If Daz would finally bring out Carrara 9...



  • TangoAlphaTangoAlpha Posts: 4,584

    Yes I reported that bug, as I'm sure did others. (Think: maybe it was a test to see how many are actually using Carrara, or exporting to it . . . . )

  • MerKhrysMerKhrys Posts: 89

    Yes I reported that bug, as I'm sure did others. (Think: maybe it was a test to see how many are actually using Carrara, or exporting to it . . . . )

    I sincerely hope you're right.

  • MistaraMistara Posts: 38,675
    MerKhrys said:

    Yes I reported that bug, as I'm sure did others. (Think: maybe it was a test to see how many are actually using Carrara, or exporting to it . . . . )

    I sincerely hope you're right.


    or, pessimistically, removing car support was the update,

  • StezzaStezza Posts: 8,008

    I reported the bug as well, and got a response.... if you haven't already do so soon... let 'em know cool

  • WendyLuvsCatzWendyLuvsCatz Posts: 38,076
    Stezza said:

    I reported the bug as well, and got a response.... if you haven't already do so soon... let 'em know cool

    one would have to actually use Hexagon to want to do that cheeky

  • DiomedeDiomede Posts: 15,135

    I reported the bug.  Their reply to me was that it was a known issue.

  • evilproducerevilproducer Posts: 9,050

    Support for DS Instances, and geografts, and HD morphs, and dForce, and PBR shaders and . . . .

    Why would you need DAZ's instancing? Carrara's replicators are more efficient and flexible.

  • evilproducerevilproducer Posts: 9,050
    edited April 2018

    saving with local settings and no scene preview is a bit faster.

    Thanks, Mistara,

    I typically do save with no preview. Although I've never been quite sure what "Save with local settings" means. But since it's the default setting, I've always just left it alone.

    Saving with local settings will reference back to image maps used in shaders for instance. Also anywhere else you have used images or videos will be referenced. If you move them, Carrara will ask you to find them the next time you open the scene.

    Saving internally will up-convert the images used in the scene to (if I remember correctly) .tiff files. Even lowly .jpgs and .gifs will be upconverted. Depending on how complex the scene is, this can lead to huge file bloat, and long load times. Geometry, lights, cameras, etc. are all stored internally no matter the option you choose when you save.

    Saving externally will ask you to save the shader elements externally, and prompt you to name them, and to choose a location. Once you have saved them, the scene will ask you to find them if you move them. The drawback to this, is when Carrara asks you to save the files, it doesn't tell you what it is, which can be huge pain if you have a complex scene. It defaults to the same file name everytime, so you need to make sure you change it so you don't overwrite the previously saved file. It defaults to .tiff, so you need to change it each time if you don't want a tiff file.

    Post edited by evilproducer on
  • StezzaStezza Posts: 8,008

    If Daz would finally bring out Carrara 9 Dart might start posting again devil

  • TangoAlphaTangoAlpha Posts: 4,584

    Support for DS Instances, and geografts, and HD morphs, and dForce, and PBR shaders and . . . .

    Why would you need DAZ's instancing? Carrara's replicators are more efficient and flexible.


    So you can open sets that use it (of which there are many). The instances would generate duplicates in Carrara.

  • evilproducerevilproducer Posts: 9,050

    Support for DS Instances, and geografts, and HD morphs, and dForce, and PBR shaders and . . . .

    Why would you need DAZ's instancing? Carrara's replicators are more efficient and flexible.


    So you can open sets that use it (of which there are many). The instances would generate duplicates in Carrara.

     I guess I have never been interested in Studio scenes that are outdoors because to me they never look very good. I suppose they are used  for interior sets as well, but I've never been into buying big sets anyway.

  • MistaraMistara Posts: 38,675

    i like big sets.  have to do the aboo uwrap thing a lot, but once is done is done yes
    send the building to center, save 

  • rk66rk66 Posts: 438


    Crowd plug-in for Carrara:

    I have found that link - https://3d.frikafrax.com/2011/01-94-carrara-crowd-animator-by-philemo.html

  • rk66 said:


    Crowd plug-in for Carrara:

    I have found that link - https://3d.frikafrax.com/2011/01-94-carrara-crowd-animator-by-philemo.html


    The project has long been abandoned.


  • Retro LadRetro Lad Posts: 471

    Maybe Daz3D can add an "Old Fart" Forum section, since many of you will be senior citizens by the time Daz3D gets to, and finsihes, significant upgrades for both Carrara and Hexagon, and not just bug squashing and 99 cent store add-ons or whatever.

    Hey, some of these programs have existed for over 20 years now, so how many of you are already senior citizen Old Farts?

    As for upgrading Bryce, forget it ...  

  • Persona Non GrataPersona Non Grata Posts: 1,365
    edited March 2021


    Post edited by Persona Non Grata on
  • MistaraMistara Posts: 38,675

    i think they should skip to 9 and do v10

    Carrara X  sounds kewl/
    like the mysterious Racer X


    another Race smiley


    a Trace smileysmiley

  • StezzaStezza Posts: 8,008

  • NexySaloonNexySaloon Posts: 71

    To clmoonriver: and all:

    Save with local settings means you must have the same content in the library when you go to open X file later that was there when you saved it. The other option keeps all in the saved file itself, which makes it much larger, but then later your library content can be empty and the scene will still open fine. As to saving a preview, very handy to have a little thumbnail to remind you what it looked like.

    What would I like to see in Carrara 9? I rather like it as it is. It SHOULD be able to work with ALL Genesis versions, withOUT having to buy some script somewhere, since DAZ wants us to buy their new stuff, and that should be a free upgrade, but I'm really ok with C8.5 as it is. Iray? Just another render machine requiring a whole new bunch of shaders to buy or spend hours building. I've had LuxRender plugged into Carrara for years, like it better. And Lux wants its own variations on shaders too, lol.

    Before Iray, some DAZ Studio users used Octane, or was it Oxygen, I forgot. And Lux can be, or could be some time ago plugged into Studio. I am not complaining about Iray, just noting that other similar rendering machines have been around since 2005 or before, so I am not, was not all jazzed about yet another one. It seriously slows down production when we are pushed to every week seems like stop and learn new stuff that usually doesn't do anything the old stuff couldn't do.

    Like Genesis 8 has better weight mapping and smoother joints than the old standard v4? Yeah, maybe, but there are morph packets (mostly made for Poser) that fix that joint problem nicely, and I'm sure the weight thing could be done too without needing a whole new system. I think if we are half decent artists we could make our own joint smoothing morphs, and I get on fine with Carrara posing. Do like that Puppetter gizmo in Studio though.

    Would be nice if Carrara could save poses as easily as Studio and Poser, but Fenric made us a neato script for that already.

    What I do NOT want to see in a new Carrara version is, insert drum roll here, Dear DAZ do not muff up my super fast rendering!!!!! Some of us animate 1920 screens @ 30 frames per second, and have NO patience for like Studio needing how long??? per frame. And Carrara can do those HD frames in less than a minute each with beautiful lighting, multiple lights, with out a serious graphics gaming machine, nor an array of cuda cores. Curiouser and curiouser.

    And now a note to the many people who have trouble with Hexagon crashing. The only thing I find wrong with Hex is there is no spinning icon telling you to wait a few seconds it is matriculating, so people type in another command too soon, and it stalls because it is busy, so another frustrated keystroke, and it overwhelms and crashes. The cure - just KNOW that Hex needs a few seconds especially on more complicated vetice commands, and don't hammer the thing.

    My overall opinion is - and stop here if you're easily offended!!! We don't need newer smarter software all the time. We need to learn, practice, and become seriously proficient with what we've already got. The Dreamlight guy did a totally excellent and very real looking car scene animation many years ago with Studio 3. Perfect motion on the car, beautiful lighting. Fuzzy memory you know, I don't recall the year but most of us did not even have 64 bit machines back when. Not sure if Studio itself was 64 bit yet. Just one example.

    The trouble with sending a wishlist to software designers is we're likely to get a bunch of stuff we don't need, and find that our favourite things no longer work. Of course if we have 6 months of patience they will sell us new stuff that does what the old stuff did. So I vote there never is a Carrara 9. Ciao Babies - R

  • Steve KSteve K Posts: 3,227

     I rather like it as it is. It SHOULD be able to work with ALL Genesis versions, withOUT having to buy some script somewhere ...  I'm really ok with C8.5 as it is  ... there are morph packets (mostly made for Poser) that fix that joint problem nicely ... Fenric made us a neato script for [Pose Saves] already [and many other tasks] ...  Dear DAZ do not muff up my super fast rendering!!!!! Some of us animate 1920 screens @ 30 frames per second, and have NO patience for like Studio needing how long??? per frame. And Carrara can do those HD frames in less than a minute each with beautiful lighting, multiple lights ...  We don't need newer smarter software all the time. We need to learn, practice, and become seriously proficient with what we've already got ...  they will sell us new stuff that does what the old stuff did. So I vote there never is a Carrara 9. 

    Good points all.  I recently finished my 4 minute animation as an entry in the Houston 48 Hour film Contest.  All done in Carrara at 1280x720 framesize, I generally got about 10sec/frame on a Win10 Core i7 machine, very important in a two day contest.  I can't upload the video until after the theater screenings this coming Thursday, but here is the 48 second trailer:


  • Hermit CrabHermit Crab Posts: 841

    @ NexySaloon: I'm not sure if you are aware of these features in Carrara and want better or whether you haven't spotted them:

    There is a Puppeteer gizmo in Carrara and poses can be memorized in the Animation menu.  The screenshot shows both with Genesis in the scene (Carrara 8.5)


    1920 x 1080 - 235K
  • Hermit CrabHermit Crab Posts: 841
    edited June 2018

    On the subject of a new version of Carrara, I would take a keen interest in any upgrade.  Better soft-cloth implementation, some improvement, (I know not what) to the massive scene lists when a character with clothes and hair is present in a scene and perhaps an overhaul of metaballs to turn them into something like a starting-point for sculpting.  I'm thinking of Z spheres inZbrush and the similar function in 3dCoat.  I don't know enough of what else is out there to make a better list.

    At the risk of being thought mad I don't know if I really like complex software being upgraded too often.  I have experience of buying upgrades of Poser and Iclone.  Warning: boring anecdotes to follow.

    Poser first: I bought the 32 bit version 9 to see if it would be to my liking.  I left it for ages practically unused until just before version 10 appeared.  So I upgraded and was happy with the noticeable improvements.  I still didn't use it overly much but liked it and a good deal on Poser Pro 2014 tempted me to upgrade.  Now I had lots of new things to master.  Meanwhile Poser 11 was the new version in all the discussions and I fell for a cheapish upgrade again.  More new things, the earlier versions lying untouched on my computer.  I like Poser but having bought several versions I hate the feeling that I'm a bit like someone with a bunch of hardly-used older mobile phones gathering dust.

    Iclone next: I was happy to use Iclone 5 with all its limitations in terms of realism and its older-games graphics.  It was sheer fun to use and to churn out quick animations.

    To upgrade to version 6, I opted to order a ton of content which entitled me to a free upgrade.  But I needed to upgrade to a whole new computer also.  What I then found was that there was no end of hype over great and wonderful features to be rolled out in in year such and such, quarter 3 and so on.  In short, I was living in expectation and doing nothing with version 6 until this or that rolled out.  Great new features duly appeared but sometimes plans changed or else features appeared in a limited mode unless some package of extras was purchased.  Then, a year ago, Iclone 7 appeared - again with a road-map of promises of great things being rolled out in the future.  I have all but given up on Iclone as a result.  But wait!  Tonight I have only a few hours left to take advantage of an extremely good Anniversary deal on Iclone 7 and it's companion Program 3DXchange.  There is a promise also of an upcoming upgrade to the free Character Builder for Iclone.  It sounds good but there are already murmers of Iclone 8 here and there and the free character program will shortly have a further paid version for those who want all the tempting (which could mean necessary?) features.  Will my computer even run Iclone 7?  Probably, but not well.  So my chance to buy the latest will probably be passed over.  But then, I could animate Genesis 8 with cloth physics in real-time if I did upgrade...

    My conclusion from the Iclone situation is that continuous development is great for serious users eager for a better experience but it is truly a bewildering money-drain for someone like me.  The never-ending promises of better features that end up costing extra has served to make me lose interest.  Please, if you have been patient enough to read this far, I don't mean to deter anyone from Iclone or imply that they are a bad company - they are excellent and I do love their products.  Life is a bit too short to go after everything new, however - which is similar to NexySaloon's point.

    @Steve - congratulations on completing another 48 hour animation.  I look forward to seeing it.

    Edited to correct an apostrophe!

    Post edited by Hermit Crab on
  • Steve KSteve K Posts: 3,227

    On the subject of a new version of Carrara ... 

    @Steve - congratulations on completing another 48 hour animation.  I look forward to seeing it.

    Thanks.  I read your points with interest and pretty much agree, having had similar "upgrade encounters" with various programs.  One fear is that an "upgrade" will cause some existing feature to stop working, invariably a feature that I really need.  So then it goes on the "bugs to be fixed" list, and then the programmers storm off on more new features, and then ... so I keep the old versions, hoping they work in new OS versions.  The wing walkers' motto: Never let go of anything until you have a good grip on something else. 


  • NexySaloonNexySaloon Posts: 71

    Thank you SO MUCH Marcus Severus! No, I was NOT aware of that Puppeteer thing, but I will be trying it out tonight. I would also like to experiment more with the paint feature, but really I have the latest Blacksmith Pro and that seam painting thing it does is lovely, so learning Carrara paint is not in the near future. Happy rendering for you,

    and to Steve K, best wishes with your animations!

  • Steve KSteve K Posts: 3,227

    and to Steve K, best wishes with your animations!

    Thanks.  I really use the contest to goad myself into doing an animation, and to hear the feedback at the screenings.  Almost all the other teams are live action, so they usually seem to be impressed (not knowing how easy it is with Carrara) (OK, not all that easy - we all still need a story in a random genre, the hardest part).


  • MistaraMistara Posts: 38,675
    Steve K said:

    On the subject of a new version of Carrara ... 

    @Steve - congratulations on completing another 48 hour animation.  I look forward to seeing it.

    Thanks.  I read your points with interest and pretty much agree, having had similar "upgrade encounters" with various programs.  One fear is that an "upgrade" will cause some existing feature to stop working, invariably a feature that I really need.  So then it goes on the "bugs to be fixed" list, and then the programmers storm off on more new features, and then ... so I keep the old versions, hoping they work in new OS versions.  The wing walkers' motto: Never let go of anything until you have a good grip on something else. 



    like the hexagon update/break?

  • WendyLuvsCatzWendyLuvsCatz Posts: 38,076
    Mistara said:
    Steve K said:

    On the subject of a new version of Carrara ... 

    @Steve - congratulations on completing another 48 hour animation.  I look forward to seeing it.

    Thanks.  I read your points with interest and pretty much agree, having had similar "upgrade encounters" with various programs.  One fear is that an "upgrade" will cause some existing feature to stop working, invariably a feature that I really need.  So then it goes on the "bugs to be fixed" list, and then the programmers storm off on more new features, and then ... so I keep the old versions, hoping they work in new OS versions.  The wing walkers' motto: Never let go of anything until you have a good grip on something else. 



    like the hexagon update/break?

    that has been fixed, I testedit too, Carrara can load the .car exports from the latest beta.

  • SadotSadot Posts: 5

    Sell Cararra to other Dev group..Open source it......anything will be better than the way its now

  • UnifiedBrainUnifiedBrain Posts: 3,588

    Hi Sadot,

    Glad to see you post here!  I've been trying to contact you for months.  Can you send me a PM, if you are willing to have some conversation?

    For those that don't know, Sadot is one of the great Carrara PA's.

  • Steve KSteve K Posts: 3,227

    Hi Sadot,

    Glad to see you post here!  I've been trying to contact you for months.  Can you send me a PM, if you are willing to have some conversation?

    For those that don't know, Sadot is one of the great Carrara PA's.

    Yes, I've got a bunch of Sadot's products, like this one:


    That worked well in this 1 minute animation:



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