How to automate navigation to the "M" Products folder?

I'm trying to create some scripts to navigate around in my DAZ Studio's Content Library pane (like bookmarks into the Content folders). I'm mostly able to do this, except for being able to navigate to the "M" folder in the Products folder.

The closest example I found for navigating in the Products folder is this:


MainWindow.getPaneMgr().findPane( "DzContentLibraryPane" ).browseToProduct( "The Girl 7", "d4073ebf-4915-48dc-ad9d-802f34cad36a" );


But that's navigating to a specific product. I just want to navigate to the "M" folder of products.

I'm trying to adapt the code I used to navigate to a folder in a non-primary repository:


// example 1, for DAZ Studio format folders in 2nd repository

var oPane = MainWindow.getPaneMgr().findPane( "DzContentLibraryPane" );

var aIdPath = [ App.getAssetMgr().getStudioDirID(),



"P:/Content/Repos2/People/Genesis 8 Female",

"P:/Content/Repos2/People/Genesis 8 Female/Poses",

"P:/Content/Repos2/People/Genesis 8 Female/Poses/Godin"


oPane.browseToIDPath( aIdPath );

oPane.updateContainer( aIdPath );


// example 2, for Poser format folders in 2nd repository

var oPane = MainWindow.getPaneMgr().findPane( "DzContentLibraryPane" );

var aIdPath = [ App.getAssetMgr().getPoserDirID(),


"P:/Content/Repos2/Runtime/Libraries/Hand"   // NOT Hands


oPane.browseToIDPath( aIdPath );

oPane.updateContainer( aIdPath );


However, I don't think there is an equivalent getProductsDirID method on the AssetMgr.

How can I automate DS to navigate to the "M" folder in the "Products" area of the "Content Library" tab?

Thank you much for any assistance!

Post edited by bluelake_2cfb0bd048 on


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