Loading problems

Ok once again I am having problems loading download packs and such. I keep getting this message from my computer " The publisher could not be verified. Are you sure you wantr to run this software?" I hit run and nothing happens. I have reset my order option on Daz and re-downloaded it and it just keeps saying the same thing. This is getting really annoying. And I have gotten nothing back from Daz studio about the issue. I have dropped a lot of money in a short amount of time on this site. So I hope to hear some results soon. If anyone can help me figure out what is up with the software or if it is just my computer being dumb the help would be greatly appreciated.
Ivory Elephant Productions
See if this utility helps. There have been some problems with the files downloading with extra garbage tacked on the end, and Kendall's program removes that.
Try this fix: http://ovbi.org/gallery/v/krsears/utilities/FixDaz.zip.html
How do you use the FixDaz exe. ?
Extract the files anywhere you find convenient, and run the version for your system. In the input box browse to the non-working installer. In the output box type in the name for the fixed version (it must be different than the input name). Then press OK, and it will tell you if it was successful.
ok did that and it was opened now what do I open it in? Daz is not on my list of programs. Paint? I don't know.
Just double-click on the file to launch it. It's a stand-alone program, not part of DAZ Studio.
If the fixed installer doesn't have a .exe extension, just rename it to add the extension.
last thing. the baby elephant file is still not working I get the template and nothing else. the file seems to keep freezing up and it says "looking for content" and then it just stops and I can't open the tab again?
You need to cancel the search for content on the older installers. If you are using Windows XP, after one of them has crashed you may need to restart the computer before you will be able to use any more of them.