how to get disappearing toes back?

sometimes when delete or make invisible the shoes that a character is wearing, the toes have disappeared. the display dial for them is still on yes, but i just can't see them. is there any way to bring them back?
If you delete the shoes I think the toes will come back, it's likely that the shoes are set up as GeoGrafts and are hiding parts of the mesh as long as they are fitted. Deleet obviously fixes that, but so does selecting the shoes and fitting them to None (instead of the human figure). If you need the shoes and the visible toes (if you are removing the toecaps for example) then you can use the Geoemtry Editor tool to select a polygon on the character that won't show, right-click>Geometry Assignment>Create Auto Hide group for Fitted iyems, then pick the shoes in the dilaogue that opens; fit the shoes to None, then back to the wearer and when you switch to a regular tool only that selected polyugon will be hidden, the toes will be visible. Of course if the feet, or parts of the feet, were set to hide it may be you will have to deal with soem poke-through with them visible.
thank you. i just tried to remove the shoes (rather than making them invisible), but the toes are still gone
same for unpairing the shoes (and then either making them invisible or deleting them): toes are still invisible
Go to the scene tab, unfold the bone structure until you get to the toes. There should be a closed eye symbol next ti the bone. If you click on that, the eye "opens" and the toes should be visible again.
ha, you're right! i was looking in the parameters tab, and display was on, but i hadn't looked in the scene tab. thanks a so much
I have open eyes on the toes and they disappear when I fit a sneaker. They make visible again when I delete the sneakers or fit them to none. But I need they're visible while the sneakers are fitted.
Then the only way to completely remove Auto Hide is to remove the Graft coding block in DSF file.
although you can use the Geometry Editor to select a single polygon that doesn't matter and set that to the AutoHide group for the graft (with the shors fitted select polygon, right-click>Geometry Assignment>..Auto Hide Group for Fitted items (or soemthing like that) and then in the dialogue select the shoes).