Mr Hugo Ball Website



  • HeadwaxHeadwax Posts: 9,969

    Stunning, beautiful and exquisite work! Congratulations on your show - I hope you sell them all!

    thanks DesertDude!!!! :) me too!


    Steve K said:
    head wax said:
    Steve K said:
    head wax said:

    Here's a bit of the inkbird which I dropped into  'Extracting the Stone of Madness"



    Ah, yes.  Bosch makes me want to "have what he's having".  Or maybe not. surprise

    In any case, very nice work.

    hey thanks! Yes, it's s trange beast. I had a little fun doing the Hell torture scenes but it was kind of a lot of work.

    this was one false start without post work etc



    2000 x 1127 - 2M
  • SileneUKSileneUK Posts: 1,971

    Hey, watching the Commonwealth Games opening... stunning graphics!    heart Silene

  • HeadwaxHeadwax Posts: 9,969
    SileneUK said:

    Hey, watching the Commonwealth Games opening... stunning graphics!    heart Silene

    ah I myst it again :) !! 


    did you see this probably old news


  • SileneUKSileneUK Posts: 1,971
    head wax said:
    SileneUK said:

    Hey, watching the Commonwealth Games opening... stunning graphics!    heart Silene

    ah I myst it again :) !! 


    did you see this probably old news

    Yes I did, thank you... Alastair Pike works a lot with calcite dating and trying to improve the accuracy.  There is a lecturer I go to hear often named Paul Bahn... he's written lots of books, but one of them really stands out as it covers cave and rock art world-wide.  He's going to be giving a talk on the Australian Dreamtime next week, but I can't go to this one unfortunately.  It's a bit pricey in Australia, maybe you can get it from the library if you want to see the great colour images in it if interested.

    Just as an aside, the French will not use calcite dating at Chauvet as they do not have the confidence in it. But some day they might have to if pressurised. I think in reality, they do not want any other European cave art to be older than Chauvet, so there's a bit of argy bargy with Spain and Zilhao over this.

    yes Silene


  • HeadwaxHeadwax Posts: 9,969

    Thanks SileneUK - isn't it amazing all the things that get discovered almost every day - and all these so interesting  - and fascinating! 

  • DesertDudeDesertDude Posts: 1,235

    Last night I stumbled upon a show on PBS (Public Broadcasting System here in the U.S.) called 'Fake or Fortune' featuring a questionable painting by Tom Roberts. I was delighted to discover his art.

  • DesertDudeDesertDude Posts: 1,235

    P.S. trying to quote from early in your video,  "...I promised myself quite early in life that , when I got old I would start painting seriously and one day I wake up and I was 40 and decided I better pull my finger out and start doing it seriously, so..."

    This totally resonates with me, but my revelation comes this 50. :)

  • HeadwaxHeadwax Posts: 9,969
    edited April 2018

    Last night I stumbled upon a show on PBS (Public Broadcasting System here in the U.S.) called 'Fake or Fortune' featuring a questionable painting by Tom Roberts. I was delighted to discover his art.

    yes Tom Roberts was a local hero - well still is apart from him being dead and all... Went to a great exhibition of his last year at our National Gallery - amazing landscape artist as well as portrait painter - he was the real thing. Interetingly seemed to mix a lot of ceruleans  into his distant mountains rather than mauves as eom of us are went to do . 


    P.S. trying to quote from early in your video,  "...I promised myself quite early in life that , when I got old I would start painting seriously and one day I wake up and I was 40 and decided I better pull my finger out and start doing it seriously, so..."

    This totally resonates with me, but my revelation comes this 50. :)

    It's never too late, mind you my best chance at success is from my digital work. And if I had started any earlier there just wasn't the computer power or software to do what I wanted. I would have just been a stinking rich painter ... hehe heh :) In my dreams....

    I know plenty of good artists.

    The ones who are very successful are those that are groomed by major galleries. They talk the talk, are (mostly) handsome or beautiful, are (mostly) still young, and (mostly) have amazing talent as well. The galleries see them as money in the bank.



    EDIT: hey I just looked at your website, your paintings are exceptional





    Post edited by Headwax on
  • DesertDudeDesertDude Posts: 1,235
    head wax said:

    It's never too late, mind you my best chance at success is from my digital work. And if I had started any earlier there just wasn't the computer power or software to do what I wanted. I would have just been a stinking rich painter ... hehe heh :) In my dreams....

    I know plenty of good artists.

    The ones who are very successful are those that are groomed by major galleries. They talk the talk, are (mostly) handsome or beautiful, are (mostly) still young, and (mostly) have amazing talent as well. The galleries see them as money in the bank.


    Lol and...sigh...



    head wax said:

    EDIT: hey I just looked at your website, your paintings are exceptional


    Thanks for looking and the nice comment. 

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