Diomede's Notepad, Sketchpad, and Chilling Pad
Title says it all. I plan to use this thread to collect and organize helpful material (Notepad), practice doodles and renders (sketchpad), and generally discuss or express related thoughts and experiences (chilling pad). All are invited to join in. I appreciate constructive criticism, tips, pointers, and other people who want to hang out in my chilling pad. I have started this second thread because the first was a disorganized mess. The old Studio sketchpad was here.
I am reserving the first couple of posts for organizing stuff. One post is reserved for bookmarks within this thread. I will be posting screenshot tutorials from time to time. These are for my own reference, but I hope others find them useful. In addition, I hope people will make helpful suggestions if the methods described in my screenshot can be improved.
Another post is reserved for helpful links external to this thread. These will include any topics related to 3D or other topics brought up in my pad. I will try to keep them up to date. I will try to keep them organized by topic, software, or other useful categories. Let me know if some of the links become dead or if the information becomes outdated.
A third post is reserved for other helpful notes. This will include information that does not fit the other reserved posts.
Space to Organize the Sketchpad (Internal thread links)
Who am I and what am I doing here? https://www.daz3d.com/forums/discussion/comment/3503546/#Comment_3503546
My collection of interesting or helpful art and 3D links, https://www.daz3d.com/forums/discussion/comment/3500906/#Comment_3500906
My collection of other interesting and helpful links and notes, https://www.daz3d.com/forums/discussion/comment/3500911/#Comment_3500911
Sample Models and Renders https://www.daz3d.com/forums/discussion/comment/3503551/#Comment_3503551
PPP - Pulp fiction, pulp art, and pulp comics https://www.daz3d.com/forums/discussion/comment/3503556/#Comment_3503556
Daz Studio Workflow
Rigging a Poseable Prop, electric cord, https://www.daz3d.com/forums/discussion/comment/3510401/#Comment_3510401
Create Prop that Fits Posed Figure - Bridge from Studio to Hexagon and Back - https://www.daz3d.com/forums/discussion/comment/3510706/#Comment_3510706
Create a Morph for G8M - Studio to Hexagon and Back - https://www.daz3d.com/forums/discussion/comment/3530151/#Comment_3530151
Emissive, convert a prop to an Iray emissive, https://www.daz3d.com/forums/discussion/comment/3514711/#Comment_3514711
Create a DForce prop, butterfly net, https://www.daz3d.com/forums/discussion/comment/3591646/#Comment_3591646
Creating a Full Body Morph for 3-fingered toon man for G8M - https://www.daz3d.com/forums/discussion/comment/4047206/#Comment_4047206
Creating Clothing designed for a specific morph character (FBM) shape - https://www.daz3d.com/forums/discussion/comment/4048151/#Comment_4048151
Creating Custom Conformable Facial Hair for G8M - https://www.daz3d.com/forums/discussion/comment/4053951/#Comment_4053951
Space for Helpful Links External to this Thread
General Music Links
- Youtube library - https://www.youtube.com/user/AudioLibraryEN/playlists
General Art Links
- Bob Ross, the very first episode, https://youtu.be/oh5p5f5_-7A
- Reality Reimagined - Youtube Channel for Photoshop by a Pro Fantasy Art Photographer - https://www.youtube.com/c/RealityReimagined/videos
- Thread on Being a Daz PA -https://www.daz3d.com/forums/discussion/29040/make-a-living-as-a-creator-on-daz3d#latest
- Edward Tufte, presenting data in charts and posters, https://www.edwardtufte.com/tufte/posters
- Data Visualization Principles, https://moz.com/blog/data-visualization-principles-lessons-from-tufte
- artificial intelligence to create art software - deepdreamgenerator.com
- Scott McCloud, The Visual Magic of Comics TED talk, https://www.ted.com/talks/scott_mccloud_on_comics
- TED Talk, Why are these 32 symbols found in ancient caves all over Europe? https://www.ted.com/talks/genevieve_von_petzinger_why_are_these_32_symbols_found_in_ancient_caves_all_over_europe
- Pencil Drawing for Beginners, https://youtu.be/5aw74Q94L2M
- Introduction to Color Theory, https://www.artistsnetwork.com/art-techniques/beginner-artist/beginners-an-introduction-to-color-theory/
- Understanding Color, https://youtu.be/Qj1FK8n7WgY
- Understanding Composition, https://youtu.be/O8i7OKbWmRM
- Compoisition in video angle context - GREAT! - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gEWx6zbUDrc#t=
- Composition New Users Challenge Thread and Links, https://www.daz3d.com/forums/discussion/221176/january-2018-new-user-3d-art-challenge-composition/p1
- Composition Tutorial, https://youtu.be/O8i7OKbWmRM
- Lighting New Users Challenge and Links, https://www.daz3d.com/forums/discussion/228681/february-2018-daz-3d-new-user-challenge-lighting/p1
- What is Light? A Photographers Introduction by David Bode, https://photography.tutsplus.com/tutorials/what-is-light-for-photographers--cms-28137
- Nikon introduction to photographic lighting, https://www.nikonusa.com/en/learn-and-explore/a/tips-and-techniques/introduction-to-three-point-lighting-other-video-lighting-techniques.html
- Nikon photography lighting control of color, https://www.nikonusa.com/en/learn-and-explore/a/tips-and-techniques/photography-lighting-tutorial-part-2-control-of-color.html#
- TED Talk, Curating humanity's heritage, anthropology, storyteling, https://www.ted.com/talks/elizabeth_lindsey_curating_humanity_s_heritage
- Frank Frazetta Fantasy Painting by ComicBookGirl, https://youtu.be/MAppGWhig_E
- Pinup Tutorial, http://www.henningludvigsen.com/tutorial-old-style-pin-up-art-the-new-way/
- Cinematography of the Incredibles by FloobyNooby, http://floobynooby.blogspot.com/2013/12/the-cinematography-of-incredibles-part-1.html
- Cinematography of Incredibles, part 2, http://floobynooby.blogspot.com/2013/12/the-cinematography-of-incredibles-part-2.html
- TED Talk, How Comic Books Can Transform Student Learning, https://youtu.be/iYA8Yxlar3E
- Mr. Hugo Ball website by Andrew Finne, https://www.mrhugoball.com/
- Video Interview with Andrew Finne, https://www.mrhugoball.com/andrew-finnie-video-interview
- Vyusur, Veronika Surovtseva, artist website http://vyusur.com/
- Andrew Finnie Suggested Link for Daz Studio Artists, https://mustakettu85.wordpress.com/for-daz-studio-artists/
- Postwork - nondestructive Dodge and Burn - https://vimeo.com/155533670
- Disney Guide to Path Tracing Light Back to Camera - https://youtu.be/frLwRLS_ZR0
General Modeling and 3D Links
- polycount website on topology topics - http://wiki.polycount.com/wiki/Limb_Topology
- Carnegie Melon University free MoCap library - http://island.manukau.ac.nz/iafilm/shell.aspx?tint=2&mainDir=Content&areaDir=Public&subdir=1. Current and Recent Projects&file=3D_Diary06_MOCAP.htm
- Freebies! wiki for free models, https://poserdazfreebies.miraheze.org/wiki/Main_Page
- Modeling a chair, Vyusur, https://youtu.be/p35sEHj6ndg
- Modeling gothic arches, Vyusur, https://youtu.be/jRsoVJb3ids
- Topology Human Head, Blenderguru, https://youtu.be/im9XZf2C1s0?list=PL55ht2-nqHlgZfvJTa8PXe2brT-SiZEJK
- Topology Human Torso, Blenderguru, https://youtu.be/a_2hN0_zHvA
- Topology, Human Hand, Blenderguru, https://youtu.be/V8V94aBOb4g
- Topology, Human Foot, Blenderguru, https://youtu.be/VesIfaj-0y0
- Topology, Human Shoulder, Blenderguru, https://youtu.be/Akmy1ZowcLU
- Vyusur, Modeling 3D Female Character Part 1, torso, https://youtu.be/90IGIX3hIjw
- Vyusur, Female Character Part 2, Foot, https://youtu.be/7ABr1ielt_Q
- Vyusur, Female Character Part 3, Face, https://youtu.be/4BrpzK8SuOM
- Vyusur, Female Character Part 4, Head, https://youtu.be/22ioQre2AYo
-From DesertDude, another human male topology tutorial, https://youtu.be/oR0-yHrTI6A
- Apartment creation process for content - https://www.daz3d.com/forums/discussion/86541/strangefate-s-stuff-euro-style-apartment-wip/p1
- Pulp Covers Thread - https://www.daz3d.com/forums/discussion/259096/pulped-fiction#latest
Sickleyield has written about this very topic a lot and answered a lot of questions.
Specific Software Links
Daz Studio Links
- Daz3D Official Studio Youtube Channel - https://www.youtube.com/user/WWWDAZ3DCOM
- SickleYield Youtube Channel, https://www.youtube.com/user/SickleYield/videos
- Josh Darling Youtube Channel, https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCtqhpxQyGa7fm0LPoDz4s4A/videos
- Howie Farkes, Ultrascenery thread - https://www.daz3d.com/forums/discussion/380431/ultrascenery-commercial-released/p1
- Making ghost lights - https://youtu.be/vu4J9gv2KY0
- DForce thread by RGincy - https://www.daz3d.com/forums/discussion/208141/how-to-use-dforce-creating-a-blanket-draping-clothes-on-furniture-and-much-more-commercial/p1
- SY starting and Loading a Scene for Iray, https://youtu.be/L5FZ5gS9v50
- SY Lighting and Tone Mapping a Scene https://youtu.be/qa07FN44w7Y
- SY and RSSY clothing converter video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BxwcFoMR6AI
- Patience55 content creation thread http://www.daz3d.com/forums/viewreply/31140/
- Versluis Video on Iray Render Settings https://youtu.be/YFH_5PwDLBw
- SY Thread on various Iray shader settings: http://sickleyield.deviantart.com/journal/Iray-Surfaces-And-What-They-Mean-519346747
- K Sanderson posted this lnk to IRAY Materials. Here's a nother PDF explaining materials, how not to get noise, etc. http://www.irayrender.com/fileadmin/filemount/editor/PDF/Preparing_Content_iray_24.pdf
- SY Tutorial on Geografts https://youtu.be/Zm-QCFKowCw
- SY on Creating and Loading Figur Morph for Daz Studio https://youtu.be/Rnzhd33mbvA
- Creating a V4 Clone for Other Figures https://www.daz3d.com/forums/discussion/193296/freebie-how-to-create-a-v4-clone-and-transfer-other-figures-for-g8f
- DForce Tutorial by Mada https://youtu.be/OUYjiCXJ2Zk
- Thread on Lighting and Measurement Units in Iray https://www.daz3d.com/forums/discussion/227101/valley-of-the-shadow-of-death-or-size-does-matter-at-least-for-iray#latest
- "Male Content..." thread. Now that I am making the switch to Studio, want to get that thread going again. https://www.daz3d.com/forums/discussion/comment/2878721/#Comment_2878721
- Using DForce to Create Fit Morphs https://www.daz3d.com/forums/discussion/205426/yoda-says-use-dforce-to-fight-static-cling
- Rigging a Prop with Moving Parts https://www.daz3d.com/forums/discussion/156776/how-to-rig-a-prop-cabinet-doors/p1
- DForce used to make JCM morphs https://www.daz3d.com/forums/discussion/236471/is-it-possible-to-use-the-new-d-force-to-create-jcm-s#latest
- SickleYield Tutorials for Rigging Objects to Figures https://www.daz3d.com/forums/discussion/comment/2572156/#Comment_2572156
- SickleYield's tutorial for creating dialed projection morphs. https://sickleyield.deviantart.com/journal/Tutorial-Creating-Dialed-Projection-Morphs-482940785
- dForce used to create custom fit morphs, https://www.daz3d.com/forums/discussion/205426/yoda-says-use-dforce-to-fight-static-cling#latest
- DForce workflow for custom tshirt, https://www.daz3d.com/forums/discussion/210551/my-workflow-for-dforce
- DForce Thread by LAdair, https://www.daz3d.com/forums/discussion/211516/dforce-dweight-and-dwardrobe-chronicles-of-wip#latest
- Geograft Quickie Fix by Richard Haseltine, https://www.daz3d.com/forums/discussion/comment/3024171/#Comment_3024171
- And the LAMH thread, https://www.daz3d.com/forums/discussion/14818/look-at-my-hair-lamh-official-thread-update-1-6-0-1-released/p1
- Canvases tutorial by SnowSultan, https://snowsultan.deviantart.com/art/Iray-Canvas-Tutorial-565641976
- Canvases video tutoial by DeathbyCannon, https://youtu.be/xEe2r5m7Fto
- Tone mapping, https://www.daz3d.com/forums/discussion/245406/what-is-tone-mapping-and-white-point#latest
- Push Modifier, thread also has link to pdf tutorial, https://www.daz3d.com/forums/discussion/177736/how-to-use-a-push-modifier-creating-a-blanket-adjusting-clothing-fit-and-more/p1
- Using masks to separate morphs (left/right body/head, etc) http://- Using a mask to separate imported morphs (right/left, head/body, ec), https://youtu.be/inPel_gbd4s
- Using canvases to get a depth pass and using it to add atmosphere https://www.daz3d.com/forums/discussion/334586/tutorial-adding-atmosphere-with-a-depth-canvas#latest
- Create metadata for 3rd party content in Daz Studio https://www.3d-almanac.com/index.php/2016/02/16/tutorial-metadata-101-create-smart-content-metadata-for-3rd-party-content-in-daz-studio/
- Studio strand based hair tutorial video - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DjH1BnKzLmE
Carrara Links
- Plant modeler expanding number of branches on ramified trees - https://www.daz3d.com/forums/discussion/134576/plant-modeler-question-more-branches-for-hybrid-shape#latest
- Plant Modeler 2 - another how t expand number of branches on ramified trees - https://www.daz3d.com/forums/discussion/comment/3574716/#Comment_3574716
Hexagon Links
Hexagon free tutorials by Shaun Driscoll - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC-odaTZfx7-tAYMxOZzwpLA
Tree stump part 1 - https://youtu.be/MTXdEJOFp5c
Tree stump part 2 - https://youtu.be/QSkrjrN__Lg
Hexagon UV mapping a tire - https://youtu.be/R4Fs9sXQMj0
using hexagon UV and paint tools - https://youtu.be/bOuhsaMyGiU
Bryce Links
PD Howler Links
Substance Painter Links
Blender Links
- Blender for Artists Interface Overlay, https://www.bforartists.de/
Photoshop Links
- Reality Reimagined - Photoshop tutorials by professional Fantasy Art photographer - https://www.youtube.com/c/RealityReimagined/videos
- Youtube Photoshop Training Channel, https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCdQ_ZkYaMe6qPoueUyPQgpQ
- Youtube Channel of Guy Who has Great Photoshop Tips, https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCdf6WtVkThVyEFARiUbr5yQ/videos
- Creating an HDRI in Photoshop Elements 11 - https://www.brendansadventures.com/how-to-create-an-hdr-photo-in-photoshop-elements-11/
Marvelous Designer Links
Intro Interface and 1st Project
Simple dress how to delete points and convert to curved lines
Includes activation deactivation before update program
Intro from someone with sewing background
Includes great info on user interface, gizmo, tools
Simple Skirt - using waistband and rectangle - MD avatar
Starts with single waistband, rectangle skirt, includes info on internal line pleats
Simple Dress - Daz Figure Avatar
Trace a pattern on a plane, front and back panels, includes info on fixing poke through with avatar offset and particle distance
Add external belt
Basic Tank Top
Traces over pattern on a plane
Collared Shirt
Based on searched pattern, eyeballs, starts bulky, edits by curving lines symmetry, uses stress map
Fold arrangmenet tool to fold collar, opens shirt, then overlaps, and adds buttons, sleeve cuffs, front pockets
Advanced Sewing for Marvelous Designer
How to make sewing pattern blocks https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wLJNsrzqu2s
How to import a pattern for tracing https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gUhD8YM2arg
Marvelous Designer Tutorials - https://www.daz3d.com/forums/discussion/341271/opinions-on-marvelous-designer-video-tutorial#latest
Going from Daz Studio to Marvelous Designer and Back - https://youtu.be/YlwHe1rDsMg
not MD proper, but how to create a pattern for bodice from measurements - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ck2EhdeheLk
- ZBrush - how to load reference photos and create matching camera views - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SM6QLlDjKn8
- Computer configuration Boxx workstaitons - https://www.boxx.com/guru/apexx-x3?GuruSessionId=dc772ecc-1af5-4277-b373-60970283ce48&ModelNumber=X3.01&ConfigName=APEXX%20X3&referrer=/shop-by-system
- UVMapping in 3dCoat (1) - https://youtu.be/SC3bm_yAhPM
- UVMapping in 3dCoat (2)- https://youtu.be/tARX2SwnFWw
- Arboro Tree Program, https://sourceforge.net/projects/arbaro/
- Creating Normal Maps Online, http://cpetry.github.io/NormalMap-Online/
- Packaging Freebie Clothing, https://www.daz3d.com/forums/discussion/comment/2714571/#Comment_2714571
- MDO2010 Content Folder Guide, https://www.daz3d.com/forums/discussion/comment/2567081/#Comment_2567081
- Marvelous Designer Tutorial, https://cgelves.com/courses-workshops/mastering-marvelous-designer/
- Tutorial by Novica for Using Content Package Assist, https://www.daz3d.com/forums/discussion/210511/tutorial-how-to-use-content-package-assist#latest
- Normals map discussion Here is a discussion on normal maps in the commons forum, https://www.daz3d.com/forums/discussion/168941/normal-maps-with-all-models-please/p1
- And a thread with great guides and tutorials, https://www.daz3d.com/forums/discussion/2765/time-for-sharing-what-i-have-no-idea/p1
- Video on Using Photos to Create a Custon Skin Shader, https://youtu.be/wIvii8mr7Pg
- Video on Camera Movement in Film, https://youtu.be/VPfKsdPsS5w
Space for Other Helpful Notes
Eventually, some stuff will be here.
Its funny because I am coming up on 100 pages soon and will have to start another thread and I will be doing the same thing as well. Reserving several spots to add links etc. Its a great idea and will certainly make it much easier for people to find things. I hate wading through 50 pages in order to find one thing I might have remembered I saw in my own thread lol.
Amazing, because I got lost in my own thread after just 5 or 6 pages. LOL. I can't imagine 100 pages. Right now, I am gathering most of the links from my first thread and pasting them above. I will try to put them in a logical order soon. I've been trying to participate in the Studio new user threads, but I find myself having to go back and relearn previous lessons (hate getting old). Couldn't find some things that I had gathered so I knew it was time to start fresh. Embarrassing really.
OK, I've made a stab at organizing the links that were in my previous Art Studio sketchpad. I have links to tutorials for other programs in threads that are part of other forums. I'll be adding some of those links above as well. I am open to suggestions for other categories and other links.
Introduction - who am I and what am I doing here?
I am not a traditional artist, which will be obvious to visitors who are. My background is in education, financial data, number crunching, legal argumentation, and public policy. Because of this legal and economic training, I have lived in the Washington, DC area off and on since 1986 - usually looking for excuses to move away again.
When successful in my attempts to escape the powers that be, I have also lived in the Philadelphia area, several cities in Texas (love Austin and San Antonio), and West Palm Beach, Florida. Can't complain.
Data-related information is near the top of my links post because of my career. Although not an artist, the visual presentation of data and other financial relationships has been part of my workflow for more than 30 years. My interest in computer graphics began when I was in graduate school and the professor for whom I worked handed me the manuals for the university's TV station, and told me I had to find a way to make sure all his economics graphs would be clearly displayed to people taking the course through a cable access channel. That was what passed for video streaming in the mid 1980s. Since then, computer graphics and visual arts have been a hobby. The amount of time I could devote to this hobby has sometimes been zero because life gets too busy, which most people can sympathize with.
Poser was the first 3D art program that I ever used, as opposed to data-plotting graphics. I didn't have much time to use Poser back then, but I generally got the updates and lurked at the forums at Renderosity. Similarly, I purchased the millenium figures from Daz (Victoria and Michael 1) but didn't use them for much either - but it does earn me a very early start date on my Daz account. I acquired a few other programs intending to integrate them with Poser but didn't really use them much either. That includes early versions of Bryce, Carrara, UVMapper, Blacksmith, etc., but again, didn't really use them.
My interest was triggered by the Carrara challenges. By a happy coincidence, a very busy period in my personal life changed, and I suddenly had more free time just when Daz began sponsoring quasi-monthly challenges. Soon, I was kit-bashing Daz content, modeling my ideas, and even creating my own custom rigged figures - all within Carrara. I can happily report that I can start with an empty Carrara scene with just a light and a camera, then fill it with anything from my own imagination - all modeled, rigged, and animated by me. I have a separate thread in the Carrara forum, so expect this Art Studio forum thread to have more Daz Studio - related info and less Carrara, although it will have both.
Now, like Billy Idol, I want more, more, more! To that end, I have been devouring tutorials on other programs and on basic art principles and techniques. I've also been seeking out information on storytelling and writing. This little corner of the Art Studio forum serves as my base as I explore a more creative life. I expect the thread to have more of the journey than the destination; by which I mean that I will be posting screenshots of my workflow as I practice the lessons I am trying to learn. I hope you will join me for some of the ride.
Sample Models and Renders
(This space reserved for some examples of stuff I have been doing. Likely to change out from time to time).
Sample Models
I modeled this little red wagon. I have it set up so that the handle can be manipulatd and the front wheels swivel in Carrara, and am studying how to do the rigging in Studio. Actually, I now know how to do the rigging in Studio, I really just need to learn to gather the Studio files for sharing.
This is a cute bird-like creature. Again, it is rigged in Carrara, but I intend to also create a Studio version. The Carrara version can be found for free on sharecg.
Sample Daz Studio Render: I did this "woman on a raft" image for a Random Runtime Render (RRRR) event. I highly recommend these challenges. They are usually organized by Totte. You have to randomly select 4 items of content from your purchase library and combine the in a render. For this, I had to combine some trees, the pool set, wizard robes, and the balloons.
PPP - Pet Pulp Projects - Brash and Moxie
(This space reserved for examples of some of my joys - pulp fiction, pulp cover art, and pulp comics)
I am a huge fan of classic pulp adventure stories. One of my personal projects involves creating a series of science fiction adventures. My hero and heroine are Brash Lonergan and Moxie Espinoza, because he is brash and she has moxie. I have modeled custom figures for their adventures. Here are the models. They were modeled from scratch in Carrara baed on the recommended edge flow in the Blenderguru and Vyusur links in the main links post above.
Here are Brash's face polygons.
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Here are Moxie and Brash side by side.
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Here ar Moxie's face polygons.
Fun Sample Cartoon Comic Pulp Cover
So I decided to have some fun and pay tribute to those vintage pulp covers of bygone days. Everything in this was modeled and textured from scratch.
I love that cover. I am enjoying seeing your journey. You inspired me to document my own in these threads (so now everyone will know who to send the hate mail to). Anyway, thank you so much for sharing. Looking forward to more.
@Wanderer - thanks for stopping in and offering encouragement. I have three larger projects going right now that could arguably be related to the Daz forums. One is a Daz Studio project for the April new users challenge. I haven't decided exactly what I plan for the theme, except that I want to practice more with Daz Studio indoor lighting and cameras. I will be posting some detailed screenshots of my struggles here in this thread. I look forward to sharing some time with you over in the New Users Challenge thread, and in your thread.
The second is a project for the Carrara monthly challenge, but I will post most of the related material in the Carrara forums, and only some summaries here. The third is a modeling project that I hope to distribute as a freebie. I have been saving up for Substance Painter and should have it before the end of April. I hope to use SP to create the textures and shaders for the modeling project. I'll show some of the steps here, but it may be later in the month.
Of course, I'll continue to render the occasional doodle just for practice and fun.
Getting old sucks! Looking forward to seeing where this goes. I keep thinking that things will slow down enough to get back to figuring out Carrara. Hasn't happened yet but I keep hoping lol.
Hi Diomede,
So far this year I've been away from all things 3d and haven't posted on any forum either but I'm jumping in here to wish you well in your sustained and varied creative works.
I'm posting also because I noticed your interest in Substance Painter. From the very little I know about it SP seems to be a 'must have' for professionals and others who take their work seriously. So I have absolutely nothing negative to say about it. But I wonder if you have looked at 3d Coat and the amazing possibilities it has for texture painting? With 3d Coat you would have great painting tools and much more besides. I have had the educational version for several years and have scarcely used the program, to my shame. Yet, each time I work with it I resolve to get to grips with it because of the amazing things it can do. Basically you can sculpt with voxels or in surface mode, create hard surface models, retopologise, UV unwrap and texture with 3d painting. The feature list is much greater than my brief description suggests.
The only paint trial I gave the program was on a very low-poly garment I made in Hexagon. I'm attaching a render of that brought into Carrara afterwards. The Pilgway dot com main page has a features video to see some of what can be done. For me, having 3d Coat goes a long way towards not feeling any need for Zbrush (but I must add that Zbrush seems to be the undisputed king and I won't argue about that).
A couple of negative points for you, though. The educational version of 3d Coat is limited in the number of paint layers (7) and I think texture size. Nothing commercial may be done with the educational version.
My attached render was only a very quick play-around to see if I could paint an object and bring the effect into Carrara. (I got it into DAZ Studio also).
Hail and salutations, Marcus Severus.
I think 3DCoat is a great suggestion. I continue to consider the options. I have a thread inviting comment on Substanc Painter and 3DCoat in the Carrara forum. I have to admit that my primary reason for choosing SP is the very positive feedback I get from its users. The biggest negative tha I hear has to do with painting across UV seam maps. I have been saving my pennies and can get one. I will be trying them out and choosing enar the end of the month.
I really appreciate the suggestion and will look at 3DCoat more closely. Thanks again.
April New Users Challenge - Open Topic
Tribute to Metropolis
I am a huge fan of the silent movie, Metropolis. For April, I am going to do some sort of tribute render to the 1920s classic. To that end, I've modeled some electric cords. I imported them to Studio and did some basic rigging following SickleYield's pliars and doors tutorials. The cords are still a little rough, and could be improved with better weightmapping and ERC, but overall this is a good beginning.
Rigging a Poseable Prop
SickleYield shows the basics in videos at the following link. https://www.daz3d.com/forums/discussion/comment/2572156/#Comment_2572156
The big steps are:
- I modeled and uvmapped the electric wire in Carrara. It has a large cylinder base, and then a spiral straight wire.
- I created and named polygon groups for the base (two larger cylinders) and then segments of the wire in eight polygon lengths.
- I exported the obj from Carrara in the export preset for Daz Studio Full Scene.
- I started a new Studio scene. I used the setup pane to load the cord obj in the preset format for Carrara. The named polygon groups appear in the left side of the setup pane.
- Dragged the left side geometry on t the right side geometry and checked the rotation order (X Y Z) for the parts. Parented the outer polygon groups to the inner.
- Used the joint editor pane to attach te bones to the corresponding polygon groups
- Used the weightmap pane to convert triax to general weight, memorize the rigging.
- Saved as a support asset.
And here is a test render of a chair with some electric cords attached and a G8F in a cool supersuit. All the shaders are placeholders.
BTW - here is a screenshot from the movie.
Oh no, I'm so far gone that I missed your discussion!
As I said, I know next to nothing about SP. I first saw Substance textures in the release of Iclone6 (Version 7 is the latest) and substances had associated sliders in Iclone's interface for varying the effects. It was possible to take a flat texture and spin the dials to make it look like a cobbled road surface, for example.
But, whether they are the same as substance textures or not, 3d Coat's results in the demo videos seem excellent.
The purchase plan for SP looks good - you can subscribe for a year then buy it.
3d Coat seems to go on sale every Christmas and last year on Black Friday also. Updates have been free so far for me. If I could just concentrate on becoming proficient in it I wouldn't hesitate to buy the full version.
Best regards.
Thanks for the link from the Carrara forum to this thread - I rarely poke my head out from that forum. Great collection of links, thank you.
Your dedication to pushing forward with your own work is so awesome. Thanks for sharing.
Here is my recent attempt, yet again, at modeling the figure. This time back to box modeling. Here is a link to the series of tutorials I am trying:
Edited: for usual typos
Edited again, sorry, the initial YouTube link decided to choose a frame with the reference image in the background, and even though it is a "flayed" figure, one could see male genitalia...sorry.
@DesertDude - so glad you shared the video and your pics. Actually, you were the source for some of the topology guides in my links list. I think you turned me on to Blenderguru. His guides to the human face, etc. are excellent. I'll add this new video to my links list above.
I will definitely be checking the Carrara forum on a regular basis. At a minimum I will be setting aside time for the challenges.
Using the Daz Studio to Hexagon Bridge to Model a Chair that is Proportional to G2F
As mentioned above, I am paying tribute to Metropolis for the April new users challenge. I will need an uncomfortable metal chair, electrical cords, and a glowing torus. The chair seemed like a perfect opportunity to practice with the bridge between Studio and Hexagon. So, here are the basic steps.
- load a default G8F in Studio. In the parameters tab, set the resolution to Base, and subdivision to 0.
- I applied a preset sitting pose from my content library.
- Making sure G8F is selected in the scene tab, from the Studio top menu, I chose FILE : Send to Hexagon
- In Hexagon, the G8F appears in its posed position. I turned on wireframe view for the forum TOS. In rightside menu, see genesis 8 female and eyelashes as selectable forms.
- From Hexagon top menu, select the primitive cube. Click in the middle of the scne once to start the cube, drag the mouse to exapand, then click a second time to finish.
- Note on the right side that a new form is in the menu below genesis 8 female and eyelashes. Will be editing this new "form" and sending it bck to Studio.
- The selection mode menu is to the left of the primitive menu. Often, you will want to select the face of a box and extrude, or cut a line, or rotate, or... The vertex editing menu is top right.
- I turned on symmetry in the upper right, then selected a side face, and extruded it outwards. The edit was mirrored on the other side.
- As a test, I selected the box form and in Hexagon's file menu chose FILE : Send to Daz Studio.
- The edited box appears in Daz Studio in correct position.
- With test successful, I started over and modeled an uncomfortable science chair for a robot. The seat and armrests are scaled to G8F sitting pose.
Awesome(!), and, glad anything helps anyone
I am amazed at how quickly I can lose the 'model' for the 'vertices'
Turning a Prop to a Light (Emissives in Iray)
Thank you, @DayBird for explaining this to me in the April new users challenge Making lights work has been one of my biggest issues in Studio.
Here is an example for my Metropolis project. Circles of light descend on the chair to transform the robot. Before I realized that Studio comes with a torus primitive, I modeled a torus, uv mapped it, and saved it as an obj. I imported the torus to Studio. Then I followed the steps explained by Daybird.
- Select the object in both the scene tab and the surfacs tab.
- In the content tab, search for Uber Base. Lots of items will appear. Sift throug and select Iray Uber Base Shader. Double click to apply to the object (in this case torus)
- In the surfaces tab, find the channel for emissive. The default is 256 256 256 which is black, or no emission. Change this to another color such as white (1 1 1), and then more options will appear as channels.
- Change desired options such as lumenance and luminance units. Either increase lumenence to a very large number (eg., 100,000) or change the units from cd to kcd.
In the attached, I did 2 tests with a primitive plane, cone, and sphere. I converted my torus to an emissive as above. Emissive color is (0.9 0.9 0.9) and Luminance units are changed to kcd instead of cd. One test uses luminance unis of 400. The other increases luminance to 1500. The torus is intended to be the only light. The setting for camera headlamp is never. The environment is set to "scene only."
It's been interesting looking at your work and seeing it develop. Thank you also for the links.
Thanks for stopping in, @themidget. I appreciate it. Hope the links page can be a useful resource for people.
Here, I am continuing to experiment with converting a torus to an emissive light. My current issue is a desire to break the torus up into flecks of light. I have been successful in assigning an alpha map to control where on the surface the torus emits light, Yay! I have not been succesful in using the same alpha map to make parts of the torus invisible. I don't see where in the surfaces pane to control visibility. In other programs, there would be a channel for color/diffuse, specularity, etc. including alpha/visibility.
Where in the surfaces pane do I place an alpha map to make part of an object invisible?
The following shows how to affect where the surface of the prop emits light. I created a test scene with a primitive plane, cone, sphere, and cube with default shaders, except for the colors. I loaded the torus that has been converted to an emissive. The only light is the torus emissive.
Test 1 - torus emissive channel at light equals 0.9 0.9 0.9, no alpha map.
Test 2 - torus emissive channel same, but with checkered black and white alpha map loaded
Test 3 - torus emissive channel same, but with flecked gray scale alpha map loaded
The thing you'd do is, plug the map into: Diffuse, Cutout Opacity and Emissive.
Diffuse and emissise will give you a surface. Cutout opacity will make parts of the surface invisible. As you have b/w or greyscale images, this will work. Cutout opacity needs a greyscale image to work.
Diffuse is optional when you use an emissive, but is useful when you have something like a TV screen that has an emissive image..
Thank you, Bee! Makes sense. Don't know why I overlooked "cutout opacity." This is very helpful not just for this project but for so much more. You made my day.
Update for @BeeMKay's instruction to insert my fleck map in the cutout opacity channel. In addition, I inserted multiple toruses and reduced the lumens of each to 100 (kcd setting, not cd setting). This is darker but I am happy with the result. Some of the reflections are little strange but I'm sure that is a function of using the default shaders for the plane primitive instead of adjusting.
Hey, Diomede, this is exciting stuff. I haven't been around on the forums as much, but I'm going to have to read what you've posted here much more closely so I can see how you did it. Keep going man.