How can you map spherical images to backgrounds in DAZ Studio 4?
I have a bunch of spherical images that make excellent 360 degree backgrounds in other software packages.
Does anyone know how to use these in DS? All I am seeing is flat background support.
If they're in the 2w:1h aspect ratio, create a sphere, invert it (-100% scale), rotate it 180 on the Z-axis, reposition it, apply image to surface. If you want you can go further and make it IBL by using UberAreaLight to turn the surface of the sphere into a light.
Thanks! UberAreaLight - that's now a part of DS Pro 4, right?
Thanks! UberAreaLight - that's now a part of DS Pro 4, right?
Yup, select the sphere on the scene tab, the default surface on the surface tab and apply "!UberAreaLightBase.dsa". Then you'll need to tweak some settings. ;)
Like adding the diffuse map to the ambient channel too and to the light color channel...
Adam, could you explain why you need to invert the sphere? Is is something to do with image on the inside vs outside, or what?
Adam, could you explain why you need to invert the sphere? Is is something to do with image on the inside vs outside, or what?
If you do not inverse the sphere, the normals are pointing outside because it's assumed you're going to be using the outside of the primitive when you create it. Inversing the scale points the normals to the inside so you can use it as a dome. Since uberAreaLight depends on the direction of the normals to know which way to cast its light, there you have it... If you fail to inverse it, the light will be cast outside the sphere instead of inside.
Thanks so much for this info - it explains the mysterious thing that happened the one and only time I tried to use uberAreaLight - I got no light! I'll have to try again now.
Hello, DS4 newbiew here....
I was trying to put to use the knowledge in this thread, had some limited success, but now... now, I seem to have broken my sphere primitive. I can create a new empty screen, create a sphere primitive, it uses the defaults from an earlier attempt (which were wrong, I guess) of 500 meters, 120 segments, 240 sides. (Even if I edit this back to what I suppose is a more reasonable number of 1 meter, 12 segment, 24 sides, the next time I attempt I get the same defaults as above).
And when I click accept, I get a bounding box, but no sphere visible no matter what I try.
How can I reset this back to the original defaults and regain the ability to create a sphere?
If you do not inverse the sphere, the normals are pointing outside because it's assumed you're going to be using the outside of the primitive when you create it. Inversing the scale points the normals to the inside so you can use it as a dome. Since uberAreaLight depends on the direction of the normals to know which way to cast its light, there you have it... If you fail to inverse it, the light will be cast outside the sphere instead of inside.
chikako, I have a tutorial up on how to use DAZStudio's sphere primitive as a skydome (along with some free seamless skymaps, click here), but it never occurred to me to invert the sphere since I don't use UberLights. :red: Anyway, hope you find it helpful.