Bubble Suit for Genesis 8 › Commercial ‹

MarshianMarshian Posts: 1,465
edited March 2018 in Daz PA Commercial Products

Store Page: Bubble Suit for Genesis 8

Includes 33 shaders for use on the bubbles...or anywhere else.

This wearable suit of bubbles parents to the main body parts of Genesis 8 Male and Genesis 8 Female. Use in scenes and genres such as toon, pinup, sci-fi, gothic horror, anime, bubblepunk, and fantasy. There are 33 shaders including: glowing light, skin, metal, rubber latex balloons, rainbow glass, and different colors of soap bubbles.

Here is the ReadMe

I'm here to answer questions and would love to see any renders.

Post edited by Marshian on


  • LinwellyLinwelly Posts: 5,987

    This bubbled in my cart very fast, looks like so much fun! I'm going to experiment with that soon.

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