a way that I can put the code in? Would that also take care of the duplicate formula issue that keeps popping up when Genesis is loaded?

  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 102,907
    edited June 2012

    Does the serial number start SDZSPRO or SDZFPRO? If not it isn't a Pro serial number.

    Post edited by Richard Haseltine on
  • SenaReSenaRe Posts: 39
    edited December 1969

    Yup, it starts with SDZFPRO

  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 102,907
    edited December 1969

    Go to Help>Register DAZ Studio and paste it in again. It sounds as if you may have already had a standard serial number active, and so not been prompted for a new one to upgrade to Pro.

  • SenaReSenaRe Posts: 39
    edited December 1969

    Okay, its now upgraded to Pro and even says it! Woo hoo! But my original issue still applies...only Genesis, V5 and M5 and content connected to them will show up.

  • 3DAGE3DAGE Posts: 3,311
    edited December 1969

    Hi SenaRe :)

    only Genesis, V5 and M5 and content connected to them will show up.

    If you're looking in the ""Smart Content" then you won't find them there.
    V4 and M4 only appear in the "Content Library" panel.

    See under Poser formats / Daz People.

    I don't have the GenX product, but,..
    I'm assuming that you need to load the original figure and all the morphs into the scene, before you could transfer it all to the Genesis figure. and that's what you're having problems doing.

    Hope it helps :)

  • cosmo71cosmo71 Posts: 3,609
    edited December 1969

    okay, I am able to make a "DIXIE" morph for genesis. Dixie is my selfmade v4 character with the use of morphs++ but the problem is, if I load genesis I have the "DIXIE" slider but nothing happens. I looked at the morph list in genX and all values of all morphs are zero. I really don`t know how I can load the values of my Dixie character into genX. I have tried it several times in several different ways but allways the values of all morphs are zero. Can someone help me?

  • SenaReSenaRe Posts: 39
    edited December 1969

    3DAGE you are officially my hero...I was starting to chase my tail. LOL Thank you and Richard and Byrdie for all the help! Hope Cosmo has as much luck :-)

  • 3DAGE3DAGE Posts: 3,311
    edited December 1969

    HI SenaRe :)

    No problem,.. Glad to help. :)

  • 3DAGE3DAGE Posts: 3,311
    edited December 1969

    Hi cosmo71 :)

    This is a trickier puzzle.
    Q: Do any of the sliders for the Morphs++ , do anything in Genesis once they're transferred into genesis.

    It could be that you may need to rebuild your character by simply noting down the Morphs used in the original,.. then, adjusting those sliders again in the genesis version.

  • cosmo71cosmo71 Posts: 3,609
    edited June 2012

    3DAGE said:
    Hi cosmo71 :)

    This is a trickier puzzle.
    Q: Do any of the sliders for the Morphs++ , do anything in Genesis once they're transferred into genesis.

    It could be that you may need to rebuild your character by simply noting down the Morphs used in the original,.. then, adjusting those sliders again in the genesis version.

    And exactly for that reason I have asked daz for a possibillity to print morphs lists. until today they don`t understand why such a possibillity should be helpfull.

    but I thought it is possible to create one single character morph that includes all morphs checked in the genX morph list. Is it not possible to transfer the morph values from a character file into genX ?

    Post edited by cosmo71 on
  • 3DAGE3DAGE Posts: 3,311
    edited December 1969

    Hi cosmo71 :)

    If you're using Generation 3 or 4 figures, with stuff like Morphs++ and Creature Creator etc,.. then the problem with a print out is that you would have pages of unused morph channels being printed out to find the three or four morphs you're using.
    ..unless you've been really selective about the morphs you've added, and removed any unused ones.

    It takes less time to load your figure,. scan through it, and either note down the used morphs and values, or do a quick screen-grab of them as a reference.
    or,.. if you have DS3 and DS4 installed, you can load both, ..then just flick windows and copy the settings.

    I'm not saying it's a bad idea to have a print option,. just that it's less likely to be implemented if there are other ways to do it currently.


  • cosmo71cosmo71 Posts: 3,609
    edited December 1969

    3DAGE said:
    Hi cosmo71 :)

    If you're using Generation 3 or 4 figures, with stuff like Morphs++ and Creature Creator etc,.. then the problem with a print out is that you would have pages of unused morph channels being printed out to find the three or four morphs you're using.
    ..unless you've been really selective about the morphs you've added, and removed any unused ones.

    It takes less time to load your figure,. scan through it, and either note down the used morphs and values, or do a quick screen-grab of them as a reference.
    or,.. if you have DS3 and DS4 installed, you can load both, ..then just flick windows and copy the settings.

    I'm not saying it's a bad idea to have a print option,. just that it's less likely to be implemented if there are other ways to do it currently.


    so after loading morphs++ into genX all values of all these morphs in the genX morph list are zero and as I understand right now it is not possible to load a character into genX so the used morphs get the values of the character so I can transfer the character from genX to genesis? I have to check every single morphs, fix the value by hand and then transfer it? or transfer the checked morphs and then fix the values by hand? there is no automatic?

  • JaderailJaderail Posts: 0
    edited June 2012

    Oh... I see now. You want a DIALED characater after transfering with Gen X. I'm not sure that is what it was designed for. You can do it so you get just one Dial in Genesis to turn on the full set of morphs you used. It would be a Dixie Morph like V4 and V5 are.

    Post edited by Jaderail on
  • niccipbniccipb Posts: 483
    edited December 1969

    Hi Cosmo... it's me again :lol:

    I just read back on this thread, so let's see if I got the jist of what you're wanting to do

    You have a character, Dixie, that you made in DS3 using Morphs++, and you want to use it on Genesis via GenX

    As 3DAGE said, do the Morph++ sliders on Genesis do anything? If so, then the morphs did transfer and you can just copy the values of the sliders from DS3 to DS4 and save a Character preset.

    But if all you really want is a single slider like Jaderail said in the Shaping Tab then that's fairly easy.

    Now I haven't used GenX since I transfered all of my custom characters to Genesis back when it first came out, but what I did was to save my characters as .cr2's in DS3 and then run them through GenX and that was that, they were then listed in the Shaping Tab just like all the other shapes and they were linked to the Base shape that they were built on ie:V4 and so on.

    I was able to do it this way without having to read all the instructions, but like I said I haven't used it in a while so I don't recall the exact steps.

    I do believe though that GenX is also capable of creating a single shape morph by just imputing a saved character preset also, but I don't remember if it needs to be in a certain format ie: .dsa, .pz2 or whatever.

    I'll see about firing up DS3, make a dial-spun character, and then GenX it over and note the steps I did for you.

    Hope this helps... :)

  • niccipbniccipb Posts: 483
    edited December 1969

    Hi Cosmo... :)

    Ok, I went into GenX and this is what I found :P

    If you have already converted all of the Morphs++ over to Genesis as seperate morphs then you can just make a Shaping Preset for Dixie.

    To do this select the Presets tab in GenX and either load your saved Dixie preset by clicking Add Pose or Drag-n-Drop from the Content Library. Note that the preset for Dixie has to be either a poser .pz2 or studio .dsf

    Select the base figure from the drop-down menu and then check any of the boxes that apply to your preset.

    Set the path for your preset (should be to your content folder ie:My Library) and then click Translate and the pose preset will then be removed from the list when the transfer is complete

    Now if you just want to create a singular shaping morph for Dixie you can do it a couple of ways. Either by saving Dixie out as a .cr2 character and then loading that into the Transfer Tab or you can load all the morphs and then merge them into a singular shaping morph.

    To do it by individual morphs first load the base figure into the Transfer Tab then load any morph injection poses like morph++ and other figure shapes ie:A4, S4 etc. then load your Dixie pose .pz2 or .dsf. Now Right-Click in the Transfer Tab pane and select All -> Transfer:On for Non-Zero Values.

    You should now see check marks in the Morphs column for all non-zero values. Now choose the Transfer Mode.

    For a single Shape slider choose Create Single Morph

    To transfer each morph seperately and create a preset for Dixie choose Selected Morphs (with Preset) this creates a preset to set the morph values

    To transfer each morph seperately and create a controller slider that adjusts all the morphs at once choose Selected Morphs (with Controller)

    Next select the base figure (it should automatically select) and then click Transfer and follow any prompts.

    Phewww... :ohh: I think that covers it

    Give it a try and let us know how it goes

    Hope this helps... :)

  • AngryDragonRiderAngryDragonRider Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    It sure helped me!! Thanks very much for explaining that - I was completely dumbfounded until I tried your walkthrough. So simple, thanks again.

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