dynamic hair and octane animation

Wanted to make a little animation, well about 47 seconds and 1400 - 1500 frames and 200 samples per image what was really ok for what i've planned.
Just a little face animation, with open and closed eyes and mouth, eyes looking a bit left and right with a bit of movement with the head (with puppeteer mode) but render time was about 350 hours, is there any good way to shorten the render time without a quality loss?

So my second question is, i use 2 kinds of dynamic hair on the head. One with carrara shaders and the other with octane shaders.
I do this because some carrara shader options are not available with using octane material as it makes the hair looks a bit flat.
But i also noticed that while doing the animation, the dynamic hair with carrara shaders was also animated while the dynamic hair with octane shaders was static, is there any way to get that hair also animated?


  • 3DAGE3DAGE Posts: 3,311

    HI Chris :)

    in simple terms , when you render in octane,. you're no longer using carrara,. Octane has a different set of shader functions. but it will try to convert any carrara shaders to work in octane.

    Sometimes that translation works well,EG: Texure map shaders,..  sometimes,.. not so good,.EG: Carrara shader functions. 

    it's good practice to adjust (or build) your shaders to work with the render engine you're using.


    i also noticed that while doing the animation, the dynamic hair with carrara shaders was also animated while the dynamic hair with octane shaders was static, is there any way to get that hair also animated?

    Carrara's hair shader functions can effect the shape and motion of the hair strands before they're sent to Octane to render,.  and that won't happen if you use octane shaders to colour the hair, since octane doesn't have the same shader functions. to get all the hair animated in the same way, you'd need to use the same function.,. (carrara shaders)

    some functions , like frizz, can be random and erratic when animated,. so it's often worth doing a really low level "draft animation" to see the results, before going to full render.

    to reduce render times,. reduce what's in the scene,. EG: add a backround image or HDRI rather than a load of objects,. or render the figure with alpha background and composite later.

    Hope it helps :)

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