[Released] Aeridian Interstellar Throne Room (SciFi)

This is my first foray into the scifi theme. Since there are so many futuristic space themed sets, I'm trying to carve out my own style for the "Aeridian" themed sets. These will tend towards space opera, with bold colours, and occasionally brutalistic influences. Hopefully that will be enough to stand out from the crowd!

Starting simple but useful -- this is a large throne room, with a pedestal and distinctive winged throne. And of course, it's over a deep shaft, because what self respecting galactic conquerer would ever build a throne that is NOT over a massive pit? Tons of modular pieces as well -- cables, columns, scifi nodules, lighting pieces, and walls of all varieties. I'm certain that you could use it for all sorts of things besides a throne room -- it should even be large enough to serve as a vehicle bay.

Future sets I have planned include a mining colony and some mecha-like vehicles. I'm really excited to see where my creative impulses take me in this new theme. Not to worry if you like my fantasy or apocalyptic themes. I've got new sets coming for those, too.  :)

Aeridian Interstellar Throne Room in the store

Aeridian Interstellar Throne RoomAeridian Interstellar Throne Room

Aeridian Interstellar Throne Room

Aeridian Interstellar Throne Room Set DemoAeridian Interstellar Throne Room Set Demo


  • You've done a great job with this release, modular stuff can be hard to do!

    So keep them coming :)

  • wolf359wolf359 Posts: 3,837

    Nice !!

    love the color schemeyes

  • E-ArkhamE-Arkham Posts: 733

    Thanks for the encouragement!  :D

    With the new space HDRIs and your asteroid field, folks could very easily make some really cool scenes outside the windows.  I get now why scifi is so popular; combining sets just feels really fun and intuitive, and has potential to look really great.

  • IceDragonArtIceDragonArt Posts: 12,548

    This is mega cool!

  • E-ArkhamE-Arkham Posts: 733

    Thanks!  :)

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