I was foolish.

Okay so i purchased an item today. Didnt notice it was only for poser. There must be a way of getting it to work in Daz right?
Hope i havent wasted 10 bucks -_-
Any help would be great..
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Okay so i purchased an item today. Didnt notice it was only for poser. There must be a way of getting it to work in Daz right?
Hope i havent wasted 10 bucks -_-
Any help would be great..
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Exactly 'which item'? Generally speaking only 'dynamic' clothing for Poser is Poser only ... check in the 'content' folder [not smart content] under poser items.
edit: btw there's a 30 day return policy on any purchase at Daz3d.com. If something truly doesn't work for the program or really isn't wanted, one puts in a nice request for a refund via the Zendesk ... and normally [which things aren't right now] the refund is made to your acct within days.
It's Dynamic Hair. And it lets me import it like any other. But it is just basic and covers the head as if it were a hat.
no, dynamic hair for Poser, Poser only
No, sadly D/S doesn't support dynamic hair. Would suggest going for the refund.
Im not letting this go. I finally found the hairstyle i have been looking for for over 2 years now.
So if i buy crappy poser, anyway to export my scen from Daz to poser? I altered M4 myself with dials, tweaked him perfectly, St up all the lighting. I really do NOT want to have to do it all again in some foreign program. Was hard enough in Daz. In fact if i lost it i dont think i could do it again even in Daz.
Thanks for the replies.
From the artwork I've seen, Poser is 'not' a crappy program! It's a different program and no, it cannot read the 'scene files' from Daz Studio. However it can use all the models except the D/S4 specific ones like Genesis - and it cannot use the 'dynamic clothing' which is intended for use in D/S with its dynamic plugin. Think it's on sale now too. Just be careful to pick the correct edition; upgrades require previous editions on board.
This isn't much hair; but if you're after good for military looks ... might be of interest [and it's free].
For M4's character that you've created: use the Pose exporter [free] to save it. Test it, make sure it works as intended. If it works in D/S, it should work in Poser.
Well i have used poser and i just plain dont like it, each to their own but Daz is best suited to my workflow.
And this is what i am aiming for so theres my problem.
Image removed by a moderator till resized...please see this thread for info: http://www.daz3d.com/forums/discussion/510_98/
Brainjuicegraphics, For a start, please remember that the New Users Forum is moderated more strcitly than our general forums. As a community it will be important for us to cultivate an atmosphere of collaboration and encouragement that will allow for our newest additions to have fun and to learn in an environment that is conducive to both. This is stated in the "guide to the New Users forum, which is a stcky thread at the top of the forum.
As suich we discourage any discussions which will only serve to spark arguments about which app is better than another.
Having said that, the next thing I will say is that Any dynamic hair product that you buy at Daz3D will normally be designed for use in Carrara.as Daz Sudio doesn't support dynamic hair. THis is always explained in the product details. If you did buy a product which you are unabale to uise, then, as has been said already, Daz3D has a 30 day return policy. Simply use the "Contact Us" button to request a refund from Sales dept.
If the item you have purchased is Poser dynamic hair, then you will probably have purchased it for a site other than Daz3D, and will have to check if that site does have a refund policy.
Htere are a considerable number of hair models around for M4, so I am sure you could find one which will suit your preferences, If you state what sort of hair you are looking for and ask if anyone knows where you can find something like it, it would get mote response than approaching the problem in a confrontational manner.
HI Brainjuicegraphics :)
Daz Studio 4 Pro, has a couple of things which will make moving anything to Poser easier.
It has a built in CR2 format exporter (CR2 is a Poser "Character file" format) and there is a Free "Poser Format Exporter" script for Daz Studio, which will let you export Poses animations and the morphs settings for your figure as a PZ2 "Pose".
Hope it helps :)
This product by Smay is dynamic hair for poser http://www.daz3d.com/shop/real-men-hair-set-for-m4/ Is that the product that you bought?
Though it does say it is for Poser only as many times as it could.
there is another opotion... if you want to delve into something new... ;-)
Since Daz Studio allows you to open the prop.... I am guessing that is in .obj format.... (In a geomentry folder someplace probabally)
If that is the case you can always take it into Hexagon (Free - available here) and create your own morphs for it.
Now this is by no means an easy task....but it is FREE! :)